Purchase Of Spares For Excitation System Of Tld-Iv Power Station , Pulse Supervision Module , Ed69203sv3aa , Module Un0097a ( Pulse Final Stage Module ) Make Bhel , Part No Cn9090369300 ( Main Exciter ) Excitation , Mdl Pwr Sup ( Ac/Dc-Dc Convertor Ce69133411 Un0098a-P , Memory Card Ct 370Avi Ed7470400389 , Type No . 69203Yviaa , Test Point Mdl Ce69138840 Un0094a , Mdl 69203Ia1aa Unc4660av1 , Mdl 69203Ib1ba Unc4661av2 , Trfmr Cntrl 2 . 5Kva , 415V/10 , 15 , 20 25V 3Ph , 50Hz , Trfmr Pwr5kva:3Ph Ynyn0 165/100V50 -400Hz , Ct Wound Primary 5 , 1/1A 20Va Accy . Class: 3 , Ct Wound Primary 1A/1A , 2A 5Va+5Va Accy . Class: 5P10 , Mdl Command I/P 6 92Yb2ca Uns2662c , Fuse Hrc 125A 500V , Size-1 , Mpcb , 3P , 25A , 690V Ac O/L Release:2 . 5 -4A With 1No+1Nc Aux . Cnt , Transformer Ct Bar Pr 50A/1A -1A , Ct Bar Pr 15Va 700A/1A 3 , Transducer Dc Volt , I/P:-15V - 0 -+15V , Dual O/P O/P:4 -20Mila , 240Vac , Trdr 0 -500V/4 -20Ma . Dual Iso , Sup:220Vac , Transducer Dc Voltage Trndr , ; I/P:0-60 , Cont Spr Am Coil Mkng Nef77004 , Cont Spr Am Coil Brkng Nef73380 , Cont Spr Am Cntt Pc Mvng Nem1813 , Cont Spr Time Relay Kosc8 -22+Tpa ( Old ) Kc40e+Tp40i ( New ) , Cont Spr 1Cex400a Coil Pole 68436518 New Type No:95298 , Cont Spr 1Cex400a Co Il Pole Rp 38436307 New Type No:95492 , Cont Spr 1Cex400a Cn Tt Pole Fxd 66245022 New Type No:94192 , Cont Spr 1Cex400a Spring Type:94173 , Contctr Aux 220Vdc Part:112009 , Surge Arrester 230V 5Ka/5A Q69-A1-A230-102 , Mdl Pwr 688 . 22 . Cae . 001 , Mdl Pwr 688 . 02 . Abb . 011 , Reactor Decoupling 11 . 6Mcr . Hnr , Res St Grid/Punched Grid 800Kw 2500A , Ct For Conduction Monitoring , Cbl Triaxial 1C , 0 . 5Sqmm ( In Mtrs ) , Plug Strt , Bnt Triax Ug Clamp , Hn-160101 Het160101-2 , Cbl Frls Pvc 1100V;25C;1Sqmm Grey ( In Mtrs ) , Plug 90Deg . 22Pole Ms3108f-28-11-S-Si , System Cbl:9P-9P , System Cbl:21P-21P , System Cbl:9P-25P , System Cbl:9P-9Pin , System Cbl:9P-9Free , System Cbl:9P-3Free , System Cbl:21P-25P , System Cbl , , Tldp-Iv , System Cbl:21P-1Free , System Cbl Of21pin , Mdl 69203Yy2aa Uns0666av1 Digital Avr Delivery , Mdl 69203Pz1aa Unc4664av1 Ac/Dc Sup Ed7470400320