
Supply Of Concrete Lab-Rajasthan

Government Engineering College has published Supply Of Concrete Lab. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-01-2020. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Concrete Lab
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Concrete Lab lab equipments & software - concrete lab, surveing & advance surveying lab, geology lab, fluid machanics & hyudraulic engineering lab, electronics devices lab (hardware), electronics devises lab (or cad software), digital electronics lab, analog & digital communication lab, microprocessor & microcontrolles lab, electronics measurement & instrumentation lab, electrical workshop & electrical circuit design lab, power electronics lab, electrical machine lab, materials testing lab, mechanical workshop (production practice & basic mechanical engineering lab), tom & vibration lab, matlab (software), cad lab (software), drilling fluids & cementing lab, reservoir engineering lab - supply of – plane table, leveling staff, ranging rod, surveyor compass, arrows, glass fibre tape, optical square, offset rod, prismatic compass, tilting level , dumpy level vernier transit theodolite, tacheometer, brunton compass, telescopic alidade, abney level, tangent clinometer, optical square, line ranger, box sextant, pantograph, clinometers compass, digital planimeter, total station, automatic level, hand held gps, gis software, etabs, various types of rocks & minerals, rocks & minerals set, structural geological diagrams petro logical diagrams engineering geological map, wooden models, to plot characteristics curve of pelton wheel, centrifugal pump test rig, francis turbine test rig, reynolds apparatus, kaplan turbine test rig, pilot tube apparatus, reciprocating pump, losses in pipe fitting, friction factor, hydraulic tilting flume, impact of jet appratus, venturimeter apparatus, bernoulls theorem apparatus, venturimeter & orifice meter apparatus, metacentric height of ship model, offices & mouthpiece apparatus, notch apparatus, red wood viscometer, free cortex apparatus, forced vortex apparatus, nozzle meter apparatus, strokes law apparatus for determining viscosity, hydraulic test bench with accessories, series & parallel pump test rig, gear pump test rig./oil pump test rig (ac motor), darcys law apparatus, cement autoclave, vibrating machine, equipments for test arrangement thickness gauge, aggregate impact test apparatus with counter, vicat apparatus with dashpot, le chateliere mould, le chateller water bath, 100kn flexure testing machine motorized, vee-bee consist meter, compaction factor apparatus, lab concrete mixer motorized, hot air oven, sieve shaker motorized, flow table, vibrating table, ultrasonic flow detector, ultrasonic thickness gauge, mortar penetrometer, ultrasonic pulse velocity tester, rebond hammer, concrete core cutter portable concrete core cutter, analog oscilloscope, function generator, dc regulated power supply, digital multimeter, lissajous pettera trainer, experimentation with diodes, experimentation with rectifiers, clipper & chamber trainer, experimentation with zener diode voltage regulator, experimentation with transistor characteristics, experimentation with bjt amplifiers & emitter follower, rc-couplex amplifier with feedback, understanding characteristic of mosfet, fet & ujt, experimentation with fet amplifier, 40mhz digital storage oscilloscope, breadboard training system for analog circuits, power & differential amplifier, wein bridge oscillator trainer, phse shift oscillator, experimentation with harley & colpitt oscillator, training system for study of various using operational amplifier, experimentation with active filters, function generator, cad software, logic gates trainer, universal gates trainer, sop & pos implementation trainer, adders & subtractor trainer, paralled adder & subtractor demonstrator, multiplexer & de multiplexer trainer, eacoder & decoder trainer, flip-flop demonstrator, counters trainer, shift registers trainer, breadboard training system for digital circuits development, digital multimeter, universal ic tester, electrical safety demonstrator, multimeter demonstrator, demonstrator/trainer, training system for complete experimental study of amplitute modulation transmission & reception, 3ghz spectrum analyzer with spectrum analyzer application demonstrator board & software for simulation of waveform in frequency domain, frequency modulation & demodulation trainer, training system for pam, ppm, pwm & line coding, training system for study of pcm modulation & demodulation, training system for delta & adaptive delta modulation & demodulation, training system for study of 4 channel pcm multiplexing & de-multiplexing telephony system, training system for ask, fsk, bpsk, dbpsk, 40mhz digital storage oscilloscope, 8051 microcontroller development board with programmer, pic microcontroller development board with programmer, arm microcontroller development board with programmer, interface cards required for above embedded platforms, adc & dac module, rs232 & usb port module, display module, motor drive module, ttl i/o interface module, graphical display module, display & switch module, multi interface module, infrared module, pwm based voltage regulator moduel, finger print module, sensor module, rfid card reader module, zigbec module, accelerometer module, real time clock (rtc) module, input interface card for microcontrollers, 8085 based microprocessor trainer, advanced 8086 based microprocessor trainer, measuring earth resistance by fall of potential method, study for solar cell with interactive simulation software, maxwells bridge trainer, anderson bridge, wein bridge oscillator trainer, ultrasonic measurement trainer, study of lvdt, study temperature transducers, calibration of voltmeter & ammeter by potentiometer, study of strain gauge, component parameter test instrument lcr meter, calibration of energy meter by phantom loading, training platform with built in display & dac for study of various types of sensor, multi test & measurement instruments built in one platform, training platform for power measurement by two wattmeter method, kelvins bridge trainer, training platform for power measurement by two wattmeter method, single phase tranformer lab, training system for sumpners test of two single phase transformers, setup parallel operation of two single phase transformers, set up for scott connection trainer, setup for dc shunt motor, setup for swinburnes test of dc machine, 40mhz digital storage oscilloscope, setup for hopkinsons test of dc machine, setup for ac & dc starter dmonstrator, training system for three phase induction motor, setup for three phase synchronous generator lab, universal works station for electrical machine, b/antenna prototyping machine with design pro, power electronic lab, arc welding, tig welding, mig welding, gas welding machine, lathe machine, drill machine, milling machine, shaping machine, slotting machine, pedestal grinder, hacksaw machine, sewing machine non motorized, bicycle normal cycle, centrifugal pump, cut section, air conditioner, cut section 4 stroke petrol engine, hand grinder with 10 grinding wheel specimen, bending machine, hand drill machine, abrassive surface grindfer, compressor multi stage. material testing lab – beam apparatus, simple supported beam apparatus, double disc polishing machine, creep testing machine, models, vicat needle apparatus, le-chatelier mould, pycnometer, slump test apparatus, compression testing machine, compaction factor test apparatus, shrinkage limit test apparatus, concrete mixture motorized, flow table, sieve set, buoyance balancve with density basket, oven, matlab, simulink, sumbolic math tool box, matlab coder, dsp, lte toolbox, signal processing toolbox, rff toolbox, communication toolbox, control system toolbox, auto cad, cum and follower arrangements, arrangement of gear system, steering mechanism apparatus, computerized wheel balancing machine, planetary gear box, brakes & clutch models, permeability test apparatus, moisture testing machine, spot welding machine, gas permeameter, liquid permeameter, porsosity by helium porosimeter, porosity by saturation method, bhp chard reading with microscope, core plugging machine with polishing machine, cutting chipping machine, resistivity measurement setup, module balance, marsh funnel, visco-gel multi speed viscometer, filter press hydraulic dead weight assembly, sand content kit, shearometer. ETC

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Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 13 Lakhs /-
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