
Supply Of Lab Items-Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Medical Services And Infrastructure Development Corporation has published Supply Of Lab Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-01-2020. Blood Bank Reagents Tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Lab Items
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh
Due Date Not Mentioned, Contact Concern Authority.

Tender Details

Supply of lab items- 1 a1 lectin 2 access wash buffer - ii 3 albumin 4 alkaline phosphate 5 amalyse 6 aso test kits 7 blood glucose reagent 8 blood urea reagent 9 bovine albumin 10 calcium kit 11 calibration solution - i for abg machine 12 calibration solution - ii for abg machine 13 calibration solution for system 14 carbol fusion 15 cholesterol hdl 16 cholesterol ldl 17 cholesterol test kit 18 cleaning solution for abg machine 19 clot activator test tubes 4ml 20 control serum level - i 21 control serum level - ii 22 coombs sera 23 crp kits 24 cuvetta glass 25 deionised water (distilled water) 26 dengue test kit 27 dispo blades holder 28 dpx mount 250ml 29 edta solution 5% 30 eosin solution 125 ml 31 esr test tubes 32 filter paper / bloting paper 33 formaldehyde solution 34 gelatin powder 500 gr 35 giemsas staing solution 125 ml 36 glass bottles round bodied 37 grouping sera - a 38 grouping sera - ab 39 grouping sera - b 40 grouping sera - d 41 grouping sera - d igg + igm 42 grouping seras (a+b+d) 43 haemo meter 44 haemotaxaline solution 125 ml 45 hb pipette 46 hb square tube 47 hbs ag test kits (rapid) 48 hcv rapid test kits 49 hcv tridot test kits 50 hiv elisa test kits (for hiv-i & hiv- 51 hiv test kits rapid 52 htsh 53 htsh calibrator 54 ise buffer 55 ise reference solution 56 ise select check 57 ise solution 58 isopropyl alcohol 5 ltrs 59 k2 edta test tubes 60 leishmans stain 61 lieca dispo blades 62 lithium carbonate 63 lypase 64 lyse 500ml mr 65 m18 wez cleaner 66 m30 diluent mr 67 m30 rince solution mr 68 malaria test strips ag pf/pan 69 marking pencil (daimond) 70 methylene blue 71 micro tips big size 1000 mic.ltrs 72 micro tips small size 200 mic.ltrs 73 micropipette standard 1000mic.ltr 74 micropipette standard 20mic.ltr 75 micropipette standard 500mic.ltr 76 micropipette standard 50mic.ltr 77 micropipette standard 5mic.ltr 78 micropipette variable 100 to 1000mic. 79 micropipette variable 5 to 50mic. 80 microscope slide carrier s.s caps 81 microscope slide cover slips 82 microscope slide tray 83 microscope slide tray with holes 84 microslides size 76x26x1.10 mm 85 microslides size 76x26x1.35 mm 86 n/10 hcl 87 pap stain 2b orange 125 ml 88 pap stain 3a ea50 125 ml 89 papinocolaous 36 125ml 90 paraffin wax 91 potassium 92 printing paper thermal 93 probe cleaner 94 propane 2.5 ltr 95 protiens total 96 ra test kits 97 reaction vessels 98 rince solution 99 rpr (vdrl) kit 100 serum bilurubin total 101 serum creatinine 102 sgot (ast) 103 sgpt (alt) 104 sodium 105 sodium citrate 3.8% 106 sodium hypochlorite solution 5ltrs 107 standard high serum 108 standard low serum 109 sticker s metro no.1 110 swab sticks along with test tube 111 t3 calibrator 112 t3 total 113 t4 calibrator 114 t4 total 115 test tube stand 116 test tube washing brushes 117 test tubes glass 3 118 test tubes plastic 3 119 test tubes stand 120 tissue paper rolls 121 torniquits 122 triglycerides 123 uric acid 124 urine sample collecting bottles 125 urine test strips for glucose & ketones 126 urine test strips for glucose & protiene 127 urine test strips for pregnancy 128 widal test kit 129 xylene 2.5ltr 130 yarco tissue capsules 131 i.c.d tubes 132 micro drip burettee sets 133 nhmv filters 134 snare wire 135 nebulization face masks 136 nebulaization face maks 137 3-way cannulas 138 scalp vein set 139 skin sutureing needls curved size 1,2,3,4 cutting edge 140 suturing needls curved no.10,12,13,14 141 hdl calibrator reagents for semi auto analyser department of bio chemistry 1 glucose reagent 2x500 ml (excel) 2 urea reagent 5x60ml (erba) 3 creatinine reagent 4x60ml (erba) 4 chloesterol reagent 5x60ml (erba) 5 trygliyceroids reagent 5x60ml (erba) 6 sgot (ast) 20x5 7 sgpt (alt) 20x5 8 total protiens reagent 4x60 (erba) 9 bilurubin reagent 4x60 (erba) 10 alkaline phosphate 5x60 (erba) 11 albumin reagent 4x60 (erba) 12 censa core st200 electrolites reagent pack 13 glass test tubes 3 (borosil r) 14 microtips small 1 to 50 mic.ltr 15 microtips big 5 to 1000 mic.ltr 16 hdl cholesterol reagent 4x60 (erba) 17 amylase reagent 5x60 (erba) 18 lypase reagent 5x60 (erba) 19 uric acid 5x60 (erba) 20 micropippette 10 mic.ltr to 1000 mic ltr variable 21 micropippette 5 to 50 mic.ltr volume variable 22 micropippette 1 to 10 mic.ltr volume variable 23 micropippette 0 to 500 mic.ltr volume variable 24 micropippette 10 mic.ltr fixed volume. 25 micropippette 50 mic.ltr fixed volume. 26 micropippette 500 mic.ltr fixed volume. 27 micropippette 1000 mic.ltr fixed volume. 28 microprotine reagent 5x60 (erba) 29 pippette stand (plastic) 30 testtube racks (plastic) 31 micro tips stand (plastic) 32 cleanig solution for glass test tubes 33 test tube cleanig brushes 34 cloat activator test tubes red cap 35 sodium floride tips 3 microbilogy department 1 blood culture bottles for adults 2 blood culture bottles for pediatric 3 nutrient agar medium (hi-media) 4 blood agar base (hi-media) 5 mueller hinton agar (hi-media) 6 peptones (hi-media) 7 brain heart infusion agar (hi-media) 8 swineflu testing kits 9 wilson blairs agar medium (hi-media) 10 urease agar medium (hi-media) 11 citrate agar medium (hi-media) 12 indole reagent (hi-media) 13 tsi agar medium (hi-media) 14 bile escalin (hi-media) 15 culture swabs 16 non-absorbable cotton rolls 17 amikacin antibiotic discs 18 aztreonam antibiotic discs 19 ampicllin antibiotic discs 20 augmentin antibiotic discs 21 co-trimaxazole antibiotic discs 22 cefpodoxime antibiotic discs 23 ciprofloxacin antibiotic discs 24 cefepime antibiotic discs 25 chloromphenicol antibiotic discs 26 cefotaxime antibiotic discs 27 clindamycin antibiotic discs 28 cefixime antibiotic discs 29 colistin antibiotic discs 30 ceftriaxone antibiotic discs 31 cefuroxime antibiotic discs 32 ceftazidime antibiotic discs 33 doxycylcine antibiotic discs 34 ertapenem antibiotic discs 35 erythromycine antibiotic discs 36 gentamycine antibiotic discs 37 imipenem/cilastatin antibiotic discs 38 levofloxacin antibiotic discs 39 linezolid antibiotic discs 40 meropenam antibiotic discs 41 nitrofuratoin antibiotic discs 42 netilmican antibiotic discs 43 piperacillin antibiotic discs 44 tazobactum antibiotic discs 45 pencillin g antibiotic discs 46 tobramycine antibiotic discs 47 teicoplanin antibiotic discs 48 tetracycline antibiotic discs 49 tigecycline antibiotic discs 50 vancomycine antibiotic discs blood bank required item 1 distilled water cans 2 drabkin solution 3 band aids 4 stumper balls 5 prothrombine time test reagents 6 activated partial thromboplastin time reagents 7 sodium citrate coated tubes 8 controls

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3000 /-
INR 200000.0 /-
Tender Value
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