
Supply Of Electronic Lab Equipment-Rajasthan

Department Of Technical Education has published Supply Of Electronic Lab Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-01-2020. UPS Tenders in Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Electronic Lab Equipment
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Electronic Lab Equipment single power supplyfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, integrated analog / digital circuit design stationfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, waveform software (5 user cost 25000)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 2.7 ghz frequency counterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, distortion meterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, lcrq bridge meterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 3 ¾ digit digital multimeter with usb interfacefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 550 mhz amfm signal generator full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 10 mhz function generator with dds usbfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, low distortion audio generator full specification as per annxure ‘h’, magnifying glass lampfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, chemicals & raw material for pcb lab. full specification as per annxure ‘h’, roller tinning machine full specification as per annxure ‘h’, pcb drafting aids kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, artwork table ( illuminated )full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 3 ¾ digit digital multimeter with usb interfacefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, tools full specification as per annxure ‘h’, smd rework station (digitally controlled) full specification as per annxure ‘h’, orcad pspice simulation and pcb design suitefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, modular component storage cabinetsfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, desktop computer with preloaded operating systemfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, document scannerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, programmable function generator 20 mhzfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital storage oscilloscopes 60 mhzfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, microstrip antenna trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, camcorder full specification as per annxure ‘h’, television lcd 42”full specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital still camera 14 mpi or higherfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, dlp multimedia projector full specification as per annxure ‘h’, computer intel core i5 full specification as per annxure ‘h’, plasma tv trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, pattern generator for hdtvfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, integrated analog / digital circuit design stationfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, waveform software (5 user cost 25000)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 2/3 bit simultaneous type a/d converter board full specification as per annxure ‘h’, ramp type a/d converter board full specification as per annxure ‘h’, successive approximate a/d converter board. full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 4 bit dac resistive network divider board full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 4 bit dac resistive ladder network boardfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, universal programmerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, logic pulserfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital i.c. tester full specification as per annxure ‘h’, desktop computer with preloaded operating system as per dgs&d rate contractfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, laser printer as per dgs&d rate contractfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, document scanner as per dgs&d rate contractfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital multimeterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, smd soldering & desoldering kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 3d printerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, transformer winding machinefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, spectrum analyzer with spectrum analyzer application demonstratorfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, universal device programmerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 8086 microprocessor trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 8085 microprocessor trainer advanced 8085 based microprocessor full specification as per annxure ‘h’, smps trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, instrumentation tutor i, ii, iiifull specification as per annxure ‘h’, motorized antenna trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, smart phone trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, phone trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 4 in 1 (test lab) cro 30 mhz (cro, function generator, power supply, frequency counter)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, function generatorfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, regulated power supplyfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, micro controller usb ic burnerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, microcontroller board intended for anyone making interactive projects, based on the atmega328. full specification as per annxure ‘h’, automatic desktop pick and place machinefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, smd rework stationfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, thermistor full specification as per annxure ‘h’, angular displacement kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, temperature measurementfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, generation & detection of ask, psk,fsk signal trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, study of different audio circuit’s volume, tone, bass, treble and equalizer.full specification as per annxure ‘h’, led tv demonstration boardfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, installation and study of different tv receiving antennas.full specification as per annxure ‘h’, ups trainer full specification as per annxure ‘h’, lcd tv trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, dvd player demonstration boardfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, trainer kit for scr converter (high voltage version)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, scr inverter trainer boardfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, motor speed controlfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, lamp dimmer using triac.full specification as per annxure ‘h’, different types of pace makersfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, different bio electrodes full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 7-seg display characteristicsfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, desktop computer (with preloaded operating system)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, ups trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, basic logic gates trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital ic trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, programmable dc power supply full specification as per annxure ‘h’, voltageregulator full specification as per annxure ‘h’, programmable logic devicefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, multifunction monochrome laser printerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, air blower variable speed 700w.full specification as per annxure ‘h’, op- amp trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, half & full adder / subtractor trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, shift register trainer (siso, sipo, piso, pipo)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, master slave jk flip flop using nand gatesfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, modulo – n – counter trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, ups system for computer 1000vafull specification as per annxure ‘h’, universal counters trainer using flip flopfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, split ac full specification as per annxure ‘h’, computer chair full specification as per annxure ‘h’, instrumentation trainer full specification as per annxure ‘h’, easy pc & multi sim softwarefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, electrical and electronic system trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, flip flop,counters & shift register exp. panelfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, multiplexer,decoder & encoder experiment panelfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, half/full adder, subtractor,alu experiment panel.full specification as per annxure ‘h’, dac cardfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, stepper motor cardfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital temperature indicatorfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, ac split type (for mp lab)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, electrical and electronic system trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, jfet,mosfet& igbt expt. panel.full specification as per annxure ‘h’, transistor amplifier experiment panelfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, transistor signal & feedback amplifiers experiment panel. full specification as per annxure ‘h’, oscillator & multivibrator experiment panelfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, amplitude modulation & demodulationfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, frequency modulation & demodulationfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, pulse code demodulationfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, wobbuloscopefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, frequency division multiplexer &demultiplexerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, tdm pulse code modulation receiverfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, fm receiver trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, am radio receiver demonstrator full specification as per annxure ‘h’, phase locked loopfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, cellular mobile telephone handset trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, dth systemfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, ac split type (for smart class room)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, bio-medical instrumentation trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital blood pressure meter trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, air conditioner(volts/hitachi/o generalfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, for 40 users anti virus software(kaspersky/mcafee/quick heal)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, for 60 users m.s office software full specification as per annxure ‘h’, for 40 users c complier compatible with window 10full specification as per annxure ‘h’, mikefull specification as per annxure ‘h’, computer chair full specification as per annxure ‘h’, portable cd/dvd r/w(transcend/hp/del)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, online ups8 kvafull specification as per annxure ‘h’, black & white television demonstrator full specification as per annxure ‘h’, colour television demonstrator full specification as per annxure ‘h’, function generatorfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, rf signal generatorfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, pattern generators colourfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, pattern generators b/wfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 50 inches full hd led smart tvfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, strain gauge trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, ph meter trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, temperature measurement –rtd, thermocouple trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, a.c servo motor speed control trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, synchro transmitter and receiver trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, capacitive transducer trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, dc servo motor speed control trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, photoelectric transducer trainer kit/ photo conductive/ photovoltic characteristics kit full specification as per annxure ‘h’, magnetic transducer trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, techogenerator transducer trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, potentiometer transducer trainer kitfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, af power meterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital lcr-q meterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, spectrum analyzerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, distortion meterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, lcrq bridge meterfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital communication training systemfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, advance digital communication training system full specification as per annxure ‘h’, antenna trainerfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, satellite communication trainer full specification as per annxure ‘h’, camcorder full specification as per annxure ‘h’, digital still camera 14 mpi or higherfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, 9 in 1 service test labfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, eprom eraserfull specification as per annxure ‘h’, different types of pace makers(synchronous and asynchronous)full specification as per annxure ‘h’, different bio electrodes full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 3mhz ac millivoltmeter full specification as per annxure ‘h’, trainers for bio-medical instrumentation lab full specification as per annxure ‘h’, 10 mhz function generator with dds usb etc

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 60 Lakhs /-
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