
Open E-Tender For Processing Of Chemicals, Reagents, Glassware, Instruments, Surgicals, Contrast, Etc For The Institute, For A Period Of Two Years, Extendable Upto 6 Months, Or Till The Finalization Of The Next Tender, Whichever Is Later., NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, Meghalaya-Meghalaya

Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare has published Open E-Tender For Processing Of Chemicals, Reagents, Glassware, Instruments, Surgicals, Contrast, Etc For The Institute, For A Period Of Two Years, Extendable Upto 6 Months, Or Till The Finalization Of The Next Tender, Whichever Is Later.. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-12-2020. Chemical Supply Tenders in NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, Meghalaya Meghalaya. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Open E-Tender For Processing Of Chemicals, Reagents, Glassware, Instruments, Surgicals, Contrast, Etc For The Institute, For A Period Of Two Years, Extendable Upto 6 Months, Or Till The Finalization Of The Next Tender, Whichever Is Later.
National Competitive Bid
Neigrihms, Shillong, Meghalaya

Tender Details

Open E-Tender For Processing Of Chemicals, Reagents, Glassware, Instruments, Surgicals, Contrast, Etc For The Institute, For A Period Of Two Years, Extendable Upto 6 Months, Or Till The Finalization Of The Next Tender, Whichever Is Later. - 1 Abciximab ( Reopro ) Gp Ii B, Iiia, Black 2 Ab Neurofilament Protein 3 Ab Synaptophysin 4 Abrassive 5 Abru Precatorius 6 Abru Seed ( White & Red ) 7 Absolute Alcohol ( Ar ) 8 Absolute Alcohol 90% ( Lab. Testing Reagent ) 9 Absolute Ethanol With 5% Solution Of L-Napthol 10 Accelerator ( Electron Microscopy ) 11 Acetaldehyde 500Ml 12 Acetonitrile Hplc Grade 13 Acetic Acid 14 1% Acetic Acid For Dressing Use 15 Acetic Anhydride 16 Acetone 500Ml 17 Acetone ( Methanol Free ) 18 Acetyle Salicylic Acid 19 Acid Acetic Glacial Aldehyde Free Ar 20 Acid Acetic Glacial Ar 500Ml 21 Acid Ascorbic Lr 22 Acid Barbituric Ar 23 Acid Citric Anhydrous Lr 24 Acid Fuchsin 25 Acid Fuchsin 26 Acid Fuchsin.Ms ( Ci-42780 ) . 27 Acid Hydrochloric Ar 28 Acid Hydrochloric Lr 29 Acid L-Tartaric Ar 30 Acid Molybdic Lr 31 Acid Nitric Ar 32 Acid Nitric Lr 33 Acid Phosphatase Test Cards 34 Acid Salicylic Lr 35 Acid Sulphonilic Ar 36 Acid Sulphosalicylic Lr 37 Acid Sulphuric Commerial 38 Acid Sulphuric Concentrated Ar 39 Acid Sulphuric Concentrated Lr 40 Acid Tri-Chlor Acetic Lr 41 Acidic Solution 42 Aconite 43 Acrelamide Mol Grade 44 Acridine Orange 45 Activated Charcoal Ar 46 Activated Charcoal Ar Grade 47 Activated Carbon Filter Myreva Ss 30 Slide Stainer 48 Adipocere 49 Adonitol 50 Adonitol ( Dd- 025 ) 51 Adonitol 52 Adp For Platelet Aggregometry 53 Aesculin 54 Aesculin 55 Aesculin Agar 56 Agar Powder Extra Pure ( Rm - 301 ) 57 Alkaline Peptone Water 58 Arabinose Lr 59 Agarose Powder 60 Afim 61 Agar Powder Extra Pure ( Rm - 301 ) 62 Agar Tcbs 63 Agar-Agar ( Becteriological ) Lr 64 Agarose 65 Agarose Low Eeo For Electrophoresis Mol Bio Grade 66 Albert Stain A Kit 67 Albert Stain B Kit 68 Albumin 69 Alcian Blue 70 Alcian Blue 71 Alcohol Methyl ( Methanol ) Ar 72 Alizarin Red 73 Alizarin Red. ( Ph Indicator. ) .Ar. 74 Alkaline Phosphatase 75 Alpha Feto Protein ( Afp ) 76 Alpha Naphthol 77 Alpha Naphthol 78 Alpha Napthyl Butyrate 79 Alpha Napthylbutyrate.Ar. 80 Alpha-Naphthylamine Solution ( R-009 ) 81 Alpha Napthyl Phosphate 82 Alpha Naphthylamine 83 Alseviers Solution 84 Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate Ar 85 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Lr 86 Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate Ar 87 Aluminium Potassium Sulphate Lr 88 Aluminum Chloride 89 Aluminium Foil 0.3 Mm Thickness 90 Aluminum Hydroxide 91 Aluminum Sulfate 92 Amido Black 93 2 Amino-2 Methyl 1-3 Pranediol 94 2-Amino-2Methyl 1-3 Propanediol.Ar. 95 3-Amino-9-Ethylcarbazole 96 3-Amino Propyl Triethoxysilane 97 5Q Deletion Probes For Fish 98 1Xte Solution Probes For Fish 99 Aml1 Break Apart 100 Amikasin ( 0.016-256Ug / Ml 101 Amikacin 30 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 102 28% Ammonia 103 Ammonia Solution 104 Ammoniun Acetate 105 Ammonium Persulphate 106 Ammonium Sulphide ( Yellow ) Ar 107 Ammonium Acetate Ar 108 Ammonium Alum Ar 109 Ammonium Hydroxide Ar 110 Ammonium Hydroxide Lr 111 Ammonium Molybdate 112 Ammonium Nitrate Ar 113 Ammonium Oxalate Ar 114 Ammonium Oxalate Lr 115 Ammonium Sulphate 116 Ammonium Chloride Ar 117 Ammonium Vanadate 118 Amoebiasis Igm Elisa 119 Amoebiasis Igg Elisa 120 Amoebiasis Igm Elisa 121 Amox / Clav 20 / 10 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 122 Amoxicillin ( 0.016- 256 Ug / Ml. ) 123 Amoxycillin 30 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 124 Amoxycillin Powder ( Pure ) 125 Amphetamine Tablet 126 Amphotericin B ( 0.002 – 32 Ug / Ml ) 127 Amphotericin B 10 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 128 Amphotericin B Powder ( Pure ) 129 Ampicillin 10 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 130 Ampicillin / Salbactum 10 / 10 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 131 Anaerobic Agar 132 Anaerobic Fermentation Media Base 133 Andrades Indicator 134 Androgen Receptor 135 Anf - ( Latex Agglutination ) 136 Anhydrous Sodium Acetate 137 Anhydrous Sodium Sulphate 138 Anidulafungin ( 1Μg ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 139 Aniline Blue 140 Animine 4% ( Rm901 ) 141 Ansa 142 Anti 3D 143 Anti C ( Big ) 144 Anti C ( Small ) 145 Anti C3c 146 Anti C3d 147 Anti E ( Big ) 148 Anti E ( Small ) 149 Anti Er 150 Anti Fya 151 Anti Fyb 152 Anti Hbc ( 96 Tests ) 153 Anti Hdv Elisa 154 Anti Hepatitis D ( A & B ) Igm 155 Anti Human Globulin Igg+C3d 156 Anti Human Globulin Igg 157 Anti Human Globulin C3d 158 Anti I ( Big ) 159 Anti I ( Small ) 160 Anti Igg 161 Anti Igm 162 Anti Jka 163 Anti Jkb 164 Anti K 165 Anti M 166 Anti - Melanoma ( Hmb45 ) 167 Anti Mycloperoxidase 168 Anti N 169 Anti P1 ( Goat ) 170 Anti P1 ( Human ) 171 Anti P16 Ink4 ) 172 Anti P53 Protein 173 Anti S ( Big ) 174 Anti S ( Small ) 175 Anti U 176 Anti A1 Lectin 177 Anti A Serum Monoclonal 178 Anti Ab Serum Monoclonal 179 Anti B Serum Monoclonal 180 Anti C3 Fitc 181 Anti C1q Fitc 182 Anti Cardiolipin Ab Iga 183 Anti Cardiolipin Ab Igg 184 Anti Cardiolipin Ab Igm 185 Anti Cd 117 186 Anti Cd 15 187 Anti Ch / Rg 188 Anti Ck 189 Anti Ck Pancytokeratin 190 Anti Cr ( 1 ) 191 Anti Co ( A ) 192 Anti Co ( B ) 193 Anti Compliment C3 Polyclonal 194 Anti Compliment Cig Polyclonal 195 Anti Dantu 196 Anti Di ( A ) 197 Anti Di ( B ) 198 Anti Do ( A ) 199 Anti D Igg Monoclonol 200 Anti D Igm + Igg Monoclonal 201 Anti D Igm Monoclonal 202 Anti Ds Dna Antibody 203 Anti Estrogen Receptors 204 Anti Ge 205 Anti H Lectin 206 Anti Hav Igm Elisa 207 Anti Hav Igm Strip Elisa 208 Anti Hb Core Antibody ( Igg ) Elisa 209 Anti Hb Core Antibody Igg ( Strip Elisa ) 210 Anti Hb Core Antibody Igm For Elisa 211 Anti Hbe Strip Elisa 212 Anti Hbs Antibody ( Strip Elisa ) 213 Anti Hbs Antibody Elisa 214 Anti Hcv Elisa ( Antibody ) 215 Anti Hcv Elisa ( Ultra ) 216 Anti Hcv Strip Elisa ( Antibody ) 3Rd Generation 217 Anti Iga Fitc 218 Anti Iga Polyclonal 219 Anti Igg Fitc 220 Anti Igg Polyclonal 221 Anti Igm Fitc 222 Anti Igm Polyclonal 223 Anti In ( A ) 224 Anti In ( B ) 225 Anti Jmh 226 Anti Jsa 227 Anti Jsb 228 Anti K ( Big ) 229 Anti K ( Small ) 230 Anti Kappa For Ihc 231 Anti Kappa Fitc 232 Anti Kpa 233 Anti Kpb 234 Anti Lambda For Ihc 235 Anti Lambda Fitc 236 Anti Lea 237 Anti Leb 238 Anti Lua 239 Anti Lub 240 Anti Lw 241 Anti Mi ( A ) 242 Anti Microscomal Antibodies 243 Anti Mpo 244 Anti Nuclear Antibody Elisa 245 Anti Progesterone Receptors ( Anti Pr ) 246 Anti -S-100 Protein 247 Antisera For Beta – Hemolytic Streptococcus 248 Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody 249 Anti Thrombin111 Assay Chromogen Kit 250 Anti Tp Igg Elisa Antibody Detection 251 Anti Tp Igm Elisa Antibody Detection 252 Anti Tpo Antibody 253 Anti U 254 Anti Vimentin 255 Anti Yt ( B ) 256 Anti Xg ( A ) 257 Anti Aspergillus Sera -Aspergillus Sera ( 61681 ) 258 Anti Candida Sera -Candidose Sera ( 61691 ) 259 Antigen Detection Kit For Meningitis ( H Influenza B, N Meningitis A & C, S. Pneumonia, Gbs, E.Coli ) 260 Antilupus Antibody ( Lca ) 261 Antithrombin Iii Assay Chromogenic Kit 262 Apolipoprotein A-1 263 Apolipoprotein A-2 264 Aptt Liquicillin With Cacl2 265 Aptt Reagent Kit 266 Arabinose 267 Aromatic Spirit Ammonia 268 Arsenic Trioxide 269 Arsenomolybdate 270 Arsenous Acid ( As2o3 ) 271 Aslo ( Latex Agglutination ) 272 Aso Test 273 Asparagine ( Rm041 ) 274 Atcc Strains Of Mbl Producing Isolate 275 Acinetobacter Baumannii 276 Acinetobacter Luroffii 277 Pseudomonas Aeryinose 278 Atp Sodium Salt Ar 279 Augmentin Powder 280 Auramine O Powder 281 Auramine O Powder / Rhodamine 282 Auto Processor Developer Pkts. ( To Make 19 Lit. Solution ) 283 Auto Processor Fixer Pkts. ( To Make 19 Lit. Solution 284 Autovlavable Disposable Plastic Jar 1Litre 285 Autoclavable Screw Capped Plastic Test Tube 2Ml 286 Autoclavable Screw Capped Plastic Test Tube 5Ml 287 Autoclavable Screw Capped Plastic Test Tube 8Ml 288 Autoclavable Screw Capped Plastic Test Tube 10Ml 289 Autoclavable Screw Cap Tube Self Standing ( Dia 15 Mm, Length 104 Mm ) Round Bottom ( Poly Propylene ) Autoclavable Micro Centrifuge Tube 290 Autoclavable Biohazard Plastic Bag: Size 10 Ltr 291 Autoclavable Biohazard Plastic Bag: Size 20 Ltr 292 Autoclavable Biohazard Plastic Bag: Size 30 Ltr 293 Autoclavable Plastic Colour Coded Containers For Storing Plasma In Freezer 294 Autoclavable Plastic Vial Flat Bottom, Screw Capped 295 Autoclavable Plastic Vial Flat Bottom, Screw Capped 11.5 Mm. X 53 Mm. 296 Autoclavable Tips 1000-5000Ml Capacity 297 Azithromycin ( .016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 298 Azithromycin-15Mcg ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 299 Azlocillin Powder 300 Aztreonam 30 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 301 Azur B 302 Bac T / Alert Fan Aerobic ( Fa ) 303 Bac T / Alert Fan Anaerobic ( Fn ) 304 Bac T / Alert Mycobacteria Antibiotic Supplement ( Mas ) 305 Bac T / Alert Mycobacteria Process ( Mp ) 306 Bac T / Alert Pedi Bac T ( Pf ) 307 Bac T / Alert Restoring Fluid 308 Bacitracin 309 Bacitracin ( 8 Iu & 10 Iu ) 310 Bacitracin 0.04 Units 311 Bacitracin 10 Units 312 Bacteriological Loop Holder With Loop ( Ready To Use ) 313 Bacteriosides Bile Esculin Agar With With Kanamycin 314 Bacto Agar 315 Bamhi 316 Bamhi Probes For Fish 317 Barbuturic Acid 318 Barium Carbonate 319 Barium Chloride 320 Barium Chloride 321 Barium Hydroxide 322 Barium Hydroxide Ar 323 Barium Sulphate 324 Barium Sulphate Powder I.P. 325 Barium Sulphate 9.5 W / V ( Flavoured ) 326 Barium Sulphate Enima Kit Single Use Complete Pack 327 Barium Sulphate Hd 100% W / V ( High Density ) Single Use Pack With Effervescent Powder 1 Litre 328 Basal Media For Decarboxylase Test ( Without Amino Acid ) 329 Basic Carbol Faischin 330 Basic Fuchsin Powder 331 Basal Media For Decarboxylase Test ( Without Amino Acid ) 332 Bcl-2 ( Epos ) 333 Bcl-2. ( Monoclonal Mouse Antibody To Human.- Pre-Diluted 334 Bcl 6 335 Bcr-Abl Fusion Kit Probes For Fish 336 Bd Facs Count Control 337 Bd Facs Count Reagent 338 Bd Facs Flow Solution 339 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 2000Ml 340 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 1000Ml 341 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 500Ml 342 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 250Ml 343 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 100Ml 344 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 50Ml 345 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 25Ml 346 Beaker Glass ( Low Form ) Heat Resistant 10Ml 347 Beakers ( Autoclavable ) 1000Ml 348 Beakers ( Autoclavable ) 500Ml 349 Beakers ( Autoclavable ) 250Ml 350 Beakers ( Autoclavable ) 200Ml 351 Beakers ( Autoclavable ) 100Ml 352 Beakers ( Autoclavable ) 50Ml 353 Beakers Plastic 1000Ml 354 Beakers Plastic 500Ml 355 Beakers Plastic 250Ml 356 Beakers Plastic 100Ml 357 Bee Wax 358 Beef Extract 359 Bell Jars, Size-300X350mm 360 Bell Jars, Size-300X400mm 361 Bell Jars, Size-300X450mm 362 Bentonite 363 Benzakonium Chloride 364 Benzene Ar 365 Benzene Ar Grade, 366 Benzidine Powder Lr 367 Benzidine Reagent 368 Benzyl Penicillin ( 0.002-32 Ug / Ml. ) 369 Benzyl Penicillin Powder ( Pure ) 370 Beta 2 Microblobulin Elisa 371 Beta Hcg Elisa 372 Bhilawa 373 Bicart ( Single Use ) 374 Bile Esculin Agar 375 Bile Salt 376 Bile Salt ( Powder ) 377 Bile Salt Agar 378 Bilirubin ( Powder ) 379 Bilirubin ( Pure ) Ar 380 Biochemical Indntification Kit For Gram Negative Entro Bactenacae Nil Fermenter 381 Biotynlated Goat Anti-Mouse / Rabbit Immunoglobulins 382 Bis Acrelamide Mol Bio Grade 383 Bismarck Brown.Ms .Ci21010 384 Bismuth Carbonate 385 Bismuth Subnitrate 386 Block Cabinet 20000 Capacity 387 Block Cabinet 10000 Capacity 388 Block Cabinet 5000 Capacity 389 Blood Agar Base 390 Blood Lancet 391 Blood Culture Bottle For Automated System 392 Blood Gas Quality Control 30 X 1.7Ml ( Level 1 ) 393 Blood Gas Quality Control 30 X 1.7Ml ( Level 2 ) 394 Blood Gas Quality Control 30 X 1.7Ml ( Level 3 ) 395 Blood Strips For Glucose 396 Micro Cover Glass 50 X 22Mm 397 Blue Star Glass Slide Pic - I ( Pkt Of 50 Slide ) 398 Blue Star Cover Glass 75X25 Mm 399 Micro Cover Glass 14X14mm 400 Blue Star Cover Glass 18X18 Mm 401 Blue Star Cover Glass 40X22 Mm 402 Blue Star Cover Glass 22X22 403 Blue Star Glass Slide 6 Mm 404 Boeck And Drbohlav Locke Egg Serum ( Les ) Media 405 Borex Powder Ar 406 Boric Acid Powder 407 Bottle Glass, Wide Mouth For Semen Analysis 408 Bottle Media Aluminum Cap With Washer 15Ml 409 Bottle Reagent, Plain Narrow Mouth With Flat Bottom ( Boro - Silicate Glass ) 410 Bottle Reagent, Plain Narrow Mouth With Flat Bottom ( Boro - Silicate Glass ) 411 Bottle Reagent, Plain Narrow Mouth With Flat Bottom ( Boro - Silicate Glass ) 412 Bottle Top Dispenser ( Imp. ) 0-1, , 0-2, 0-5 ( Ml ) 413 Bottle With Screw Caps 30Ml 414 Bottle With Screw Caps 250Ml 415 Bottle With Screw Caps 500Ml 416 Bovine Serum Albumin 22% 417 Bovine Albumin Fraction - V Purified 418 Bovine Haemoglobin Powder Soluble 419 Bovine Serum Albumin ( Powder ) ( Rm3135-100 G ) 420 Bovine Thrombin 1000Nih Units / Mg Of Protein 421 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 422 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 423 Brcai1 424 Brentamine Fast Blue B Salt 425 Brilliant Cresyl Blue ( Imported ) 426 Brilliant Green 427 Brilliant Green Bile Broth 428 Brillient Crecyl Blue 429 Brillient Crecyl Blue 430 Brom Phenol Blue Yellow 431 Brom Phenol Violet 432 Bromine Ampoule 433 Bromocresol Green Powder 434 Bromocresol Green Liquid 435 Bromocresol Purple Powder 436 Bromocresol Purple Liquid 437 Bromo Phenol Blue Dye Powder 438 Bromo Phenol Blue 439 Bromo Phenol Blue Dye Liquid 440 Bromothymol Blue Powder 441 Bromothymol Blue Liquid 442 Bromo Cresol Purple Broth Base 443 Boeck And Drbohlav Locke Egg Serum ( Les ) Media 444 Bird Seed Agar 445 5 Bromo 2’ Deoxyuridine B-9285 446 Brucella Antigen For Tune Agglutination Test 447 Brucella Selective Medium 448 Buffer Tablets P H 2 Lr 449 Buffer Tablets P H 4 Lr 450 Buffer Tablets P H 7 Lr 451 Buffer Tablets P H 9Lr 452 Buffer Tablets Lh 9.6 453 Buffer Tablets Lh 10 454 Buffer, Preservatives < .04% 455 Bunsen Burner 456 Burettes And Pipettes 457 Burettes With Stand 25 Ml 458 Butanol 459 Butyl Alcohol 460 1, 3 - Butylenes Glycol ( Rm-6747 ) 461 2, 3 - Butylenes Glycol ( Rm-6748 ) 462 C –Check ( Xs ) L2 463 C –Check ( Xs ) L2 464 C Check L1 & L3 465 C -Reactive Protein 466 C Reactive Protein ( Quantitative ) Elisa 467 C1q- Fitc 468 C3c- Fitc 469 Ca 125 470 Ca 15-3 471 Ca 19-9 472 Ca 242 473 Ca 72-4 474 Caffeic Acid Ferric Citrate Test Sugar ( M-563 ) 475 Caffeine Citrate 476 Calamina Powder 477 Calcium 478 Calcium Alpha Naphthol Phosphate 479 Calcium Alpha Napthal Phosphate Ar 480 Calcium & Magnesium For Hanks Solution 481 Calcium Carbonate Ar 482 Calcium Carbonate – Ar Grade 483 0.025 Molar Calcium Chloride 484 Calcium Chloride ( Cacl2 ) 485 Calcium Chloride ( Fused ) Ar 486 Calcium Chloride ( Anhydrous ) 487 Calcium Nitrate Ar 488 Camphor 489 Creatine Crystals 490 Christensen Urea Agar Base 491 Cary Blair 492 Columbia Blood Agar Base-500Gm With Vaginalis Selective Supplement -5Ml / 25Vials 493 Columbia Blood Agar Base W / 1 % Agar 494 Chrome Agar 495 Chromagar Kpc 496 Chrom Id Esbl ( Code : 43481 ) 20Plates / Pack 497 Chromagar Esbl ( 5000Ml Pack ) 498 Chromagar Msupercarba ( 5000Ml Pack ) 499 Chromagar Mrsa ( 5000Ml Pack ) 500 Chromagar Vre ( 5000Ml Pack ) 501 Campylobacter Agar Base 502 Caffeic Acid Ferric Citrate Agar 503 Calcoflor White 504 Sodium Chloride - 70Mm / Lit 505 Potassium Chloride - 4Mm / Lit 506 Tri –Tone – X – 100 < .01% 507 Buffer, Preservatives < .04% 508 Sodium Chloride - 140Mm / Lit 509 Tri –Tone – X – 100 < .01% 510 Buffer, Preservatives < .04% 511 Pm Kit Cuvette For Erba Xl 300 & Xl 600 512 Calibrator ( Sysmex ) 513 Calibrator Ms9 3 / S 514 Camphor. 515 Camphorata Opii Tincture 400Ml 516 Campy Pak Plus Disposable Hydrogent + Co2 Generator Envelop With Integral Palladium Catalyst ( Imported ) 517 Campylobacter & S Kirrows Supplement ( Imported ) 518 Campylobacter Agar Base ( M994 ) 519 Campylobacter Supplement ( Skirrovi ) Fd 008 520 Campylobacter Supplement - I ( Blaser-Wang ) 5 Vials Packing 521 Campylobacter Supplement - Ii ( Butzler ) 5 Vials Packing 522 Campylobacter Supplement- Iii ( Skirrow ) 5 Vials Packing 523 Campylobacter Growth Supplement 5 Vials Packing 524 Canada Balsam 525 Candida Albicans For Atcc Strain 526 Candida Tropicalis For Atcc Strain 527 Candida Parapsilosis For Atcc Strain 528 Candida Krusci For Atcc Strain 529 Candida Albicans Iga Elisa 530 Candida Guilliermondii Atcc 6260 531 Candida Hi Chrome Agar 532 Candida Medium 533 Candida Psedotropicalis Tcc 4135 534 Candle Jar 535 Capriomycin Powder ( Pure ) 536 Carbamide 537 Carbenecillin 100 Ug 538 Carbogen Rpr 539 Carbohydrate Fermentation Disc 540 Maltose 541 Succinic Acid 542 Sucrose 543 Trehalose 544 Millibiose 545 Inositol 546 Xylose 547 Cellibiose 548 Raffinose 549 Dulcitol 550 Dextrose 551 Cadmium Sulphate 552 Carbol Fuchsin 553 Carbon Tetrachloride Ar 554 Carbon Tetrachloride 99.8% Hplc Grade 555 Cardiac Troponin Kit 556 Carmine 557 Castor Oil 558 Caspofungin ( 5Μg ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 559 Castor Oil Seeds 560 Caustic Soda 561 Cchfv Rt-Pcr Kit ( Mix, Enzyme / Master Mix ) 562 Cd3 Primary Antibody - Pre-Diluted 563 Cd3 ( Epos ) 564 Cd5 565 Cd10 Primary Antibody. - Pre-Diluted 566 Cd10 ( Epos ) 567 Cd10 Antigen. 568 Cd15 569 C-18 Column 570 Cd 20 Primary Antibody. - Pre-Diluted 571 Cd20 ( Epos ) 572 Cd30 573 Cd34 574 Cd45 ( Epos ) 575 Cd45 ( Lca ) . - Pre-Diluted 576 Cd56 577 Cd 61 578 Cd68 579 Cd99 580 Cd117 581 Cd-X ( Coagulation Analyzer ) Control 582 Cd-X ( Coagulation Analyzer ) Calibrator 583 Cd-X ( Coagulation Analyzer ) Cleaning Solution 584 Cefatoxime ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 585 Cefatoxim ( 0.002-32 Ug / Ml. ) 586 Cefazoline 30 Ug 587 Cefipime 30 Microgram 588 Cefepime ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 589 Cefepime ( 0.002-32 Ug / Ml. ) 590 Cefepime 30 Ug ( Imported ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 591 Cefeprime + Cetepine + Clavulanic Acid ( Pm / Pml ) ( 0.25- 592 Cefixime 5 Mcg ( Imp ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 593 Cefoperazone 75 Microgram 594 Cefoperazone+Sulbactum Disc 595 Cefotaxime 30 Microgram ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 596 Cefotaxime + Clavulanic Acid Disc 597 Cefotaxime / Clavulanate ( 0.25-16 Μg / Ml / 4 Μg / Ml ) ( 30 Strips / Pkd 598 Cefotaxime / Clavulanate ( 30 / 10 Μg ) 599 Cefoxitin 30 Ug 600 Cefoxitin Strips 601 Cefoxitin ( Ugm ) Sd-041 ) 602 Cefperazone 75 Mcg ( Imp ) 603 Cefpirome ( 0.016- 256 Ug / Ml. ) 604 Cefpirome 30 Ug ( Imported ) 605 Ceftazidime ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 606 Ceftazidime 30 Ug 607 Ceftazidime Clavulanic Acid 30 / 10 Mcg 608 Ceftazidime+ Clavulanate ( .004-128Ug / Ml. ) 609 Ceftazidinac + Ceftazidine + Clavulanic Acid ( Tz Itzl ) 0.5- 610 Ceftazidine / Calvualnic Acid ( 30 / 10Ugm ) Discs Sd-207 611 Ceftibuten ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 612 Ceftibuten 30 Ug ( Imported ) 613 Ceftizoxime 30 Mcg ( Imp ) 614 Ceftriaxone ( .016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 615 Ceftriaxone ( 0.002-32 Ug / Ml. ) 616 Ceftriaxone 30 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 617 Ceftriaxone Powder ( Pure ) 618 Cefuroxime 30 Ug 619 Cell Clean 620 Cell Pack 621 Cellobiose 622 Cellobiose Ar 500Gm 623 D ( + ) Cellobiose 624 Centipede 625 Centrifuge Tube Plastic 1.5Ml 626 Centrifuge Tube Plastic 2Ml 627 Centrifuge Tube Plastic 10Ml 628 Centrifuge Tube Plastic 15Ml 629 Centrifuge Tube Plastic 50Ml 630 Centrifuge Tube Graduated ( Autoclavable ) 631 Centrifuge Tube ( Conical Bottom ) 15Ml 632 Cephadroxil 30 Ug 633 Cephalexin Powder ( Pure ) 634 Cephalexin 30Μg ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 635 Cephalothin 30 Ug 636 Cephatoxime Powder ( Pure ) 637 Cephatoxine + Ceftox + Clavulanic Acid 0.25-16 / 0.016 – 638 Ceric Ammonium Sulphate 639 1Ug / Ml - ( Ct / Ctl ) 640 Cetriaxone 30 Microgram 641 Cetrimide Lr 642 Cetrimide Agar 643 Changeable Nichrome Loop In Stainless Steel Rod With Heat Resistant Handle With Nichrome Wire Loop Of Dia 644 4Mm ( Cap 0.01Ml ) 645 Chart Paper For Temparature Recording Of Blood Bank Refrigetators 646 Chart Paper For Temparature Recording Of Deep Frizers ( -40, -80 ) 647 Chart Paper For Temparature Recording Of Platelet Agitator And Incubator 648 Chlamydia Antibody Igg Ab Elisa 649 Chlamydia Antibody Igm Ab Elisa 650 Chloral Hydrate Ar 651 Chloramphenicol Powder 652 Chloramphenicol 30 Microgram ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 653 Chloride 654 Chloride Electrode 655 Chloride Sensor, 4 / Box:Crt 656 Chloroauric Acid 657 Chloroform Ip 658 Chlorpnenol Red Indicator 659 Chloromycltin Powder ( Pure ) 660 Cholesterol Powder 661 Choloroquine Di-Phosphate ( Sigma Chemicals ) 662 Christensen Urea Agar Base With Supplement Urea 40% 663 Chromic Acid 500Ml 664 Chromic Acid, 500Gm 665 Chrom Agar For Candida 666 Chromium Tetroxide 667 Chromogenic Medium For Culture Of Micro-Organisms 668 Chromogranin A 669 Chromotrope 2R 670 Chromotropic Acid 671 Cinnamaldehyde Reagent 672 Ciprofloxacin ( 0.002-32 Ug / Ml. 673 Ciprofloxacin ( .001-8Ug / Ml. ) 674 Ciprofloxacin 1 Mcg ( Imp ) 675 Ciprofloxacin 5 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 676 Ciprofloxacin Powder ( Pure ) 677 Cirrhosis Of Liver 678 Cish Kit 1 For Hpv High Risk And Ebv 679 Citric Acid 680 Citric Acid Monohydrate ( C6h8o7.H2o ) 681 Ck ( Epos ) 682 Ck – Mb 683 Clarithromycin ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 684 Clarithromycin ( Pure ) 685 Clarithromycin 15 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 686 Clavunate 687 Clavula Nate Powder 688 Clavulanic Acid Powder ( Imported ) 689 Clean Cart A 690 Clean Cart C 691 Cleaning Solution Kit: Cleaning Solution Kit ( For Na / K, Na / K / Cl, Na / K / Li Analyzers ) - Code No: 2118 692 Cleaning Solution For Cd-X Coagulation Analyzer ( Diamed ) 693 Clindamycin 2 Microgram ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 694 Clot Activator 4Ml Glass 695 Clot Activator 4Ml Plastic 696 Clot Filter 697 Clot Filter For Mr 9 698 Clotrimazole ( 0.016 – 256 Ug / Ml ) 699 Clotrimazole 10 Ug ( Imp ) 700 Cotrimoxazole 25 Ug ( 1.25 / 23.75 ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 701 Cmv Antigen And Monoclonal Antibody Conjugated Crp-Cmv Igg Elisa 702 Cmv Igm Elisa 703 Cmv Igm Strip Elisa 96 Test 704 Coagglutination Reagent 705 Coagulation Kit Along With Calibrator, Control, Standard And Other Auxiliary Reagents 706 Cobaltous Sulphate Ar 707 Colcemid ( Demicolcine ) Lyophilized Dry Powder 708 Colecemid Karyo Max Tm 709 Colchicin ( Imp. ) 710 Colchicine 500Mg 711 Colistin 10 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 712 Colistin 50 Ug 713 Colistin Powder ( Pure ) 714 Collection Vials ( Autoclavable ) 8Ml 715 Collection Vials ( Autoclavable ) 5Ml 716 Collection Vials ( Autoclavable ) 2Ml 717 Columbia Blood Agar Base 718 Columbia Blood Sugar Base 719 Complement C-3 ( Radial Immuno Diffusion Quantitative With Control ) 720 Complement C-3 With Calibrators 721 Complement C-4 ( Radial Immuno Diffusion Quantitative With Control ) 722 Complement C-4 With Calibrators 723 Compositum Cardamon Tincture 724 Concavity Slides 725 Conc. Hydrochloric Acid ( Hcl ) 726 Conc. Nitric Acid ( Hno3 ) 727 Neutral Sulphuric Acid Lr 728 Congo Red 729 Conical Flask 10Ml 730 Conical Flask 25Ml 731 Conical Flask 50Ml 732 Conical Flask 100Ml 733 Conical Flask 250Ml 734 Conical Flask 500Ml 735 Conical Flask 1000Ml 736 Conical Flask Plastic Autoclavable 500Ml 737 Conical Flask Plastic Autoclavable 250Ml 738 Consumables For The Millipore Elix 70 739 Progard Ts 2 740 1 Micron Filter 741 3 Micron Filter 742 Mx Cartridge 5 Μm 743 20 Carbon Cartridge 744 Sanitization Tablets 745 Consolidated Of Lungs 746 Consumables For The Xl-600 / 300 747 Pm Kit 748 Xl Wash Solution 749 200-1000 Μl Microtips 750 100-200 Μl Microtips 751 5-50 Μl Microtips 752 1-5 Ml Microtips 753 200-1000 Μl Micropipette 754 100-200 Μl Micropipette 755 5-50 Μl Micropipette 756 2-20 Μl Micropipette 757 Microcentrifuge Tube 0.5Ml 758 Container For Autoclaving Eppendorf Tubes 759 Control 760 Control Ms9 3 / S 761 Control Slides For Immunocytochemistry 762 Convex Slides 763 Cooked Meat Medium 764 Coplin Jars 765 Coplin Jars Vertical & Horizontal With Slide Carrier ( 10 & 20 Slides Capacity 766 Coplin Jar ( Vertical Plastic ) 767 Coplin Jar ( Rectangular ) 768 Copper Sulphate 769 Corn Starch 770 Cornmeal Agar 771 Coronary Atherosclerosis 772 Cortisol 773 Corynebacterium Diptheriae Atcc 13812 774 Cotton Blue 775 Cotton Blue ( Rm901 ) 776 Cotton Gauge Piece 777 Counting Chamber ( Sliver Line ) 778 Couplin Jar Horizontal Type Glass 4 X 2 779 Couplin Jar Rectangular Type Glass, 3 X 2 780 Couplin Jar Vertical Type Glass 5 X 4 X 2 781 Cover Slip Round 782 Cover Slips For Hoemocytometer 20 X 25 Mm.Thickness 0.4 Mm 783 Cover Slips For Hoemocytometer 20 X 25 Mm.Thickness 200 Mm. 784 Cover Slips For Hoemocytometer 20 X 25 Mm.Thickness 150Mm 785 Cover Slips For Hoemocytometer 20 X 25 Mm.Thickness 300Mm 786 Cover Slips For Hoemocytometer 20 X 25 Mm.Thickness 250Mm 787 C-Myc Deletion Probes For Fish 788 C-Peptide Elisa 789 C-Reactive Protein ( Quantitative Test ) 790 Creatinine 791 Cresol Red 792 Cresyl Fast Violet Liquid 793 Cresyl Fast Violet Pwd. 794 Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus Igm Capture Elisa 795 Cryo Cube Box ( 100 ) 796 Crucibles With Tongue 797 Cryo Glue 798 Cryogel For Slee Cryostat 799 Cryptococcus Antigen ( Latex Agglutination Detection ) 800 Crystal Violet Liquid 801 Crystal Violet Powder 25Gm 802 Culture Bottle - 136N Bottles Mac Cartney Flat With Aluminium Screw Cap & Rubber Liner Capacity 210Ml 803 Cupper Sulphate Powder 804 Cupric Citrate 805 Cuvette 806 Cuvettes For Coagulometer 807 Cuvettes For Cd-X Coagulation Analyzer ( Diamed ) 808 Cva En- Richment 809 Cx 100Ng / Mlthc Urine Cal 810 Cx Micro Albumin Cal 811 Cx / Lxhba1c Control 812 Cx5 Micro Albumin 813 Cyclo Hexamide Powder ( Pure ) 814 Cycloserine Powder ( Pure ) 815 Cyclin D1 816 Cyclin D1 Probes For Fish 817 Cylinder Graduated Glass With Base 100Ml 818 Cylinder Graduated Glass With Base 250Ml 819 Cylinder Graduated Glass With Base 500Ml 820 Cylinder Graduated Glass With Base 1000Ml 821 Cynogen Bromide 822 Cysteine- Activated Papain. 823 Cysteine Lactose Electroyte Deficient Agar ( Cled ) 824 Cysticercosis Elisa 825 Cyto Spray For Pap Smear Fixation 826 Cytospin – Cell Funnel ( Slee ) 827 Cytospin –Filter Paper – Double Hole / Rectangular 828 Cytospin –Filter Paper – Single Hole / Rectangular 829 Cytokeratin 7 830 Cytokeratin 20 831 Cytokeratin ( Epos ) 832 Cytokeratin. - Pre-Diluted 833 Cytomegalovirus Igg Elisa 834 Cytomegalovirus Igm Elisa 835 Dapi Probes For Fish 836 Dark Glasses For Museum Eye Protection 837 D- Dimer 838 D.P.X .Mountant ( For Histology. ) R.I—1.520. 839 Dca ( M065 ) 840 Dca Agar 841 D-Dimer.Readymade. 842 D-Dimer Latex Agglutination Kit 843 Deae Saphedex 844 Decarboxylase Broth Base 845 Dehydrated Alcohol 846 Deionised Water ( Hplc Grade ) 847 Dengue Antibody Igg Elisa 848 Dengue Antibody Igm Elisa 849 Dengue Card Test ( Rapid ) 850 Dengue Mac Elisa Kit 851 Dengue Rt-Pcr Kit 852 Dengue Igm Capture Elisa 853 Dengue Differentiation ( Mix, Enzyme / Master Mix ) 854 Deoxy Ribonuclease Test Agar With Toludine Blue 855 Depc Biotechnology Grade 856 Depc Mol Bio Grade 857 Depc Mol Bio Grade Probes For Fish 858 Dermatophyte Test Medium 500Gm 859 Desicator With Cover 200Mm 860 Desicator With Cover 300Mm 861 Desicator With Cover 150Mm 862 Desmin ( Epos ) 863 Desmin. ( Polyclonal Antibody. ) - Pre-Diluted 864 Desoxycholate Citrate Agar 500Gm 865 Detection Reagent Probes For Fish 866 Dextrin Powder 867 Dextrin White 868 Dextrose 5% 869 Dextrose 25% 870 Dextrose ( C6h1206 ) 871 Dextrose Powder ( Rm077 ) 872 Dextrose Annalar Grade 873 Dheas Elisa 874 Dids- 4, 4’Disothiocyanatostilbene-2, 2’Disulfonic Acid 875 Di- Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate12h2o.Ip 876 Di Thio Threitol ( Dtt ) Or 2 Mercaptoethanol. 877 Dia Reptin 878 Diacetyl Monoxime 879 Dialyser Kawasumi 1.3Mm 880 Dialyser Kawasumi 1.5Mm 881 Dialyser Kawasumi F6mm 882 Dialyser Kawasumi F4mm 883 Dialysate System Multi Filtrate ( For Crrt Machine ) Code No-5016751 884 Dialysis Filtrate Bag 10Lad ( For Crrt Machine ( Code No-5029011 885 Diacetatehollow Fibre Dialyzer 886 3, 3 Diamino Benzidine Tetrahydrochloride Powder 887 3, 3 Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride. Liquid 888 Diamond Pencil For Slide Marking 889 Diastix 890 Dibasic Sodium Phosphate 891 Diethyl Ether 892 Difco Bacto Agar Powder 893 Dihydro Streptomycin Powder ( Pure ) 894 Diluent A 895 Diluent B ( Buffered ) Reag Pack 896 Diluents For Primary Antibody 897 3-3 Dimethoxy Benzidine 898 Dimethyl Foramide -Excela R. 899 Dimethyl Sulphoxide Lr 900 Dinitro Phenyl Hydrazine Ar 901 2-2 Dipyridyl 902 Diphtheria Antitoxin 903 Di-Phenyl Alanine Ar 904 Di-Potassium Hydrogen Orthe Phosphate Lr 905 Direct Bilirubin 906 Disodium Arsenate 907 Disodium Edta Salt 908 Disodium Edta Powder 909 Disodium Hydrogen Ortho Phosphate 910 Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate ( Anhydrous ) 911 Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate ( Na2 Hpo4 ) 912 Disodium Phenyl Phosphate 913 Disposable Plastic Pipette With Bulb 914 Disposable Plastic Embedding Rings 1” X 1” 915 Dipotassium Phosphate 916 Distilled Water. 5Litre 917 Distilled Water Still Plant 5 Litre 918 Deionzer Water 5 Litre 919 Dlc Counter / Blood Cell Counter ( 6 / 9 / 12 Units 920 Dlc Counter 921 Dl- Alanine 922 Dl-Tyrosine ( Rm-457 ) 923 Dmem ( At063a-1L ) ( For Virology Lab ) 924 Dmso ( Dimithye Sulfoxide ) 925 Dmso ( Dimithye Sulfoxide ) Ar Grade 926 20 Bp Dns Ladder 927 100 Bp Dna Ladder 928 100 Bp Dna Ladder Probes For Fish 929 Dna Extraction Kit ( Column Based ) 930 Dna Extraction Kit ( Column Based ) Probes For Fish 931 Dna Extraction Kit For Tissue And Blood 932 Dna Ligase 933 Dna Ligase Probes For Fish 934 Dna Loading Buffer 935 Dna Loading Dye 936 Dna Loading Dye Probes For Fish 937 Dna & Rna Purification Kits Probes For Fish 938 Dna Loading Dye 6X 1Ml 939 Loading Dye For Pcr 940 Dnph 941 Dntp 942 Dntps 943 Dntps Probes For Fish 100 Millimolar Each ( 0.5Ml ) 944 Dodeca - Tungstophosphoric Acid 945 Dot Eia For Igm & Igg Antibody To Salmonella Typhi 946 Doxyline 947 Doripenem ( 10 Μg ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 948 Doxycycline 30 Ug ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 949 Dpbs ( 1X ) W / Ca & Mg ( Tl1006 ) 950 Dpbs ( 1X ) W / O Ca & Mg ( Tl10023 ) 951 Dpx Mountant 952 Dpx Mountant 953 Drabkin’Solution. 954 Dramme Measuring Glass 955 Dry Citrasate Advance Formulation 956 Dry Citrasate Advance Formulation Potassium Free 957 Dry Heavy Chemical Indicator 958 Dt Calibrator Kit 959 Dt Control I / Ii 960 Dt Pipette 961 Dt Printer Paper 962 Dt Tips 963 Dte Pipette 964 Dte Ref Fluid 965 Dual Cups ( Dt ) 966 Dubos Broth Base 967 Dubosoleic Agar Base 968 Dulcitol 969 Dulcitol ( Dd - 003 ) 970 Dulcitol 500 Gm 971 Dulcitol With Phenol Red Indicator 972 Durhams Tube 973 Ebss ( 1X ) ( Tl1002 ) 974 Ebss ( 10X ) ( Tl1020 ) 975 E Strips For Mbl 976 E Test Storage Tubes 977 Ea 36 Readymade 978 Eagles Minimum Essential Medium 979 Ebv Pcr Kit Probes For Fish 980 Ecchinococcus Granuloses Elisa 981 Echeck- Control ( Sysmex ) 1, 2 & 3Levels 982 Ecori Restriction Enzyme 983 Ecori Restriction Enzyme Probes For Fish 984 Edta Im Solution 985 Edta Ar 986 Edta -- Ar Grade 987 Edta Di Potassium Salt Lr 988 Edta Powder ( Tri Potassium ) 989 Edta Powder ( K+ ) ( Rm678 ) 990 Edta Vacutainer Sodium Citrate Vial 991 Edta Vacutainer 2Ml K2 992 Edta Vacutainer 4Ml 993 Edta Disodium Dehydrate 994 Egfr 995 Egfr Amplification Probes For Fish 996 Egg Albumin Powder 997 Egg Albumin. ( Flakes. ) . 998 Electrophoresis Apparatus Sas 1 999 Elio 1000 Elisa Kit For Afp 1001 Elisa Kit For Ana 1002 Elisa Kit For Anti Hbs 1003 Elisa Kit For C.Difficile 1004 Elisa Kit For Anti-Joe 1005 Elisa Kit For Anti-Smith 1006 Elisa Kit For Ca-125 1007 Elisa Kit For C-Anca 1008 Elisa Kit For Cea 1009 Elisa Kit For Dsdna 1010 Elisa Kit For G6pd 1011 Elisa Kit For Hep B 1012 Ellisa Kit For Hep C 1013 Elisa Kit For Malaria Detection 1014 Elisa Kit For P-Anca 1015 Elisa Kit For Psa 1016 Elisa Kit For Syphilis Detection 1017 Elisa Kit For ßhcg 1018 Elisa Plate 1019 Elisa Plate With Detachable Wells 1020 Elisa Plate With Round Bottom Wells 1021 Eliza Kit For Anti Phospholipid Acid Body 1022 Ema 1023 ( Emem ) With Earl Salt L-Glutamine & 35 Mm. Hepes Buffer With Sod. Bicarbonate 1024 Embedding Tray 15X15mm 1025 Embedding Tray 24X24mm 1026 Embedding Tray 7X7mm 1027 Enamel Print Measure 1028 Enterococcus Faecalis Atcc 29212 1029 Eosin ( Powder Or Crystals ) 25Gms 1030 Eosin Spirit Solution 1031 Eosin Yellow 1032 Eosin Yellow 1033 Ependorf Tubes ( Poly Propylene ) 0.5 Ml 1034 Ependorf Tubes ( Poly Propylene ) 1.5Ml 1035 Ependorf Vial 1036 Ephedrine For Platelet Aggregometry 1037 Ertapenem ( 10 Μg ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 1038 Erythromycin ( 0.125- 64 Ug / Ml ) 1039 Erythromycin 15 Ug 50Discs / Cartridge 1040 Erythromycin 5 Ug 1041 Esbach’S Albuminometer 1042 Esbachs Albuminometer Tubes For 24 Hrs. Urinary Protein 150 X 15 Mm 1043 Escherichia Coli Atcc 25922 1044 Escherichia Coli Atcc 35218 1045 Esr Cartridge For Roller 20 Machine 1046 Esr Cartridge For Roller 20 Machine 1047 Esr Pipette 1048 Esr Stand ( 3 & 6 Tube ) 1049 Estradiol 1050 Estrogen Receptor Clone 1D5 1051 Estrogen Receptors. - Pre-Diluted 1052 Ethambutol ( Emb ) 1053 Ethambutol 7.5 Kit 1054 Ethambutol ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml ) 1055 Ethambutol Powder ( Pure ) 1056 Ethanol Ar 500Ml 1057 Ethanol Absolute 1058 Ether 1059 Ether Petroleum 40O-60O C Ar 1060 Ether Petroleum 60O-80O C Ar 1061 Ether Solvent ( Diethyl Ether ) 1062 Ethidium Bromide 1063 Ethidium Bromide Solution 1064 Erhidium Beomide Solution Biotechnology Grade 1065 Ethionamide ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 1066 Ethionamide Powder ( Pure ) 1067 Ethyl Alcohol 95% 1068 Ethyl Alcohol Ar 99.9% 1069 Ethyl Alcohol 70% 1070 Ethylene Dichloride 1071 Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether 1072 Evans Blue 1073 Evan’S Blue 1074 External Quality Control Reagents For Hematology 1075 Extract Glycerrhiza Powder 1076 Factor Deficient Plasmas A ) Factor Ii 1077 Factor Deficient Plasmas B ) Factor V 1078 Factor Deficient Plasmas C ) Factor Vii 1079 Factor Deficient Plasmas D ) Factor Viii 1080 Factor Deficient Plasmas E ) Factor Ix 1081 Factor Deficient Plasmas F ) Factor Xii 1082 Factor Deficient Plasmas F ) Factor 11 1083 Factor Viii Related Antigen 1084 Fast Blue Bb ( Imp ) 1085 Fast Blue Bbn 1086 Fast Blue Rr 1087 Fast Garnet Gbc ( Imp ) 1088 Fast Green ( Bbl ) Rm4266 1089 Fast Green ( Fcf ) 1090 Fast Plague Tb – Rif 1091 Fast Plague Tb Rapid Detection System 5 1092 Fast Violet B Salt 1093 Fast-Garnet Gbc Salt 1094 Fauchets Reagents 1095 Fe 1096 Fehlings Solution A 1097 Fehlings Solution B 1098 Female Spike Adapter ( For Crrt Machine ) Code No-5016351 1099 Ferric Ammonium Sulphate 1100 Ferric Chloride 1101 Ferric Chloride Acqueous 1102 Ferric Chloride Anhydrous 1103 Ferric Citrate 1104 Ferric Nitrate 1105 Ferritin Elisa Test 1106 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Ar 1107 Ferrous Sulphate 1108 Fetal Calf Serum 1109 Fetal Bovine Serum ( Rm1112 ) 1110 Fetal Bovine Serum ( Fbs ) 1111 Fevicol ( Glass Adhesive ) 1112 Fibrinogen Assay 1113 Fibrinogen Fitc 1114 Fibrinogen Latex Agglutination 1115 Ficoll Type 400 ( Rm885 ) 1116 Filter For Eliza Read 1117 Filter Paper ( Round ) 1118 Filter Paper ( Ordinary ) 1119 Filter Paper Qualitative 11Cm 1120 Filter Paper ( Chart ) Sheets 1121 Filter Pore Size 0.33Um 1122 Filter Paper Chromatography Grade ( 1 ) 46 X 57 Cm. 1123 Filter Paper Chromatography Grade ( 3 ) 46 X 57 Cm 1124 Filter Paper Large ( Fine Quality ) Size: 46 Cm X 57 Cm. 1125 Filter Paper ( 11 Cm. Dia. ) 1126 Filter Paper ( 12.5 Cm. Dia. ) 1127 Filter Paper ( 15 Cm. Dia. ) 1128 Filter Paper ( 18.5 Cm. Dia. ) 1129 Filter Paper Whatman No 1 ( 9 Cm Dia ) 1130 Filter Paper Whatman 903 1131 Finit 1132 Fite Staining For Acid Fast Bacilli ( Ready Made ) 1133 Fitkari White 1134 Fl 70 Solution 1135 Flask Boiling Flat Bottomed Glass 100Ml 1136 Flask Boiling Flat Bottomed Glass 250Ml 1137 Flask Boiling Flat Bottomed Glass 500Ml 1138 Flask Boiling Flat Bottomed Glass 1000Ml 1139 Flask Boiling Flat Bottomed Glass 2000Ml 1140 Flask Conical Glass ( Narrow Mouth ) 25Ml 1141 Flask Conical Glass ( Narrow Mouth ) 100Ml 1142 Flask Conical Glass ( Narrow Mouth ) 250Ml 1143 Flask Conical Glass ( Narrow Mouth ) 500Ml 1144 Flask Conical Glass ( Narrow Mouth ) 1000Ml 1145 Flask Volumetric Glass ( With Stopper ) 500Ml 1146 Flask Volumetric Glass ( With Stopper ) 250Ml 1147 Flat Bottom Flask 1000Ml 1148 Flat Bottom Flask 500Ml 1149 Flat Bottom Flask 250Ml 1150 Flat Bottom Flask 100Ml 1151 Flat Bottom Flask 50Ml 1152 0.2Ml Flat Cap Pcr Tubes 1153 0.65Ml Flat Cap Pcr Tube 1154 Flagellar Stain Ryu 1155 Flourescein Sodium Corneal Staining Strips 1156 Flow Clean For Semi Tubes 1157 Fluconazole ( 0.016 – 256 Ug / Ml ) 1158 Fluconazole 10 Ug 1159 Fluconazole 25 Microgram ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 1160 Fluconazole Power ( Pure ) 1161 Flucytosine 1162 Fluid Warming Cassette - Wf250 1163 Fluid Warming Cassette - Wf100 1164 Fluid Thioglycolate Medium 1165 Fluorscein Conjugated Sera C3 1166 Fluorscein Conjugated Sera Fibrinogen 1167 Fluorscein Conjugated Sera Igg 1168 Fluorscein Conjugated Seraiga 1169 Fluorscein Conjugated Seraigm 1170 Foetus At 12 Weeks Gestation 1171 Foetus At 20 Weeks Gestation 1172 Foetus At 36 Weeks Gestation 1173 Foetus At 4 Weeks Gestation 1174 For X-Ray ( High Density ) Liquid Suspensions Of Barium Sulphate I.P. ( High Density ) 1175 Fok I & Nlaiii Restriction Enzyme 1176 Foreign Body In Trachea 1177 Formaidehyde ( 37-41% ) 1178 37% Formaldehyde. Ar. 1179 Formaldehyde Tablet 1180 Formamide Ar 1181 Formic Acid 1182 Formic Acid 1183 Formaldehyde Solution 1184 Fosfomycin 200Ug 1185 Fouchet’S Reagent ( For Bile Pigment. ) . 1186 Fouchets Reagents 1187 Free Beta Hcg Elisa 1188 Fructose 1189 Fructose With Phenol Red Indicator 1190 Fsh 1191 Fungal Broth 1192 Funnel Glass, Plain Long Stem 50Mm Dia 1193 Funnel 25 Mm 1194 Funnel 50 Mm 1195 Funnel 75Mm Dia 1196 Funnel 100Mm Dia 1197 Funnel 250 Ml 1198 Funnel 500 Ml 1199 Furaxone 100 X 50 Ug 50Discs / Cartridge 1200 Fusidic Acid 30 Mcg & 10 Mcg 50Discs / Cartridge 1201 G6-Pd Kit 1202 Galactose 1203 D ( + ) Galactose 1204 Galactose -Ar 1205 Galactose With Phenol Red Indicator 1206 Gas Pack Envelopes ( H2 + Co2 With Integral Catalyst Attached With 100 Dryanaerobic Indicators Included ( Imported ) 1207 Gas Pack Plus Bulk Kit ( Imported ) 1208 Gaspak System 1209 Gatiflexacin Powder ( Pure ) 1210 Gatifloxacin 5 Ug 50Discs / Cartridge 1211 Gauge Saver 1212 Gc Medium Base / Difco 1213 Gc Supplements With Antibiotics 1214 Gelatin 1215 Gelatin Agar 1216 Gelatin Sheets High Grade 1217 Gelatin Stab Agar 1218 Gelatin Tube 1219 Gentamicin ( .008-128Ug / Ml. ) 1220 Gentamicin 10 Ug 50Discs / Cartridge 1221 Gentamicin 120 Mcg 50Discs / Cartridge 1222 Gentamycin ( 0.064-1024 Ug / Ml. ) 1223 Gentamycin 10Ug 1224 Gentamycin Powder 1225 Gention Violet 1226 Gfap 1227 Ggt 1228 Giemsa Powder 1229 Giemsas Stain 1230 Giemsas Stain Powder 1231 Glacial Acetic Acid Ar 1232 Glacial Acetic Acid ( Aldehyde Free ) 1233 Glass Airway For Water Seal 1234 Glass Beads 4 Mm To 8 Mm Dia. 1235 Glass Beads 5Mm Diameter 1236 Glass Marking Pen 1237 Glass Petridish Size 150 Mm Dia 1238 Glass Pipette 1 Ml 1239 Glass Pipette ( 2Ml ) 1240 Glass Pipette 5 Ml 1241 Glass Pipette 10 Ml 1242 Glass Pipette 20Ml 1243 Glass Pipette 25 Ml 1244 Glass Rods 8 Mm X 1 Mtr 1245 Glass Slides ( Microscope ) 75Mm X 25Mmx1.45Mm. 1246 Glass Stirrer 1247 Glass Tank 1248 Glass Test Tubes 10 X 75 Mm 1249 Glass Test Tubes 12 X 100 Mm 1250 Glass Test Tubes 12 X 75 Mm 1251 Glass Test Tubes 15 X 125 Mm 1252 Glass Test Tubes 18 X 150 Mm 1253 Glass Vial With Rubber Stopper 1254 D ( + ) Glucose Monohydrate Lr 1255 Glucose 1256 Glucose Ar 1257 Glucose Powder Pkt Iso 1258 Glucose Phosphate Broth 1259 Glucose Phosphate Broth ( Mr Vp Broth ) 1260 Glucose Phosphate Peptone Water 1261 Glucose Reagent Ip 1262 Glucose -Ar 1263 Glutamine 1264 Glutaradehyde 25% Lr 1265 Glutaraldehyde 2.5% 1266 Glutathione Oxidised Ar 1267 Glycerin ( For Patient Use Only ) 1268 Glycerol 1269 85% Glycerol A.R. 1270 Glycerol, Ar Grade 1271 Glycerol 99.9% Pure 1272 Glycerol ( Saturated ) ( Rm1027 ) 1273 Glycine Mb Grade 1274 Glycogen 1275 Glycolytic Inhibition 1276 Gold Chloride 1277 Gold Chloride Yellow 1278 Gomori Methenamine Silver Stain ( Gms ) Kit 1279 Gram Stain 1280 Griseofulvin ( 10 Μg ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 1281 Growth Hormone Elisa 1282 Gruft Mycobacterial Supplement ( Fd-053 ) 1283 Gms Stain ( Gomori Methanamine Silver ) 1284 Guanidinum Thiocynate Sodium Citrate 1285 Guanidium Iso Thiocynate Biotechnology Grade 1286 Gum Acacia 1287 Gupti 1288 H. Pylori Card Test 1289 H- Pyloric 1290 Hcv Rapid Test ( 30 Test ) 1291 H.D. Supplement For Haemophilus Duereyi 1292 Haematocrit Tube 1293 Haematoxylin 1294 Haematoxylin & Eosic ( Powder ) 1295 Haematoxylin.Ms. 1296 Haematoxylin Monohydrate ( Ms ) 1297 Haemin 1298 Haemocytometer ( Neubure Chamber ) 1299 Haemocytometer Coverslip 1300 Haemo Cue Cassette 1301 Haemodylasis Blood Tubing Set Biofeg ( Kawasumi ) 1302 Haemodialysis Acetate Fluid 1303 Haemoglobin Powder 1304 Haemopericardium 1305 Haemophilus Influenzae Atcc-49766 1306 Haemospot Test 1307 Haemospot.Ready Made. 1308 Hardener 964 1309 Hardener Bottle 1310 Harr Julapha 1311 Hartal 1312 Hb Reference Fliud Ms 9 3 / S 1313 Hb Pipette ( With Rubber Tube & Mouth Piece ) ( Imp ) 1314 Hb Tube 1. ( Square ) 1315 Hb Tube 11. ( Round ) 1316 Hbe Ag ( Hepatitis E Antibody ) Elisa 1317 Hbeag Strip Elisa 1318 Hbs Ag ( Latex Agglutination ) 1319 Hbs Ag Elisa 1320 Hbs Ag Strip Elisa 96 Test 1321 Hbsag ( Card Test ) 1322 Hbsag Elisa ( Ultra ) 1323 Hbsag Rapid Detection Test Kit 1324 Hbss ( 10X ) ( Ts1021 ) 1325 Hbss ( Ts1003 ) 1326 Hbss ( Ts10033 ) 1327 Hbv 1328 Hb Variant Calibrator ( Hplc ) 1329 Hb Variant Primer ( Hplc ) 1330 Hb Variant Control ( Hplc ) 1331 Hb Variant Calibrator ( Hplc ) 1332 Hcg Card Test 1333 Hcg Elisa ( Total ) 1334 Hcv Dot Test ( Strip Test ) 1335 Hdl-Cholesterol 1336 Heamatoxilin Powder ( Crystal Or Power ) 5Gm 1337 Hemoglobinometer 1338 Hemolytic Streptococcus Group A T – Typing Antisera 1339 Hemometer 1340 Hep - Alert B 1341 Heparin Dry Powder 1342 Heparin Sodium 3Ml Glass 1343 Heparin Sodium 3Ml Plastic 1344 Heparin Sodium 3Ml Quantum 100S 1345 Heparin Solution 5000Iu / Ml ( Phenol And Benzyl Alcohol Free ) 1346 Hepatitis E Virus Igm 1347 Hepatitis E Virus Igm Strip Elisa 1348 Heperinised Capillary Tube 1349 Heparinised Vial ( Vacutainer ) 1350 Hepes 1351 Hepes Buffer ( N-2- Hydroxy Ethylpiperazine N2- Ethane Sulfonic Acid ) 1352 Heppurate Disc 1353 Her / Neu 1354 Herpes Ii Antigen Detection Kit By Strip Elisa 1355 Herpes Ii Antigen Detection Kit Elisa 1356 Herpes Type Ii Igm Strip Elisa 1357 Herpes Type Ii Igm With Rf Control Elisa 1358 Herpes Simplex I Igm Strip Elisa 96 Test 1359 Herpes Simplex Ii Igm Strip Elisa 96 Test 1360 Iv. Herpes Simplex 1&2 1361 Iv. Herpes Simplex 1&2 Igm 1362 Hexa Methelene Teramine 1363 Hhv8 Pcr Kit Probes For Fish 1364 Hindiii 1365 Hindiii Probes For Fish 1366 Hippurate Broth 1367 Hippurate Hydrolysis Broth 1368 Hippurate Disc 50Discs / Cartridge 1369 Hiss’S Serum Sugar Media ( Glucose ) 1370 Hiss’S Serum Sugar Media ( Lactose ) 1371 Hiss’S Serum Sugar Media ( Sucrose ) 1372 Hiss’S Serum Sugar Media ( Mannitol ) 1373 Hugh-Leifson’S Oxidation Fermentation Media 1374 Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium 500Gm 1375 Hiss Serum Sugar Media Base 1376 Histopaque-1077 1377 Hiv Card Test 1378 Hiv I & Ii Antibody Detection Kit Elisa 1379 Hiv I & Ii Antigen & Antibody Detection Kit Elisa ( 4Th Generation ) 1380 Hmb - 45 - Pre-Diluted 1381 Hoechst Stain Sol B-2883 1382 Honeycomb Appearance In Liver 1383 Horse Serum ( Irradiated ) 1384 Horseshoe Kidney 1385 Hpv 1386 Hptlc Plates ( Silica Gel 60 F 254 Coated On Alluminium Foil 20X20 Cm ) 1387 Hptlc Plates ( Silica Gel 60 F 257 Coated On Alluminium Foil 20X20 Cm ) 1388 Hplc- ( Hb Variant ) Reagent Full Set 1389 Hsv I Igm Strip Elisa 1390 Hugh Leifsons Media 1391 Human Ab Serum 1392 Hyaluronidase 1393 Hyaluronidase Lyophilised 1394 Hybridization Chamber Probes For Fish 1395 Hybridization Solution Probes For Fish 1396 Hydrochloric Acid Solution 1N ( Tcl003 ) ( For Buffer Maintenance ) 1397 0.1 N H2so4 ( 95% ) 1398 0.1 N Kmno4 1399 0.1 N Hno3 ( 65% ) 1400 Hydrochloric Acid 1401 Hydrochloric Acid Ar Grade 1402 Hydrochloride Solution 1403 Hydrocyanic Acid 1404 Hydrogen Peroxide 1405 Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 1406 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% Ar 1407 Hydroquinone 1408 Hydroquinone Crystal Photography Quality. 1409 Hydroxy Propylmethyl Cellulose 2% ( Viscoelastic ) 1410 Hypochlorite Solution 1411 Hypochlorite Solution 1% 1412 Icotonica Dia-Diluent For Hematology Analyzer ( Logotech ) 1413 Id Diluent 2 1414 Id Grouping + Reverse Card 1415 Id Igg Card 1416 Id Liss Coombs Card 1417 Id Nacl Card 1418 Ifg- Fitc 1419 Iga-Fitc 1420 Iga ( Iso ) 1421 Ige 1422 Ige-Fitc 1423 Igm Capture Elisa For Scrub Typhus 1424 Igm- Fitc 1425 Imidazole ( Imp ) 1426 Imipenem 10 Microgram 50Discs / Cartridge 1427 Imipenem ( 0.002-32 Ug / Ml. ) 1428 Imipenem Powder ( Pure ) 1429 Imipenem ( .004-128Ug / Ml. ) 1430 Imipenem / Cilastin ( 0.004-128Ug / Ml ) ( 30 Strips / Pkd 1431 Imipenem / Cilastin ( 10 / 10 Μg ) 1432 Imipenem / Edta ( 4-256 / 1-64Μg / Ml ) 1433 Imipenem / Edta Discs ( 10 / 750 Μg ) 1434 Immersion Oil ( Cedar Wood Oil ) 30Ml 1435 Power Block Immunohistochemistry 1436 Immunostaining Er / Pr Kits For Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue Sections With Reagent Capacity For 50 Test For Each Antibody. 1437 Imipenem+ Edta ( 4-256 / 1-64 Ug / Ml ) 1438 India Ink Stain 1439 Indian Ink 1440 Indole Acetate Disc 1441 Inoculating Wire Straight Nichrome 5X5 Pack 1442 Inositol 1443 Inositol Ar 1444 Inositol With Phenol Red Indicator 1445 Insulin 1446 Insulin With Phenol Red Indicator 1447 Intensifying Screen Cleaning Solution 1448 Internal Filling Solution: Internal Filling Solution For Easylyte -Code No: Fecin0009 1449 Intracranial Haemorrhages 1450 Itraconazole ( 0.002-32 Μg / Ml ) 30 Strips / Pkd 1451 Itraconazole ( 10Μg ) ( 50Discs / Cartridge ) 1452 Inosine 1453 Inulin 1454 Inulin Ar 1455 Inulin 1456 Iodine Crystal 1457 Iodine Pellets 1458 Iodine 1459 Iodine Powder 1460 Iodine Resublime Powder 1461 Iodine Solution 1462 Iodine Sublimed Lr 1463 Iodine Sublimed Ar 1464 Iron Alum 1465 Iptg Ar 1466 Ise Cal-3 Solution 1467 Ise Cal -4 Solution 1468 Ise Wash 2 Solution 1469 Isoamyl Alcohol Ar 1470 Isoamyl Alcohol – Ar Grade 1471 Iso Enzyme Calibrator Kit 1472 Isoflux Ms 9 3 / S 1473 Isoniazide ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml. ) 1474 Isoniazide Powder ( Pure ) 1475 Isopropyl Alcohol ( R R ) 1476 Isopropyl 70% Alcohol Sterile, Single Disposal Swabs 1477 Itra Colazole ( 0.016 – 256 Ug / Ml ) 1478 Itra Conazole 10 Ug ( Imp ) 1479 I.U.I Kit Sperm Wash 1480 Jamalghota Seeds 1481 Jenner Powder 1482 K+ 1483 K-3 Edta Vacutainer 1.5Ml 1484 K-3 Edta Vacutainer 2Ml 1485 K-3 Edta Vacutainer 3Ml 1486 K-3 Edta Vacutainer 5Ml 1487 Kachur 1488 Kala Nag 1489 Kaladana 1490 Kanamycin ( 0.016-256 Ug / Ml ) 1491 Kanamycin 1 Mcg ( Imp ) 1492 Kanamycin 30 Mcg ( Imp ) 50Discs / Cartridge 1493 Kanamycin Powder ( Pure ) 1494 Kaolin Powder 1495 Kappa Light Chain 1496 Kappa Light Chain - Fitc 1497 Karihari 1498 Ketoconazole ( 0.002 – 32 Ug / Ml ) 1499 Ketoconazole Powder ( Pure ) 1500 Quality Control For Tumour Marker - Level 1 1501 Quality Control For Tumour Marker - Level 2 1502 Quality Control For Tumour Marker - Level 3 1503 Ketoconazole 10 Ug

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 03-03-2020 Date Extensionnn Date 17-04-2020
2 10-11-2020 Date Extension November Date 04-12-2020
3 13-02-2020 Date Extensionn2 Date 05-03-2020
4 20-01-2020 Extension Date 21-02-2020
5 27-11-2020 Amendment Fee 04-12-2020

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INR 30000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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