
Supply Of Surgical And Consumables-Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Medical Services And Infrastructure Development Corporation has published Supply Of Surgical And Consumables. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-01-2020. Sutures and related products Tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Surgical And Consumables
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh
Due Date Not Mentioned, Contact Concern Authority.

Tender Details

Supply Of Surgical And Consumables- 1 Abdominal Drain Kit- 24 FG 2 Absorbable gelatin sponge 3 Absorbable, Braided, violet, Polyglactin 910 Sterile, Surgical suture 4-0 (Suture Code: 2443) 4 Absorbable, Braided, violet, PGA (Polyglycolic acid) Sterile, surgical suture 1/0 (Suture code: 2338) 5 Absorbable, braided, violet,PGA, Sterile, Surgical suture 2-0 (Suture code: 2317) 6 Absorbable, Monofilament, Polydioxonone (PDO), Sterile, Surgical suture 1-0 7 Absorbable, Braided, violet, Polyglycolic acid (PGA), Sterile surgical suture 1-0 (Suture Code: 2518) 8 Adhesive Plaster Woven Fabric (Size: 10cms x 10mts) 9 Adhesive Plaster Woven Fabric (Size:5cm x 10mts) 10 Ambu Bag (Silicon) Adult 11 Ambu Bag (Silicon) Pediatric 12 Anaesthesia circuits (Pediatric circuits) 13 Anaesthesia circuits (Ventilator circuits) 14 Epidural Kit Each 15 B.B. Silk Reel -1 Box Reels 16 B.B. Silk Reel -2 -0 Box Reels 17 B.B. Silk Reel -3 -0 Box Reels 18 Bandage, POP Each 19 Bandage, POP. Each 20 Barburs thread Size No 20 Each 21 Blades, Surgical S.S. No.11 Box 100 22 Blades, Surgical S.S. No.15 Each 23 Blades, Surgical S.S. No.22 Box 100 24 Blood Grouping Sera Anti A Each 25 Blood Grouping Sera Anti AB Each 26 Blood Grouping Sera Anti B Each 27 BP Cuff Adult Each 28 BP Cuff Paediatric Each 29 Breathing Circuits: Adult with 2 Port Wye & Water Trap Each 30 Chromic Cat Gut, Sterile, Surgical Suture 1/0 (Suture code: 4254) Box foiles 31 Chromic Cat Gut, Sterile, Surgical Suture 1 (Suture code: 4259) Box Foils 32 Chromic Cat Gut, Sterile, Surgical Suture 2-0 (Suture code: 4241) Boxes 12 33 Catheter, Suction Nelton with laterali eye Each 34 Catheter, Suction Nelton with laterali eye Each 35 Catheter, Suction Nelton with lateral eye Each 36 Catheter, Suction Nelton with lateral eye 38 Catheter, Urinary Size: 14 39 Catheter, Urinary Size: 16 40 Catheter, Urinary Size: 18 41 Catheter,Urinary, Nelton (Disposable) Size: 14 42 Cellulose for Heamostesis (Size: 7.6cm X 10.2 cm) 43 Closed wound Suction Drain No.16 44 Closed wound Suction Drain No.12 45 Coomb Sera 46 Corrugated Silastic drain 47 Delivery Kits for Sero positive 48 Developer 49 Surgeons Caps. 50 Disposable HUDSONs Mask 51 Surgeons Mask 52 Plastic Appron 53 Disposable syringe 1 CC 54 Disposable Syringe with Needle 55 Disposable Syringe with Needle 56 Disposable syringe with needle 10cc, 20 Gauge 57 Disposable Syringe with Needle 2cc, 24 Guage 58 Disposable Syringe with Needle 5cc, 23 Guage 59 Sterilized Disposible Examination Gloves HMHDPE 100microns 60 ECG electrodes 61 Endotracheal Tube dia 8mm 62 Endotracheal Tube dia 5mm 63 Endotracheal Tube dia 6mm 64 Endotracheal Tube dia 7mm 65 Endotracheal Tube dia 9mm 66 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 3mm 67 ET Tube holder 68 Fixer 69 Gloves, Surgical Examination (Latex Large Size) 70 Gloves, Surgical Examination(Latex medium) 71 Gloves, Surgical, Disposable 1/2 72 Gloves, Surgical, Disposable 73 Gloves, Surgical, Disposable 74 Gloves, Surgical, Disposable 1/2 75 Green cloth 76 Hbs Ag Elisa Test Kit 77 Hbs Ag Rapid Test Kit 78 HIV 1+2 Immunodot Test Kit 79 HIV Surgical Kit (General Surgery) 80 Infant Feeding Tube Size: 5 81 Infant Feeding Tube Size: 6 82 Infant Feeding Tube Size: 7 83 Infant Feeding Tube Size: 8 84 Infant Feeding Tube Size: 9 85 Insulin Inj. Syringe 86 Intercostal drainage bag 87 Intracatheter 88 Intracatheter 89 Intracatheter 90 Intracatheter 91 Intracatheter 92 Khaki Terricot Cloth 93 Kher T tube 94 L.P.Needle 95 L.P.Needle 96 L.P.Needle 97 Low Pressure extension Line 98 Low Pressure extension Line 99 Low Pressure Extention Line 100 Mackintosh Rubber Sheet as Per IS:4135-1974 101 Micro Slide 102 Mucus Sucker 103 Non Absorbable, blue Monofilament, Polypropylene Sterile Surgical Suture No1 (Suture code:843) 104 Oxygen Mask (Adult) 105 Oxygen Nasal Prongs (Pediatric) 106 Oxygen Nasal Prongs (Adult) 107 Paper Plaster 108 Paper Plaster 109 Paper Plaster 110 Absorbabale, monofilament, undyed, Polyglecaprone, Sterile Size 3-0 (Suture code: 1326) 111 Polypropylene Mesh 112 Polypropylene Mesh 113 Pregnancy Test Kit 114 Rh Typing Sera Anti D 115 RPR Kits 116 Ryles Tube Size : 10 FG, 117 Ryles Tube Size : 12 FG, 118 Ryles Tube Size : 14 FG, 119 Ryles Tube Size : 16 FG, 120 Ryles Tube Size : 18 FG, 121 Scalp Vein Set, Needles, NG20 122 Scalp Vein Set, Needles, NG22 123 Scalp Vein Set, Needles, NG24 124 Silicon Tyre 125 Single Blood Bags (with CPDA Solution) 126 Skin Stapler 127 Skin stapler removals 128 OT Dress: Sky blue/Dark Blue cloth 129 Small incision cataract, Surgery set 130 Sphygmomanometers 131 Sphygmomanometers Stand 132 Spino Epidural set, (CSE) 133 Sterile Blood Lancects Ethylene Oxide 134 3 Way Stop cock 135 Striped Cloth Blue or Green 136 Testtubes(10x75mm) 137 Testtubes(12x100mm) 138 Tongue Depressor 139 Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed 7.0 140 Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed 8.0 141 Tracheostomy speaking valve 142 Ultra Sound Jelly 143 Umbilical Cord Clamp 144 Urinary Bag 145 Reagent strips for urine tests 146 Bed Sheets 147 White Blouse Cloth 148 White Cloth 149 White Saree with Blue Border 150 White Saree with Green Border, 2 Ply border 151 White saree with Red Border 2 Ply border 152 White Terricot 153 Woolen Blankets 154 X-Ray Film Size : 10 X 8 155 X-Ray Film Size : 12 X 10 156 X-Ray Film Size : 12 X 12, 157 X-Ray Film Size : 15 X 12 158 X-Ray Film Size : 6.5 X 8.5 159 Abdominal Drain Kit: 28 FG 160 Abdominal Drain Kit: 32 FG 161 Central Venous line Triple Lumen/ 7FR/16cms 162 Central Venous line 163 Central Venous line Triple Lumen, 5.5FR/8cms 164 Central Venous line 165 Central Venous line Double Lumen/ 7FR/16cms 166 Central Venous line 167 Central Venous line Double Lumen/ 4FR/8cms 168 Central Venous line 169 Central Venous line 170 Central Venous line 171 Central Venous line 172 Central Venous line 173 Developer 174 Endotracheal Tube dia 8.5mm 175 Endotracheal Tube dia 5.5mm 176 Endotracheal Tube dia 6.5mm 177 Endotracheal Tube dia 7.5mm 178 Endotracheal Tube dia 9.5mm 179 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 2mm 180 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 2.5mm 181 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 3.5mm 182 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 4mm 183 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 4.5mm 184 Endotracheal Tube uncuffed disposable 5mm 185 Fixer 186 Infant Feeding Tube Size: 10 187 Low Pressure extension Line 188 Readymade Surgeons Dress 189 OT Dress: Sky blue/Dark Blue cloth 190 Test tubes (18x150mm) 191 Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed 7.5 192 White Apron (Terricot) 193 White Apron (Terricot) 194 White Apron (Terricot) 195 Elastic crepe bandage 4 196 Elastic crepe bandage 6 197 BALANCED SALT SOLUTION (eye ) 198 TRYPAN BLUE DYE (eye) 199 Surgical Adhesive (Incise) disposable drape 200 Harmonic scalpel probe 5 mm 201 Urine collection bag with volume measuring chamber/ meter 2Lts/200- 250ml 202 Re breathing bags (Test Lung) 203 Gigglys Saw wire 204 Blood transfusion set 205 Bonewax 206 Non Absorbable, black Monofilament, Polyamide, Sterile Surgical Suture No10-0 (Suture code:3717) 207 Absorbable, Braided, violet, PGA (Polyglycolic acid) Sterile, surgical suture 6/0 (Suture code: 2670) 208 M.V. R Blades 209 Fluroseain sodium strips 210 Disposable needles 26 G 211 Eye drapes (Incise Drapes) 60x60 212 Eye Shield (Green Plastic) 213 Foldble IOL difft powers 214 Binocular loops 215 CT Films 216 Intra Venous Set 217 Absorbent Cotton 100 gms Net 218 Absorbent Cotton 500gms 219 Bandage Cloth (Medical) 20m x100cm 220 Gauge Cloth (Medical) 20m x100cm 221 Roller Bandage (Medical) 10cm x 4m 222 Roller Bandage (Medical) 15cm x 4m 223 224 A1 Lectin 225 Absorbable surgical suture USP sterilized surgical needle suture Size 6-0 226 Absorbable surgical suture USP (Synthetic) sterilized surgical needle suture 0- 1/2 227 AD Syringes 1ml 228 Antibacterial Absorbable Surgical suture 1 229 Antibacterial Absorbable Surgical suture 0 230 Antibacterial Absorbable Surgical suture 2-0 231 Antimicrobial hand gel 232 Arterial Cannula 233 Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensi(Bti) Strain 164,Serotype,H-14 W.P 234 Bladder wash syringes 235 Bovine Albumin 236 Clinical Thermometer 237 Collagen Sheets (Size 10cmx10cm) 238 Collagen Sheets (Size 15cmx30cm) 239 Disposable Cuscos Vaginal Specula 240 Disposable Perilaryngeal Airways 241 Disposable Syringe with Needle Tuberculin, 26 Gauge 1/2 Inch 1cc Syringe with 26 Gauge 1/2 Inch needle 242 Double Blood bags (with CPDA solution) 243 ECG paper 244 Fenthion(Baytex)Mosquito Larvicide 245 Foleys 3 way 246 H1 Lectin 247 High Preusure Extenion line 248 HIV EIA Comb Test Kit 249 HIV Rapid test Kit 250 Intra Ocular Lense, Posterior Chamber of various sizes from +17 to + 20 251 Intra Ocullar Lense, Phaco various sizes from +19 to + 24 252 Intra Ocullar Lense, Posterior Chamber of various sizes 253 Intra Ocullar Lense, Single piece of various sizes from +4 to + 29.5 254 Liquid Hand Disinifectant 255 Malathion 25% WDP 256 Optical view trocar (Laproscopy) 257 Optical view trocar (Laproscopy) 258 Pediatric Blood Bags (with CPDA solution) 259 Phaco Tips 260 Polyglecaprone 25 Size 3-0 261 Primiphos Methyl 50% EC 262 Pyrethrum Extract 2% 263 Qudriple Blood Bags (with CPDA solution) 264 Suture Needles, 1/2 circle Round Body Size: 10 265 Suture Needles, 1/2 circle Round Body Size: 12 266 Suture Needles,1/2circle Round Body Size: 14 267 Suture Needles, 1/2 circle Round Body Size: 16 268 Suture Needles, 1/2 circle Round Body Size: 18 269 Suture Needles, Abdominal Size: 2.5 270 Suture Needles, Abdominal Size: 3.5 271 Suture Needles, Abdominal Size: 4.5 272 Suture Needles, Curved Cutting Size: 12 273 Suture Needles, Curved Cutting Size: 14 274 Suture Needles, Curved Cutting Size: 16 275 Suture Needles, Straight 276 Suture Needles, Straight 277 Synthetic Pyrethroids water Dispersible Powder(WDP)/Wettable Powder 278 Temephos 50% EC 279 Titanium clips 280 Titanium clips 281 TPHA Kits 282 Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed 6.0 283 Tracheostomy Tubes Un cuffed 3.0 284 Tracheostomy Tubes Un cuffed 4.0 285 Tracheostomy with speaking valve No 4 286 Tracheostomy with speaking valve No 6 287 Triple Blood Bags (with CPDA solution) 288 Triple Lumen 289 Sphygmomanometer 290 Disposable Bed Sheets 291 Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed 8.0 292 Tracheostomy Tubes Cuffed 9.0 293 96 HOURS ONLINE IV BACTERIAL FILTERS 294 MICRO DRIP IV SETS WITH DIAL FLOW REGULATORS 295 SILICON TRACHEASTOMY TUBES 296 Haemo clip 297 Long IV cannula 15 cm 298 Naso Pharyngeal Airways 299 Harmonic scalpel probe 300 Disposable trocars 301 Disposable trocars 302 5 mm inserts for lap instruments 303 5 mm inserts for lap instruments 304 5 mm inserts for lap instruments 305 5 mm inserts for lap instruments 306 lapro-sheath 5mm 307 vacuum extractor for baby 308 RE BREATHING BAGS ( TEST LUNG) 309 LINEAR BOWEL STAPLER CATRIDGES 310 PAP SMEAR KIT 311 P D CATHETERS (PERITONIAL DIALYSIS CATHETERS) 312 P D SETS (PERITONIAL DIALYSIS SETS) 313 SKINGRAFTING BLADES 314 7/0 Vicryl suture double Arm 315 5/0 Ethibond double Arm 316 10/0 Proline suture double Arm 317 Trial boxes 318 Microscope bulbs 15x150 319 Microscope bulbs 12x100 320 Zesisphaco sleeves 321 Zesisphaco tubing sets 322 Vitrectomy cutters 323 TST (Steam cycle indicator strips) 324 Retinalbond 240 325 BP Handles size 3No 326 BP Handles size 4No 327 Cheatles Forceps - 328 Episiotomy Scissor 329 Forceps, Artery (Homeostatic Forceps),curved flat 330 Forceps, Artery, Small 331 Forceps, Dissecting 332 Forceps, Dissecting 333 Forceps, Intenstinal elastic, straight 334 Forceps, Sponge holding,box joint, settated jaws 335 Forceps, Sterilizer, Cheatles pattern 336 Forceps, Tissue 4 x 5 teeth Screw Joint, Allis Type 337 Forceps, Tissue Box Joint, Babcocks Type 338 Forceps, Uterine Vulesellem Teales, with 2x2, 3x4 teeth, box joint, 339 Infant Weighing Machine 340 Instruments forceps 10 341 Instruments tray with cover 342 Needle & Hub cutter 343 Needle holder, Straight, Curved,Bozeman 344 Needle holder, Straight, Mayo- Hegar type

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Document Fees
INR 3000 /-
INR 200000.0 /-
Tender Value
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