
Purchase Of Instruments/ Equipments/ Chemicals/ Glasswares/Kits/Models Etc. For Microbiology Department (Part 3, Item 701 To 1050)-Gujarat

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Purchase Of Instruments/ Equipments/ Chemicals/ Glasswares/Kits/Models Etc. For Microbiology Department (Part 3, Item 701 To 1050). Submission Date for this Tender is 10-01-2020. Chemical Supply Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Purchase Of Instruments/ Equipments/ Chemicals/ Glasswares/Kits/Models Etc. For Microbiology Department (Part 3, Item 701 To 1050)
Open Tender

Tender Details

Purchase Of Instruments/ Equipments/ Chemicals/ Glasswares/Kits/Models Etc. For Microbiology Department (Part 3, Item 701 To 1050) 1. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Dnase Test Agar Base 2. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Emb Agar , Levine 3. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Gc Agar Base (Gonococci) +Supplement 4. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Gelatin Agar 5. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Glucose Broth 6. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Glucose Phosphate Broth (Mr-Vp) 7. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Group B Streptococci (Gbs) Medium Base 8. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Group B Streptococci (Gbs) Medium Base + Gbs Supplement + Horse Serum 9. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Hartleys Digest Broth 10. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Hemophilus Test Agar 11. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Hemophilus Test Agar Base 12. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium 13. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Kligler Iron Agar 14. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Kosers Citrate Medium 15. Media- Dehydrated Powder- L-Canavanine-Glycine-Bromothymol Blue (Cgb) Agar 16. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Lead Acetate Agar 17. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Leoffler Serum Medium Base 18. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Leoffler Serum Medium Base + Horse Serum 19. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base 20. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base + Gruft Mycobacterial Supplement 21. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Lysine Decarboxylase Broth 22. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mac Conkey Agar 23. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mac Conkey Agar 24. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mac Conkey Broth 25. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mac Conkey Broth 26. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mac Conkey Broth 27. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mac Conkey Sorbitol Agar 28. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Malonate Broth 29. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mannitol Salt Agar 30. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mannitol Salt Broth 31. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Modified Cary Blair Medium 32. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Motility Indole Lysine Medium (Mil Medium) 33. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Motility Indole Ornithine Medium (Mio Medium) 34. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mueller Hinton Agar 35. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mueller Hinton Agar ( Veg) 36. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mueller Hinton Broth 37. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Mueller Hinton Broth With Control Cations 38. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Nitrate Agar 39. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Nitrate Broth 40. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Nutrient Agar 41. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Nutrient Agar, 1.5% 42. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Nutrient Broth 43. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Nutrient Gelatin 44. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Of Basal Medium 45. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth 46. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Peptone Water 47. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Peptone Water (Veg) 48. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Phenyalanine Agar 49. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Phosphate Buffer, Ph 7.2 50. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Phosphate Buffer, Ph 8 51. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Potato Dextrose Agar 52. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Pyr Agar 53. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Pyr Broth 54. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Pyr Reagent 55. Media- Dehydrated Powder- Rpmi 1640 Agar With Mops And 2 % Glucose Without Sodium Bicarbonate (Twin Pack) 56. Media- Dehydrated Powder- Rpmi 1640 Agar With Mops And 2 % Glucose Without Sodium Bicarbonate (Twin Pack) 57. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Agar 58. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Agar 59. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Agar 60. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Agar 61. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Agar 62. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 63. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 64. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 65. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sabouraud Dextrose Broth 66. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Salmonella Shigella Agar 67. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Selenite Broth Twin Pack- Part A & Part B 68. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Semisolid Nutrient Agar 69. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sheep Blood Agar Base 70. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Simmons Citrate Agar 71. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Sodium Tauroglycocholate 72. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Adonitol 73. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Arabinose 74. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Cellobiose 75. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Dextrose 76. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Dulcitol 77. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Fructose 78. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Galactose 79. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Inositol 80. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Inulin 81. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Lactose 82. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Maltose 83. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Mannitol 84. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Mannose 85. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Mellibiose 86. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Raffinose 87. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Rhamnose 88. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Ribose 89. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Salicin 90. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Sorbitol 91. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Sucrose 92. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Trehalose 93. Media- Dehydrated Powder -Sugar With Ph Indicator-Xylose 94. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tcbs Agar 95. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tellurite Blood Agar 96. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tellurite Blood Agar Base 97. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth 98. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tetrazolium Reduction Medium 99. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Thayer Martin Medium 100. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Thayer Martin Medium Base 101. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Thioglycollate Agar 102. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Thioglycollate Medium Fluid 103. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Thioglycollate Medium With Heamin & Vitamin K 104. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tinsdale Agar 105. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Toluidine Blue Dna Agar 106. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Transport Amies Medium 107. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Transport Amies Medium 108. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Transport Cary Blair Medium 109. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Transport Stuart Medium 110. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Transport Viral Medium 111. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Transport Viral Medium 112. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Triple Sugar Iron Agar 113. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Triple Sugar Iron Agar 114. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tryptone Soya Agar 115. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Tryptone Soya Broth 116. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Urea Agar Base ( Christensen) 117. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Urea Broth Base ( Christensen) 118. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Wilson & Blair Agar Base 119. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Wilson & Blair Agar With Brilliant Green 120. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar 121. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Yeast Extract Agar 122. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Yeast Nitrogen Base 123. Media -Dehydrated Powder -Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar 124. Media- Dehydrated Powder-Cryptococcus Differential Agar 125. Media -Dermato Supplement 126. Media -Diamonds Medium 127. Media -Esculin ( 0.5 Gms Per Vial) 128. Media -Gc Supplement With Antibiotics 129. Media -Gentamycin Selective Supplement 130. Media -Hemophilus Growth Supplement 131. Media -Horse Serum 132. Media- Lashs Casein Hydrolysate Serum Medium 133. Media -Meropenem Supplement 134. Media -Nyc Supplement 135. Media -Ornithine Monohydrochloride 136. Media -Ox Bile Bacteriological 137. Media -Potassium Tellurite 3.5%(1 Ml Per Vial) 138. Media -Potassium Tellurite 1% (1Ml Per Vial) 139. Media -Toluidine Blue (0.1Gm Per Vial) 140. Media -Urea 40%( 5Ml Per Vial) 141. Media -Vancomycin Supplement 142. Media -Vcn Supplement 143. Media -Vcnt Supplement 144. Media -Vitamino Growth Supplement 145. Media -Yeast Autolysate Supplement 146. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Adult (Large) 147. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Adult (Large) 148. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Adult (Large) 149. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Adult (Large) 150. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Adult (Large) 151. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Peadiatric (Small) 152. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Peadiatric (Small) 153. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Peadiatric (Small) 154. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Peadiatric (Small) 155. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle - For Peadiatric (Small) -Tryptone Soya Broth With 0.05 % Sps 156. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle- Biphasic - For Adult (Large) 157. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle- Biphasic - For Adult (Large) 158. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle- Biphasic - For Adult (Large) 159. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle- Biphasic - For Peadiatric (Small) 160. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle- Biphasic - For Peadiatric (Small) 161. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle- Biphasic - For Peadiatric (Small) 162. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Enrichment Fluid 163. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Fan® Aerobic 164. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Fan® Anaerobic 165. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Mycobactera Antibiotic Supplement Kit 166. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Mycobacteria Blood 167. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Mycobacterium Process 168. Media-Ready Made-Blood Culture Bottle-Pediatric Fan® 169. Membrane Filter 170. Mercapto Acetic Acid 171. Mercapto Ethanol 172. Mercapto Propionic Acid 173. Mercuric Chloride 174. Methanol Ar 175. Methyl Red (Mr) Medium Pr 176. Mgso4 For Molecular Biology 177. Microplate Uv-Vis, 96/F 178. Microplate Vis, 96/F-Ps 179. Mucus Extractor - Large 180. Mucus Extractor - Small 181. Multipurpose Tag 182. Mycology Needle 183. N,N,N,N Tetramethyl - P Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride 184. Nctc Strain - Vibrio Furnissii 11218 185. Ninhydrin 186. Nitrate Test Kit 187. Nitric Acid 188. Nnn Peraphynelene Diamino Dihydrochloride 189. Olive Oil 190. Onpg 191. Optochin Hydrchloride 192. Packing Paper 193. Packing Thread 194. Paraffin Liquid 195. Parafilm 196. Parafilm 197. Pasteur Pipette 198. Pcr - 6X Dna Loading Buffer 199. Pcr - Amplitaq Gold Taq Dna Polymerase 200. Pcr - Capstrips - Micro Amp Optical Caps 0.1 Ml For Real Time Pcr 201. Pcr - Capstrips - Micro Amp Optical Caps 0.2 Ml For Real Time Pcr 202. Pcr - Cdc Trioplex Real-Time Rt-Pcr Primer And Probe Set 203. Pcr - Dna Away 204. Pcr - Dna Molecular Ladder 205. Pcr - Dna Molecular Ladder 206. Pcr - Dna Polymerases 207. Pcr - Elution Microtube Cl(24X96) 208. Pcr - Enzyme Mix Kit - Ag Path One Step Rtpcr Kit 209. Pcr - Enzyme Mix Kit - Qiagen One Step Rt-Pcr Kit 210. Pcr - Enzyme Mix Kit - Superscript® Iii One Step Rt- Pcr Kit With Platinum ®Taq Dna Polymerase 211. Pcr - Enzyme Mix Kit -Superscript® Iii Platinum One Step Qrt- Pcr Kit 212. Pcr - Enzyme Mix Kit, One Step Rt-Pcr 213. Pcr - Enzyme Mix Kit, One Step Rt-Pcr 214. Pcr - Eppendorf Microplate 96/F 215. Pcr - Eppendorf Microplate 96/U 216. Pcr - Eppendorf Microplate 96/V 217. Pcr - Eppendorf Tubes 218. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Dna Extraction Kit For Blood 219. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Dna Extraction Kit For Tissues, Swabs, Csf, Blood, Body Fluids, Urine 220. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit / Isolation Kit 221. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit / Isolation Kit 222. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit For Cell Free Body Fluid 223. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit For Clinical Samples 224. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Rna Extraction Kit For Blood 225. Pcr - Extraction Kit - Rna Extraction Kit For Plasma, Serum And Cell Free Body Fluids 226. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 227. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 228. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 229. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 230. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 231. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 232. Pcr - Filter Microtips ( Barrier) 233. Pcr - Heat Sealer For Rotor Disc 234. Pcr - Heat Sealing Film For Rotor Disc 235. Pcr - Loading Block 72 Wells 236. Pcr - Loading Block 96 Wells 237. Pcr - Loading Block For Rotor -Disc 100 238. Pcr - Locking Ring For 36 Well Rotor 239. Pcr - Locking Ring For 72 Well Rotor 240. Pcr - Locking Ring For Rotor -Disc 100 241. Pcr - Micro Amp Fast Optical 48 Wells Reaction Plate For Real Time Pcr 242. Pcr - Micro Amp Fast Optical 96 Wells Reaction Plate For Real Time Pcr 243. Pcr - Micro Amp Fast Optical Adhesive Flim For 48 Well Reaction Plate 244. Pcr - Micro Amp Fast Optical Adhesive Flim For 96 Well Reaction Plate 245. Pcr - Multiwell Plate - 96 Well For Real Time Pcr With Sealing Foils 246. Pcr - Nuclease Free Water 247. Pcr - Optical Adhesive Covers 248. Pcr - Optical Cap Strip 249. Pcr - Optical Cap Strip 250. Pcr - Optical Tubes For Pcr 251. Pcr - Optical Tubes For Pcr 252. Pcr - Optical Tubes Strip For Real Time Pcr 253. Pcr - Optical Tubes Strip For Real Time Pcr 254. Pcr - Positive Controls For Cdc Trioplex Real Time Rtpcr For Dengue, Chikungunya And Zika 255. Pcr - Primers & 5 Fam Labelled Probe For Dengue By Real Time Pcr 256. Pcr - Primers & 5 Fam Labelled Probe For Pandemic H1n1/2009 Virus By Real Time Pcr 257. Pcr - Primers For Dengue Virus Detection By Real Time Pcr 258. Pcr - Primers For Zika Virus Detection For Qrt Pcr 259. Pcr - Probes For Dengue Virus Detection By Real Time Pcr 260. Pcr - Probes For Zika Virus Detection For Q Rt Real Time Pcr 261. Pcr - Rack For Eppendorf Tubes 262. Pcr - Rack For Eppendorf Tubes 263. Pcr - Rack For Tarson Tube 264. Pcr - Rack For Tarson Tube 265. Pcr - Real Time Hcv One Step Rt Pcr Kit 266. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Based Kit For Dengue Genotyping 267. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit For Hepatitis C Virus 268. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit For Respiratory Pathogens 269. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit For Respiratory Pathogens 270. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit For Viral Meningitis 271. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit- Influenza A Virus Detection 272. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit- Influenza A/H1n1 Virus Detection 273. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit- Influenza A/H3n2 Virus Detection 274. Pcr - Real Time Pcr Kit- Influenza B Virus Detection 275. Pcr - Real-Time Pcr Kit - Rotavirus 276. Pcr - Real-Time Pcr Kit - Rotavirus/Norovirus/Astrovirus 277. Pcr - Rnase Inhibitor 278. Pcr - Rnase Zap 279. Pcr - Rnasin Plus Rnase Inhibitor 280. Pcr - Rotor - 36-Well Rotor 281. Pcr - Rotor - 72-Well Rotor 282. Pcr - Rotor Adapter Holder 283. Pcr - Rotor Adapters And Elution Tubes 284. Pcr - Rotor -Disc 100 285. Pcr - Rotor -Disc 100 Rotor 286. Pcr - Rotor Holder 287. Pcr - Rotor-Disc 100 Kit 288. Pcr - Rotor-Disc Pipetting Aid 289. Pcr - Sealing Foils 290. Pcr - Sybr® Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10000X Concentrate In Dmso) 291. Pcr - Tae Buffer, Ultrapure Tm 10X 292. Pcr - Tbe Buffer 293. Pcr - Tes Buffer, Free Acid 294. Pcr - Tube Rack 295. Pcr - Tube Rack With Cover 296. Pcr - Tube Strips - Micro Amp Optical Tubes 0.1 Ml For Real Time Pcr 297. Pcr - Tube Strips - Micro Amp Optical Tubes 0.2 Ml For Real Time Pcr 298. Pcr - Tube Strips And Cap Strips 0.1 Ml 299. Pcr - Tube Strips And Cap Strips 0.1 Ml 300. Pcr - Tubes, 0.2 Ml 301. Pcr - Tubes, 0.2 Ml 302. Pcr - Tubes, 0.2 Ml 303. Pcr - Tubes, 0.5 Ml 304. Pcr - Tubes, 0.5 Ml 305. Pcr - Universal Mastermix For Pcr 306. Petri Dish - Autoclavable Transparent Plastic 307. Petri Dish - Autoclavable Transparent Plastic 308. Petri Dish - Autoclavable Transparent Plastic 309. Petri Dish - Autoclavable Transparent Plastic 310. Petri Dish - Glass-Autoclavable 311. Petri Dish - Glass-Autoclavable 312. Petri Dish - Glass-Autoclavable 313. Petri Dish - Glass-Autoclavable 314. Petri Dish -Eto Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 315. Petri Dish -Eto Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 316. Petri Dish -Eto Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 317. Petri Dish -Eto Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 318. Petri Dish -Gamma Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 319. Petri Dish -Gamma Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 320. Petri Dish -Gamma Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 321. Petri Dish -Gamma Sterile, Disposable Transparent Plastic 322. Petrolleum Jelly - Vaselline 323. Ph Paper (0-6) 324. Ph Paper (6.5 -13) 325. Ph Tablet - 4 Ph 326. Ph Tablet - 7 Ph 327. Ph Tablet - 9.2 Ph 328. Phenol 329. Phenol Cystal Lr 330. Phenyalanine-L 331. Phenyl Boronic Acid 332. Picric Acid 333. Pipette 334. Pipette 335. Pipette 336. Pipette 337. Pipette Disposable 338. Pipette Disposable 339. Pipette Disposable 340. Pipette Disposable 341. Pipette Stand 342. Pipette Stand 343. Pipetting Aid 344. Plastic Rack For Vacutainer Tube 345. Plastic Rack For Vacutainer Tube 346. Plastic Slide Box 347. Plastic Slide Box 348. Polyvinyl Alcohol 349. Potassium Dichromate 350. Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, Anhydrous

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