
Supply Of Medicine , Drugs , Tablets , Injections , Ivfs Etc . Including Hygiene Chemicals For Use In The Health Institutions Of U . T . Of Puducherry - 1 Five Fluorouracil 50Mg / Ml Injection 2 Acyclovir 500Mg Injection 3 Adenosine 3Mg / Ml Injection 4 Adrenaline Tartrate I.P 1Mg / Ml Injection 5 Adrenochrome Monosemicarbozone N0.75Mg / Ml Injection 6 Amikacin 125Mg / Ml Injection 7 Amikacin 250Mg / Ml Injection 8 Aminophyline 125Mg / Ml Injection 9 Amiodarone 50Mg / Ml Injection 10 Amoxycillin 1Gm + Clavulanic Acid 200Mg Injection 11 Amphotericin B 50Mg Injection 12 Ampicillin 500Mg Injection 13 Anti Rabies Vaccine 2.5 I.U With Diluent For Injection 14 Anti Tetanus Immunoglobulin ( Human ) 500 I.U Injection 15 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 150Mg Injection 16 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 300Mg Injection 17 Anti-D ( Rho ) Immunoglobulin ( Monoclonal ) - H, DHFWS Puducherry-Puducherry

Department Of Health And Family Welfare has published Supply Of Medicine , Drugs , Tablets , Injections , Ivfs Etc . Including Hygiene Chemicals For Use In The Health Institutions Of U . T . Of Puducherry - 1 Five Fluorouracil 50Mg / Ml Injection 2 Acyclovir 500Mg Injection 3 Adenosine 3Mg / Ml Injection 4 Adrenaline Tartrate I.P 1Mg / Ml Injection 5 Adrenochrome Monosemicarbozone N0.75Mg / Ml Injection 6 Amikacin 125Mg / Ml Injection 7 Amikacin 250Mg / Ml Injection 8 Aminophyline 125Mg / Ml Injection 9 Amiodarone 50Mg / Ml Injection 10 Amoxycillin 1Gm + Clavulanic Acid 200Mg Injection 11 Amphotericin B 50Mg Injection 12 Ampicillin 500Mg Injection 13 Anti Rabies Vaccine 2.5 I.U With Diluent For Injection 14 Anti Tetanus Immunoglobulin ( Human ) 500 I.U Injection 15 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 150Mg Injection 16 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 300Mg Injection 17 Anti-D ( Rho ) Immunoglobulin ( Monoclonal ) - H. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-12-2019. Medicine Tenders in DHFWS Puducherry Puducherry. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Medicine , Drugs , Tablets , Injections , Ivfs Etc . Including Hygiene Chemicals For Use In The Health Institutions Of U . T . Of Puducherry - 1 Five Fluorouracil 50Mg / Ml Injection 2 Acyclovir 500Mg Injection 3 Adenosine 3Mg / Ml Injection 4 Adrenaline Tartrate I.P 1Mg / Ml Injection 5 Adrenochrome Monosemicarbozone N0.75Mg / Ml Injection 6 Amikacin 125Mg / Ml Injection 7 Amikacin 250Mg / Ml Injection 8 Aminophyline 125Mg / Ml Injection 9 Amiodarone 50Mg / Ml Injection 10 Amoxycillin 1Gm + Clavulanic Acid 200Mg Injection 11 Amphotericin B 50Mg Injection 12 Ampicillin 500Mg Injection 13 Anti Rabies Vaccine 2.5 I.U With Diluent For Injection 14 Anti Tetanus Immunoglobulin ( Human ) 500 I.U Injection 15 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 150Mg Injection 16 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 300Mg Injection 17 Anti-D ( Rho ) Immunoglobulin ( Monoclonal ) - H
Open Tender
Dhfws Puducherry

Tender Details

Corrigendum - Supply Of Medicine , Drugs , Tablets , Injections , Ivfs Etc . Including Hygiene Chemicals For Use In The Health Institutions Of U . T . Of Puducherry - 1 Five Fluorouracil 50Mg / Ml Injection 2 Acyclovir 500Mg Injection 3 Adenosine 3Mg / Ml Injection 4 Adrenaline Tartrate I.P 1Mg / Ml Injection 5 Adrenochrome Monosemicarbozone N0.75Mg / Ml Injection 6 Amikacin 125Mg / Ml Injection 7 Amikacin 250Mg / Ml Injection 8 Aminophyline 125Mg / Ml Injection 9 Amiodarone 50Mg / Ml Injection 10 Amoxycillin 1Gm + Clavulanic Acid 200Mg Injection 11 Amphotericin B 50Mg Injection 12 Ampicillin 500Mg Injection 13 Anti Rabies Vaccine 2.5 I.U With Diluent For Injection 14 Anti Tetanus Immunoglobulin ( Human ) 500 I.U Injection 15 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 150Mg Injection 16 Anti-D Immunoglobulin ( Human ) Hiv Free 300Mg Injection 17 Anti-D ( Rho ) Immunoglobulin ( Monoclonal ) - Human 500 I.U Injection 18 Anti-Snake Venom Polyvalent With Diluent For Injection 19 Artesunate 60Mg Injection 20 Atracuriuim Besilate 10Mg / Ml Injection 21 Atropine Sulphate 0.6Mg / Ml Injection 22 Benzathine Pencillin 12 Lac I.U Injection 23 Benzyl Pencillin ( 600Mg ) 10 Lac I.U Injection 24 Benzyl Pencillin 5 Lac I.U Injection 25 Betamethasone 4Mg / Ml Injection 26 Botulinum Toxin-Purified Nurotoxin Complex N100i.U Injection 27 Bupi Vacaine Hcl-Spinal 0.5%W / V Injection 28 Bupivacaine Hcl 0.25%W / V Injection 29 Bupivacaine Hcl Heavy 0.5%W / V Injection 30 Buprenorphine Hcl 0.3Mg / Ml Injection 31 Cabazitaxel I.V 60Mg Injection ( Cabazitaxel 60 Mg + N Diluent 5.7 Ml Nof 13 % W / W - Ethanol In Water For Injection ) 32 Calcium Gluconate 10%W / V Injection 33 Carboplatin 450Mg / 45Ml Injection 34 Carboprost 250Mcg / Ml Injection 35 Cefoperazone 1Gm Injection 36 Cefoperazone 0.5Gm + Sulbactum 0.5Gm Injection 37 Cefotaxime Sodium 1Gm Injection 38 Cefazolin 1Gm Injection 39 Ceftazidime 1Gm Injection 40 Ceftriaxone 1Gm Injection 41 Ceftriaxone 1Gm + Sulbactum 0.5Gm Injection 42 Chloramphenicol 1Gm Injection 43 Chlorpromazine Hcl 25Mg / Ml Injection 44 Cisplatin 1Mg / Ml Injection 45 Cloxacillin 500Mg Injection 46 Cyclophosphamide 1Gm Injection 47 Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 4Mg / Ml Injection 48 Dextrose 50%W / V Injection 49 Diazepam 5Mg / Ml Injection 50 Diclofenac Sodium 25Mg / Ml Injection 51 Dicyclomine 10Mg / Ml Injection 52 Digoxin 0.25Mg / Ml Injection 53 Diltiazem 5Mg / Ml Injection 54 Dobutamine 50Mg / Ml Injection 55 Dopamine Hcl 40Mg / Ml Injection 56 Doxorubicin 2Mg / Ml Injection 57 Ephedrine 50Mg / Ml Injection 58 Erythropoietin ( Prefilled Syringe ) 2000I.U / 0.5Ml Injection 59 Esmolol 100Mg / Ml Injection 60 Ethamsylate 125Mg / Ml Injection 61 Etophyline 169.4 Mg + Theophyline 50.60 Mg Injection 62 Factor Vlla For Hemophilla + Sterile Water For Ninjection 1Mg Injection 63 Factor Vlla For Hemophilla + Sterile Water For N Injection 2Mg Injection 64 Fentanyl 50Mg / Ml Injection 65 Flucanazole Infusion 2Mg / Ml Injection 66 Fosphenytoin Sodium 75Mg / Ml Injection 67 Frusemide 10Mg / Ml Injection 68 Gentamycin 40Mg / Ml Injection 69 Glyceryl Trinitrate 5Mg / Ml Injection 70 Glycopyrrolate 0.2Mg / Ml Injection 71 Haemocoagulase 1Units / Ml Injection 72 Haloperidol 5Mg / Ml Injection 73 Heparin Sodium 5000 I.U / Ml Injection 74 Hepatitis B.Vaccine ( Genetically Engineered ) 100 I.U / 0.5Ml Injection 75 Human Albumin 20% Injection 76 Human Immunogobulin 5Gm Injection 77 Human Rabies Immunoglobulin 200I.U Injection 78 Human Rabies Immunoglobulin 300 I.U Injection 79 Hyaluronidase 1500I.U Injection 80 Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 100Mg Injection 81 Hydroxy Progesterone 250Mg / Ml Injection 82 Hydroxyl Proply Methyl Cellulose 2% -5Ml N Prefilled Syringe Injection 83 Insulin-Highly Purified Isophane Insulin N ( Monocomponent Human ) 100I.U / Ml Injection 84 Insulin-Highly Purified Neutral Insulin N ( Monocomponent Human ) 100I.U / Ml Injection 85 Insulin-. Mono Component Insulin Lispro 100Iu / Ml ( R-Dna Origin ) - 86 Insulin-25% Insulin Lispro And 75% Insulin Lispro Protamine Nsuspension 100Iu / Ml ( R-Dna Origin ) 87 Insulin-50% Insulin Lispro And 50% Insulin Suspension N100iu / Ml ( R-Dna Origin ) 88 Insulin-Human Insulin Analogue Injection N ( Biosynthetic R-Dna Origin ) Soluble Insulin Aspart 100I.U / Ml Injection 89 Insulin-Biphasic Isophane Insulin Inj I.P. ( 30% As Nsoluble Insulin & 70% As Isophane Insulin ) Monocomponent Human Insulin Biosynthetic ( R-Dna Origin- ( Pre Mixed ) - 40 I.U Injection 90 Insulin-Long Or Intermediate Acting, Isophane Nhuman Insulin, Nph - 40I.U Injection 91 Insulin-Human Insulin Analogue Injection ( Biosynthetic Nr-Dna Origin ) Soluble Insulin Aspart 100I.U / Ml Injection 92 Insulin-Rapid Or Short Acting , Soluble Human Insulin. Nneutral 40I.U Injection 93 Insulin Analogue - Biphasic Aspart ( Mixture Of Soluble Ninsulin Aspart 30% & 70% Protaminated Insulin Aspart Injection 94 Insulin-Mixture Of Highly Purified Neutral Insulin N Solution 30% & Isophane Suspension 70% N ( Monocomponent Human ) - ( Pre Mixed ) 100I.U / Ml Injection 95 Insulin-Premixed Human Insulin Analogue Inj. N ( Biosynthetic R-Dna Origin ) Biphasic Insulin Aspart - N ( Mixture Of Soluble Insulin Aspart 30% & Protamine Crystalized Insulin Aspart 70% 100I.U / Ml Injection 96 Insulin Lispro Injection ( R-Dna Origin ) - Rapid Acting Nhuman Insulin 100I.U 97 H1n1 Vaccine ( Vial ) 98 Iohexol ( Omnipaque ) 300Mgi / Ml Injection 99 Iohexol ( Omnipaque ) 350Mgi / Ml Injection 100 Iron Dextron 50Mg / Ml Injection 101 Iron Sucrose 20Mg / Ml Injection 102 Isoxysuprim Hcl 5Mg / Ml Injection 103 Kanamycin 333Mg / Ml Injection 104 Ketamine Hcl 10Mg / Ml Injection 105 Ketamine Hcl 50Mg / Ml Injection 106 Labetalol 5Mg / Ml Injection 107 Leucovorin Calcium 50Mg / 5Ml Injection 108 Leuprelide ( Gnrha ) 11.25Mg Injection 109 Leuprelide ( Gnrha ) 3.75Mg Injection 110 Levetiracetam 100Mg / Ml Injection 111 Levofloxacin 500Mg 25Mg / Ml Injection 112 Lignocaine Hcl 2% Injection 113 Lignocaine Hcl 4% Topical 21.3Mg / Ml Injection 114 Lignocaine Hcl 21.3Mg With Adrenaline Bitartrate N0.005Mg / Ml Injection 115 Linezolide 200Mg Injection 116 Lorazepam 2Mg / Ml Injection 117 Low Molecular Wt. Heparin Sodium 60Mg / 0.6Ml Ninjection 118 Lyposomol Amphotericin B 50Mg Injection 119 Magnesium Sulphate 50%W / V Injection 120 Mephentermine Sulphate 30Mg / Ml Injection 121 Meropenum 1Gm Powder For Injection 122 Metaclopramide Ip 2.5Mg / Ml Injection 123 Methyl Cobalamin 500Mcg / Amp. Injection 124 Methyl Ergometrine Maleate 0.2Mg / Ml Injection 125 Methyl Prednisolone Sodium 1Gm / Vial Injection 126 Metoprolol Tartrate Ip 1Mg / Ml Injection 127 Midazolam 1Mg / Ml Injection 128 Monoclonal Purified Factor Viii-Anti Hemophlic Nfactor ( Human ) Injection 129 Morphine Sulphate Ip 10Mg / Ml Injection 130 Nandrolone Deconate 25Mg Injection 131 Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate Ip 25Mg Injection 132 Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate 0.5Mg / Ml Injection 133 Nitrogycerine 5Mg / Ml Injection 134 Noradrenaline 1Mg / Ml Injection 135 Octreotide Acetate 100Mcg / Ml Injection 136 Ondansetron 4Mg / Ml Injection 137 Oxytocin 1Ml / 5Units Injection 138 Paclitaxel 260Mg / 43.4Ml Injection 139 Pancuronium Bromide 2Mg / Ml Injection 140 Pantaprazole 40Mg / Vial Injection 141 Paracetamol Ip 150Mg / Ml Injection 142 Pentazocine Lactate Ip 30Mg / Ml Injection 143 Pethidine Hcl Ip 50Mg / Ml Injection 144 Pheniramine Maleate 2.5Mg / Ml Injection 145 Phenobarbitone Sodium 200Mg / Ml Injection 146 Phenytoin Sodium Ip 50Mg / Ml Injection 147 Piperacillin 4Gm + Tozobactum 0.5Gm Injection 148 Pipercillin 1Gm + Tazobactum 0.125Mg Injection 149 Placenta Extract Injection 150 Pottassium Chloride 15%W / V Injection 151 Pralidoxime Iodide 25Mg / Ml Injection 152 Promethazine Hcl 25Mg / Ml Injection 153 Propofol 1%W / V Injection 154 Quinine Dihydrochloride 300Mg / Ml Injection 155 Ranitidine Hcl 25Mg / Ml Injection 156 Reteplase 20Mg Injection 157 Ritodrine 10Mg / Ml Injection 158 Rocuronium Bromide 10Mg / Ml Injection 159 Sodium Tetradecyl Sulphate 30Mg / Ml Injection 160 Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% Injection 161 Streptokinase 15Lac I.U Injection 162 Streptomycin 0.75 Gm Powder For Injection 163 Succinyl Choline Chloride 50Mg / Ml Injection 164 Tenecteplase 40Mg Injection 165 Tenecteplase 30Mg Injection 166 Tetanus Toxoid Injection 167 Tetanus Toxoid Injection 168 Thiopentone Sodium 0.5Gm Injection 169 Torsemide 20 Mg 10Mg / Ml Injection 170 Tramodol Hcl 50Mg / Ml Injection 171 Triamcinolone Acetonide 40Mg / Ml Injection 172 Urokinase 5Lac I.U Injection 173 Valathamate Bromide 8Mg / Ml Injection 174 Vancomycin 500Mg Injection 175 Vecuronium Bromide 4Mg Injection 176 Verapamil 2.5Mg / Ml Injection 177 Vitamin A 50, 000 I.U Injection 178 Vitamin K 10Mg / Ml Injection ( Manadione Sodium N Bisulphate ) 179 Vitamin B1 50Mg / Ml Injection ( Thiamine ) 180 Vitamin B12 1000 Mcg / Ml Injection 181 Vitamin B-Complex ( Each Ml Contains: Thiamine Hcl N 100Mg, Riboflavin 2Mg, Pyridoxine Hcl 2Mg, Nd-Panthenol 2Mg, Niacinamide 100Mg ) Injection 182 Water For Injection 10 Ml 183 Water For Injection 5 Ml 184 Aminoacid ( Essential And Non-Essential Aminoacids ) N10%W / V Ivf 185 Aminoacid ( Essential And Non-Essential Aminoacids ) N10%W / V Ivf 186 Aminoacid ( Essential And Non-Essential Aminoacids ) N10%W / V Ivf 187 Atropine Sulphate 0.5Mg / Ml Ivf 188 Ciprofloxacin 0.2%W / V Ivf 189 Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Solution Nwith Mini Caps ( Made Of Pl 146 Plastic With Integrated Asymmetric Y Connection ) 1.5%W / V Ivf 190 Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Solution Nwith Mini Caps ( Made Of Pl 146 Plastic With Integrated Asymmetric Y Connection ) 2.5%W / V Ivf 191 Dextrose 10%W / V Ivf 192 Dextrose 25%W / V Ivf 193 Dextrose 5%W / V Ivf 194 Dextrose 5% With Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Ivf 195 Haemodialysis Fluid ( For Acetate Dialysis ) Ivf 196 Hydroxy Ethyl Starch Isotonic With Sodium Nchloride - 6%W / V Ivf 197 Mannitol 20%W / V Ivf 198 Mannitol 20%W / V Ivf 199 Metronidazole 0.5%W / V Ivf 200 Multiple Electrolytes And Dextrose Injection N ( Peadiatric ) Ivf 201 Sodium Chloride 0.45%W / V Ivf 202 Sodium Chloride 3%W / V Ivf 203 Paracetamol 1%W / V Ivf 204 Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid Ivf 205 Polymer From Degraded Gelatin ( Plasma Volume N Expander ) 3.5%W / V Ivf 206 Ringer Lactate Ivf 207 Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Ivf 208 Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Ivf 209 Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Ivf 210 Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Ivf 211 Tirofiban Hcl 5Mg Ivf 212 Total Parental Nutrition With Olive Oil Lipid Nemulsion Containing Olive Oil 80% & Soyabean Noil 20% In Triple Chamber Bag Containing Mixture Of Carbohydrates, Proteins With Electrolytes & Trace Elements In Peripheral Vein - Ivf 213 Acetazolamide 250Mg Tablet 214 Acetyl Salicylic Acid 150Mg Tablet 215 Acetyl Salicylic Acid 75Mg Tablet 216 Activated Charcoal 400Mg + Simethicone 80Mg Tablet 217 Acyclovir 200Mg Tablet 218 Adrenochrome Monosemi Carbazone Tablet 219 Albendazole 400Mg Tablet 220 Alfacalcidol 0.25Mcg Capsule 221 Alprazolam 0.25Mg Tablet 222 Alprazolam 0.5Mg Tablet 223 Amiodarone 100Mg Tablet 224 Amitriptiline 25Mg Tablet 225 Amlodipine 2.5Mg Tablet 226 Amlodipine 5Mg Tablet 227 Amoxycillin 125Mg Tablet 228 Amoxycillin 250Mg Capsule 229 Amoxycillin 500Mg + Clavulanic Acid 125Mg Tablet 230 Amoxycillin 500Mg Capsule 231 Ampicillin 250Mg Capsule 232 Ampicillin 500Mg Capsule 233 Antacid Tablet ( Dried Aluminium Hydroxide 250Mg, Nmagnesium Hydroxide 250Mg, Dimethicone 10Mg ) 234 Ascorbic Acid 500Mg Tablet 235 Atenolol 50Mg Tablet 236 Atorvastatin 10Mg Tablet 237 Azathioprime 50Mg Tablet 238 Azithromycin 500Mg Tablet 239 Baclofen 10Mg Tablet 240 Betahistine 8Mg Tablet 241 Betamethasone 0.5Mg Tablet 242 Bisacodyl 5Mg Tablet 243 Bisacodyl Suppositories ( Paed ) 5Mg Suppos. 244 Bisaprolol 5Mg Tablet 245 Bromhexine Hcl Ip 8Mg Tablet 246 Cabergoline 0.25Mg Tablet 247 Calcium 500Mg With Vitamin D3 0.25Mg Tablet 248 Calcium Gluconate 325Mg Tablet 249 Carbamazepine 200Mg Tablet 250 Carbimazole 5Mg Tablet 251 Carvedilol 12.5Mg Tablet 252 Carvedilol 3.125Mg Tablet 253 Carvedilol 6.25Mg Tablet 254 Cefixime 200Mg Tablet 255 Cephalexin 250Mg Capsule 256 Cephalexin 500Mg Capsule 257 Cetrizine 10Mg Tablet 258 Chloramphenicol Ip 250Mg Capsule 259 Chloroquine Phosphate 250Mg Tablet 260 Chlorpheniramine Meleate Ip 4Mg Tablet 261 Chlorpromazine Hcl 50Mg Tablet 262 Cinnarazine 25Mg Tablet 263 Ciprofloxacin 250Mg Tablet 264 Ciprofloxacin 500Mg Tablet 265 Clindamycin Vaginal Tablet Tablet 266 Clobazam 5Mg Tablet 267 Clomiphene Citrate 50Mg Tablet 268 Clonazepam 0.5Mg Tablet 269 Clonidine 100Mg Tablet 270 Clopidogrel 75Mg Tablet 271 Clotrimazole Vaginal Use Tablet 272 Cloxacillin 500Mg Capsule 273 Cloxacillin 500Mg Tablet 274 Co - Trimoxazole ( Pead ) Tablet N ( Sulphamethoxazole 100 Mg + Trimethoprim 20 Mg ) 275 Co-Trimoxazole - Ss Tablet N ( ( Sulphamethoxazole 400Mg + Trimethoprim 80Mg ) 276 Co-Trimoxazole - Ds Tablet N ( ( Sulphamethoxazole 800Mg + Trimethoprim 160Mg ) 277 Cyclosporine 25Mg Capsule 278 Cyclosporine 50Mg Capsule 279 Danazol 100Mg Tablet 280 Danazol 200Mg Tablet 281 Diazepam 5Mg Tablet 282 Diclofenac Sodium M Ip 50Mg Tablet 283 Dicyclomin 20Mg Tablet 284 Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate Ip 100Mg Tablet 285 Digoxin 0.25Mg Tablet 286 Diltiazem 30Mg Tablet 287 Domperidone Ip 10Mg Tablet 288 Doxycycline 100Mg Capsule 289 Duloxetine 20Mg Tablet 290 Dydrogesterone 10Mg Tablet 291 Enalapril Maleate 2.5Mg Tablet 292 Enalapril Maleate 5Mg Tablet 293 Erythromycin 250Mg Tablet 294 Escitalopram 10Mg Tablet 295 Ethionyl Estradial 0.035 Mg + Cyptoterone Acetate N2 Mg - Kit Of 21 Tablets 296 Etophylline 115Mg + Theophylline 35Mg Tablet 297 Etophylline 77Mg + Theophylline 23Mg Tablet 298 Evening Primrose Oil 500Mg Capsule 299 Famotidine 20Mg Tablet 300 Famotidine 40Mg Tablet 301 Fenofibrate 160Mg Tablet 302 Ferrous Suphate Sugar Coated 200Mg Tablet 303 Fluconazole 150Mg Tablet 304 Folic Acid Tab Ip 5Mg Tablet 305 Frusemide Ip 40Mg Tablet 306 Gabapentin 300Mg Tablet 307 Glibenclamide 5Mg Tablet 308 Gliclazide 40Mg Tablet 309 Gliclazide 80Mg Tablet 310 Glimipride 1Mg Tablet 311 Griseofulivin Ip 250Mg Tablet 312 Haematinic Capsule ( Vitamin B12 Ip 15 Mcg + Folic Nacid 1500 Mcg + Ferrous Fumarate 300 Mg ) 313 Haloperidol Ip 1.5Mg Tablet 314 Haloperidol Ip 5Mg Tablet 315 Hydrochlorthiazide 25Mg Tablet 316 Ibuprofen 400Mg Tablet 317 Imipramine Ip 25Mg Tablet 318 Isosorbide - 5 - Mononitrate 30 Mg Tablet ( In Durables ) 319 Isosorbide - 5 - Mononitrate 60 Mg Tablet ( In Durables ) 320 Isosorbide Dinitrate Ip 10Mg Tablet 321 Isosorbide Dinitrate Ip 5Mg Tablet 322 Levadopa 250Mg + Carbidopa 25Mg Tablet 323 Levo Cetirizine 5Mg Tablet 324 Levocetrizine 5Mg + Montelukast 10Mg Tablet 325 Levofloxacin 500Mg Tablet 326 Lorazepam 1Mg Tablet 327 Lorazepam 2Mg Tablet 328 Medroxy Progesterone Acetate 10Mg Tablet 329 Mefanamic Acid 500Mg Tablet 330 Metalozone 5Mg Tablet 331 Metformin 1Gm- Sr Tablet 332 Metformin 500Mg Tablet 333 Methotrexate 5Mg Tablet 334 Methyl Ergometrine Mealeate Tablet 335 Methyl Prednisolone 8Mg Tablet 336 Methyldopa Ip 250Mg Tablet 337 Metoclopramide 10Mg Tablet 338 Metoprolol Er 50Mg Tablet 339 Metoprolol Tartrate Ip 100Mg Tablet 340 Metoprolol Tartrate Ip 25Mg Tablet 341 Metoprolol Tartrate Ip 50Mg Tablet 342 Metronidazole Ip 400Mg Tablet 343 Misoprostal 200Mcg Tablet 344 Montelukast 5Mg + Levocertirizine Hydrochloride Ip 2.5 Mg Tablet 345 Multivitamin Tablet ( Vitamin A 2500 I.U, Vitamin D3 200I.U, N Vitamin B1 2Mg, Vitamin B2 2Mg, Vitamin B6 0.5Mg, Calcium Pantothenate 1Mg, Niacinamide 25Mg, Vitamin C 50Mg & Folic Acid 0.2Mg ) 346 Mycophenolate Mofetil 250Mg Tablet 347 N Acetylcysteine 600Mg Tablet 348 Nicoumalone 1Mg Tablet 349 Nicoumalone 2Mg Tablet 350 Nifedipine 5Mg Capsule 351 Nifedipine 20Mg Tablet 352 Nimodipine 30Mg Capsule 353 Nitrazepam 5Mg Tablet 354 Nitrofurdantin 100Mg Tablet 355 Nitroglycerine 2.6Mg Tablet 356 Norfloxacin 400Mg Tablet 357 Ofloxacin 200Mg Tablet 358 Olanzapine 10Mg Tablet 359 Olmesartan 20Mg Tablet 360 Omeprazole 20Mg Capsule 361 Ondonsetron 8Mg Tablet 362 Orciprenaline 10Mg Tablet 363 Pantoprazole 20Mg Tablet 364 Pantoprazole 40Mg Tablet 365 Paracetamol Ip 500Mg Tablet 366 Penicillin ( Phenoxymethyl Penicillin ) 250Mg Tablet 367 Penicillin-G Potassium 400Mg Tablet 368 Pentoxyfylline Ip 400Mg Tablet 369 Pheniramine Maleate Ip 25Mg Tablet 370 Phenobarbitone 30Mg Tablet 371 Phenobarbitone 60Mg Tablet 372 Phenytoin Sodium 100Mg Tablet 373 Piracetam 400Mg Tablet 374 Piracetam 800Mg Tablet 375 Prazocin Hcl Gits 2.5Mg Tablet 376 Prazocin Hcl Gits 5Mg Tablet 377 Prazosin 1Mg Tablet 378 Prednisolone Ip 5Mg Tablet 379 Pregabalin 75Mg Tablet 380 Prochlorperazine 5Mg Tablet 381 Progesterone 100Mg Capsule ( Micronised ) 382 Progestogen 100Mg + Norethisterone 5Mg Tablet 383 Propranolol 10Mg Tablet 384 Propranolol 40Mg Tablet 385 Pyridostigmine 60Mg Tablet 386 Pyridoxine Hcl 10Mg Tablet 387 Quetiapine 100Mg Tablet 388 Riboflavine 10Mg 389 Ranitidine Ip 150Mg Tablet 390 Risperidone 2Mg Tablet 391 Roxithromycin 150Mg Tablet 392 Salbutamol Sulphate Ip 2Mg Tablet 393 Salbutamol Sulphate Ip 4Mg Tablet 394 Serratiopeptidase 10Mg Tablet 395 Sertraline 50Mg Tablet 396 Simvastatin 10Mg Tablet 397 Sodium Valproate 200Mg Tablet ( Enteric Coated ) 398 Spironolactone 25Mg Tablet 399 Telmisartan 40Mg Tablet 400 Tetracycline 250Mg Capsule 401 Tetracycline 500Mg Capsule 402 Thyroxin Sodium 100Mcg Tablet 403 Thyroxin Sodium 50Mcg Tablet 404 Tibolone 2.5Mg Tablet 405 Tramadol 50Mg Tablet 406 Tranexamic Acid 500Mg Tablet 407 Trihexyphenieyl Hcl 2Mg Tablet 408 Ursodeoxycholic Acid 300Mg Tablet 409 Verpamil 40Mg Tablet 410 Vitamin A & D Capsule 411 Vitamin B Complex Tablet ( Each Tablet Contains: Nthiamine Mononitrate 2Mg, Riboflavine 2Mg, Nniacinamide 25Mg, Calcium Pantothenate 1Mg, Npyridoxine Hydrochloride 0.5Mg. ) 412 Vitamin E 400Mg Capsule 413 Vitaminb-Complex Capsule ( Each Capsule Contains: N Vitamin B12 1.5Mg, Vitamin C 15Mcg, Biotin 100Mg, Calcium Pantopthenate 50Mg, Folic Acid 3Mg, Niacinamide 150Mg, Pyridoxine 10Mg, Riboflavin 10Mg, Thiamine 100Mcg. ) 414 Voglibose 0.2Mg Tablet 415 Warfarin Sodium 5Mg Tablet 416 Acyclovir 3%W / V Eye Ointment 417 Atropine 1%W / W Eye Ointment 418 Atropine 1%W / V Eye Drops 419 Betamehthasone 0.1%W / V Eye Drops 420 Betamethasone 0.1%W / V With Neomycin 0.5%W / V Eye Drops 421 Brimonidine 2%W / V Eye Drops 422 Brimonidine 2%W / V + Timolol 0.5%W / V Eye Drops 423 Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 1%W / V Eye Drops 424 Chloramphenicol 0.5%W / V Ear Drops 425 Chloramphenicol 1%W / V Eye Drops 426 Chloramphenicol Applicaps 1%W / W Applicaps 427 Chloramphenicol 0.5%W / V With Dexamethasone N 0.1%W / V Eye Drops 428 Ciprofloxacin 0.3%W / W Eye Ointment 429 Ciprofloxacin 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 430 Ciprofloxacin 0.2%W / V Ear Drops 431 Ciprofloxacin 0.3%W / V + Dexamethazone 0.1%W / V Neye Drops 432 Clotrimazole 1%W / V + Chloramphenicol 5%W / V + Beclomethasone Dipropionate 0.025%W / V + Nlignocaine Hcl 2%W / V Ear Drops 433 Cyclopentolate 1%W / V Eye Drops 434 Fluconazole 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 435 Flurbiprofen 0.03%W / V Eye Drops 436 Framycetin 0.5%W / V Eye Drops 437 Gatifloxacin 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 438 Gentamycin Ip 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 439 Gentamycin Ip 0.3%W / V Ear Drops 440 Gentamycin 0.3%W / V With Dexamethasone N0.1%W / V Eye Drops 441 Homatropine Hydrobromide 2%W / V Eye Drops 442 Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose ( Artificial Ntears ) 0.7 %W / V Eye Drops 443 Ketorolac 0.5%W / V + Ofloxacin 0.3% W / V Eye Drops 444 Moxifloxacin 0.5%W / V Eye Drops 445 Naphazoline Hcl 0.056%W / V + Chlorpheniramine N Maleate 0.01%W / V + Zinc Sulphate 0.12%W / V + N Boric Acid 0.25%W / V Eye Drops 446 Natamycin 5%W / V Eye Drops 447 Norfloxacin 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 448 Norfloxacin 0.3%W / V Ear Drops 449 Ofloxacin 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 450 Ofloxacin 0.3%W / V + Dexamethasone Sodium Nphosphate 0.1%W / V Eye Drops 451 Olapatadine 0.1%W / V Eye Drops 452 Oxymetazoline ( Pead ) 0.05%W / V Nasal Drops 453 Paradichlorobenzene 2%W / V + Benzocaine 2.7%W / V + Chlorbutol 5%W / V + Turpentine Oil 15%W / V Ear Drops 454 Phenylephrine 10%W / V Eye Drops 455 Pilocarpine 2%W / V Eye Drops 456 Polyvinyl Alcohol 1.4%W / V Eye Drops 457 Prednisolone Acetate 1%W / V Eys Drops 458 Proparcaine 0.5%W / V Eye Drops 459 Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Eye Drops 460 Sodium Chloride 0.9%W / V Ear Drops 461 Sodium Hyaluronate -Viscoelastic 0.15%W / V Eye Drops 462 Timolol 0.5%W / V Ey E Drops 463 Tobramycin 0.3%W / V Eye Drops 464 Tobramycin 0.3%W / V + Dexamethazone 0.1%W / V Eye Drops 465 Tropicamide 1%W / V Eye Drops 466 Tropicamide 0.8%W / V + Phenylephrine 5% Eye Drops 467 Xylometazoline 0.1%W / V Nasal Drops 468 Acriflavin Powder 469 Benzyl Benzoate Application 25%W / W Emulsion 470 Betamethasone Dipropionate 0.05%W / W + Gentamycin N Sulphate 0.1%W / W Cream 471 Betamethasone Valerate 0.1%W / W Cream 472 Boric Acid Powder 473 Calamine Lotion 474 Clindamycin Ointment 1%W / V 475 Clotrimazole 1%W / W Cream 476 Clotrimazole 1%W / W + Beclomethasone Dipropionate 0.025%W / W Cream 477 Compound Benzoic Acid ( Benzoic Acid 6%W / W + Nsalicylic Acid 3%W / W ) - Whitefield Ointment 478 Compound Benzoin Tincture Solution 479 Denatured Spirit Solution 480 Diclofenac Sodium 1%W / W Gel 481 Diclhoro Obstetric Cream 482 Dinoprostone ( Injectable Gel ) 0.5Mg / 3Gm Gel 483 Ecg Electrode Jelly 484 Estrogens 0.625Mg / Gm Vaginal Cream 485 Framycetin 1%W / W Cream 486 Framycetin Tulle Pieces 1%W / W Sterile Pad 487 Gentian Violet Crystals 488 Glycerin Liquid 489 Hydrodgen Peroxide ( 20 Volumes ) 0.06 Solution 490 Itchthammol 491 Lignocaine Hcl Spray 10%V / V Spray 492 Lignocaine Jelly 2%W / V Jelly 493 Liquid Paraffin Liquid 494 Mercurochrome Powder 495 Methyl Salicylate 30%W / W + Menthol 10%W / W + Ncamphor 4%W / W ( Analgesic Ointment ) 496 Miconazole Nitrate 2%W / W Cream 497 Mupirocin 2%W / W Ointment 498 Neomycin Sulphate 3400 U + Polymyxin-B Sulphate N5000 U + Bacitracin Zinc 400 U Ointment 499 Nitrofurazone 0.2%W / W Ointment 500 Paraffin Guaze Sterile Gauze 501 Povidone Iodine 5%W / W Ointment 502 Povidone Iodine 5%W / W Ointment 503 Povidone Iodine Solution 5%W / V Solution 504 Rectified Spirit 505 Silver Sulphadiazine 1%W / W Cream 506 Silver Sulphadiazine 1%W / W Cream 507 Sodium Phosphate ( Sodium Acid Phosphate N165w / V + Sodium Phosphate 6%W / V ) Enema 508 Talc ( Purified ) Powder 509 Turpentine Liniment 510 White Petroleum Jelly 511 Albendazole 400Mg / 10Ml Suspension 512 Amoxycillin 125Mg / 5Ml Dry Syrup 513 Antacid - Each 5 Ml Contains : Dried Aluminium N Hydroxide 250 Mg + Methylsiloxane 50 Mg + Dried N Magnesium Hydroxide 250 Mg ( 170 Ml Bottle ) Nsuspension 514 Bacillus Clausii Spores 2 Billion Spores Suspension 515 Balanced Salt Solution ( Bss ) - Irrigating Solution 516 B-Complex - Therapeutic Use - ( Each 5Ml Contains Vit B1 Nhcl 2.5 Mg+Vit B2 2.5 Mg + Vit B6 0.75Mg + Vit B12 2.5 Mg + Nniacinamide 25 Mg ) Syrup 517 Calcium Polystyrene Sulphonate ( K Bind ) Powder 518 Chlorhexidine Mouth Wash 0.12%V / V Solution 519 Co-Trimoxazole N ( Each 5Ml Contains : Trimethoprim 40Mg + Nsulphamethoxazole 200Mg ) Suspension 520 Cough Expectorant / Bronchodilator 100 Ml N ( Each 5 Ml Contains: Terbutaline Sulphate 1.25 Mg + N Ambroxol Hcl 15Mg + Guaiphenesin 50 Mg + Menthol 1 Mg ) Nsolution 521 Cough Suppressant 100Ml - Each 5Ml Contains Ndextromethorphan 10Mg + Chorpheniramine Nmaleate 4 Mg Solution 522 Cough Syrup ( Each 5Ml Contains: Chorpeniramine N Maleate 3Mg, Ammonium Chloride 110Mg, Sodium N Citrate 46Mg, Menthol 0.9Mg ) Solution 523 Cough Syrup ( Each 5Ml Contains: Chorpeniramine Nmaleate 3Mg, Ammonium Chloride 110Mg, Sodium N Citrate 46Mg, Menthol 0.9Mg ) Solution 524 Dextrose Powder I.P. 525 Desflurane Solution 526 Halothane Solution 527 Isoflurane Solution 528 Lactulose 10Gm / 15Ml Solution 529 Multivitamin ( Each Mi Contains: Vitamin 1500I.U, Nvitamin C 35Mg, Vitamin D 400I.U, Vitamin E 5I.U, Nthiamine 0.5Mg, Riboflavine 0.6Mg, Niacin 8Mg, N Vitamin B6 - 0.4Mg, Vitamin B12 - 2Mcg Drops 530 O.R.S. Powder ( Who Recommended ) Powder 531 Paracetamol Suspension Ip 125 / 5Ml Suspension 532 Polyethylene Glycol With Electrolytes For Oral N Solution ( Each Packet Contains - Polyethylene Nglycol 118.0 Gm + Sodium Chloride 2.93Gm + Potassium Chloride 1.484Gm + Sodium Bicarbonate 3.37Gm + Sodium Sulphate 11.36Gm ) Powder 533 Potassium Chloride 2 Meq / Ml Syrup 534 Promethazine Hcl 5Mg / 5Ml Syrup 535 Promethazine Hcl 5Mg / 5Ml Syrup 536 Salbutamol Sulphate Ip 2Mg / 5Ml Syrup 537 Salbutamol Sulphate Ip 5Mg / Ml Res. Solution 538 Sevoflurane Solution 539 Solvent Ether Solution 540 Sucralfate 500Mg / 5Ml Suspension 541 Terbutaline 10Mg / Ml Res. Solution 542 Triclofos Suspension 100Mg / Ml 543 Levosalbutamol Respules 2Mg Respules 544 Salbutamol + Beclomethasone Dipropionate N100mcg / Puff Inhaler 545 Salbutamol 100Mcg Ip + Ipratropium Bromide N20mcg Bp ( 200Mdi / Puff ) Inhaler 546 Salbutamol 100Mcg / Puff Inhaler 547 Baktolin Handwash Solution 548 Benzoalkonium Chloride Solution Ip 4.5 % 549 Bleaching Powder Powder 550 Cetrimide 3% + Chlorhexidine Gluconate 1.5% Lotion 551 Chloroxylenol 4.8%W / V + Terpine0l 9%V / V + N Absolute Alcohol 13.1%V / V Solution 552 Cresol 50%V / V With Soap Solution 553 Isopropyl Alcohol 70%V / V + Chlorhexidine Ngluconate 2.5%V / V Hand Wash Solution 554 Formaldehyde 40% Solution 555 Glutaraldehyde 2%V / V Solution 556 Hydrogen Peroxide 11%W / V With Silver Nitrate 0.01%W / V Solution 557 Multi-Enzyme Cleaninng Solution ( Concentrated ) 558 Ortho Phthalaldehyde 0.55%W / V Solution 559 Phenyl- Black Fluid ( Concentrated ) 560 Phenyl- Perfumed Fluid 561 Povidone Iodine Hand Wash 7.5% Solution 562 Soap Solution 563 Sodium Hypochlorite ( Available Chlorine Nabout 5 To 6%W / V ) Solution 564 Citrosteril 565 Sodium Bicarbonate With Sodium Chloride N Powder For Haemodialysis 566 Rabeprazole 40 Mg 567 Sodalime Indicator 568 Amoxycillin 250Mg Dt Tablet 569 N Acetyl Cysteine 200Mg / Ml 570 Sodium Valproate 100Mg / Ml 571 T.Acitrome 2Mg 572 T.Sitagliptin100mg 573 T.Memantine 5Mg 574 T.Memantine 10Mg 575 T.Amantadine 576 T.Lacosamide 50Mg 577 T.Lacosamide 10Mg 578 Acetazolamide 500Mg Tablet 579 Atorvastatin 40Mg Tablet 580 Levadopa 100Mg + Carbidopa 10Mg Tablet 581 Metoprolol Er 100Mg Tablet 582 Metoprolol Er 25Mg Tablet 583 Betahistine 16Mg Tablet 584 Clobazam 10Mg Tablet 585 Quetiapine 25Mg Tablet 586 Hypersol Eye Drops 587 Latanoprost Eye Drops 588 Travoprost Eye Drops 589 Dorxalamide Eye Drops 590 Nepafenac Eye Drops 591 Moxifloxacin Eye Ointment 592 Amicacin Eye Drops 593 Povidine Iodine Eye Drops ( Appidine ) 594 Triamcinolone Acetonide Preservative Free N40 Mg / Ml For Intra Camera Use 595 Injection Moxiflxacin Preservative Free ( Intra Ncameral Use ) 596 Injection Ceftidine 597 Injection Anti Vegf Bevacizumab ( Avastin ) 598 Injection Lucentis 599 Injection Epitrate 600 Injection Ocular Lignocaine 1% 2Ml Amp 601 Injection Flurescein 20% 602 Injection Mitomycin 603 Betadine Solution 604 Povidine Scrub Solution 500 Ml 605 Viscomet ( Hpms 2% Of 5 Ml ) Gel 606 Poly B610apron ( 100Cmx140cm ) 607 Blue & T Eye Drape With Bag ( 50 Cm X 40Cm & 20 N Cm X 13 Cm ) 608 Flurescein Filter Paper ( Box Of 100 Strips ) 609 Schirmer Strips 610 Neotonic Enema 611 T.Olanzapine 2.5 Mg 612 T.Clozapine 100Mg 613 T.Donepzil 10 Mg 614 T. Amisulpiride 100 Mg 615 T.Aripiprazole 10 Mg 616 T. Mirtazapine 15 Mg 617 Inj.Fluphenazine Deconate ( Prolinate ) 25Mg / Vial 618 Povidone Iodine Ointment 10 Gm 619 Silver Suplhadiazine Ointment 50G 620 Xylometazolime Nasal Drops 0.5 % ( Adult ) 621 Xylometazolime Nasal Drops 0.0.1 % ( Pediatric ) 622 Hd Fluid ( Acid Concentrate ) 623 Nacl ( 235Gm ) +Nahco3 ( 600Gm ) 624 Citrosterile ( Acetic Acid ) 625 Tamadol Injection 626 Tab. Calcium Carbonate ( Caco3 ) 627 Tab. Ondansetron 4Mg 628 Citric Acid 629 Perma Treat ( Anti Scalant ) 630 Tab. Mycept ( Or ) Mycophenolate 500 Mg 631 Tab. Arkamin ( Or ) Tab. Clanidine 100 Mg 632 Tab. Tamsulosine 0.4Mg 633 K Bind Powder ( Or ) Calciuim Polystyrene Nsulphonate Powder 634 Tab. Mirabegron 25Mg 635 Tab. Mirabegron 50Mg 636 Tab. Feduxostat 40Mg 637 Tab. Silodocim 4Mg 638 Tab. Silodocim 8Mg 639 Tab. Aspirin 640 Inj. Diclofenac Aqueous 75Mg / Ml 641 Inj. Noradrenaline 642 Chymoral Forte Tablet 643 Thiamine 100Mg Injection 644 Sodium Nitroprusside Injection 645 Protamine Sulphate Injection 646 Aspirin Tablet 325Mg Tablet 647 Clopid 300Mg Tablet 648 Ticagrel 90Mg ( Brilliant A ) 649 Candesartan 8Mg Tablet 650 Combivent Nebuliser 651 Atrovastin 80Mg Tablet 652 Ezetimibe 10Mg Tablet 653 Bumetanide 1Mg Tablet 654 Lactulose Syrup 655 Levosimendan Injection 656 Milrinone Injection 657 Verapamil Iv Injection 658 Sildenafil 50Mg Tablet 659 Irbesartan 150Mg Tablet 660 Bosentan 62.5Mg Tablet 661 Dabigatran 110Mg Tablet 662 Dabigatran 150Mg Tablet 663 Equine Rabies Immunoglobin Injection 300 I.U. Per Ml 664 Injection Tranceamic Acid ( 500Mg / 5Ml ) 665 Glycin Irrigation Fluid ( 3 Litre ) 666 Tab. Acyclovir 400 Mg 667 Injection H1n1 Pfs 668 Ionic Contrast ( Diatrizoate Meglumine ) 669 Inj. Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent 670 Inj. Clindamycin 671 Tab. Neostigmine 15Mg 672 Cap. Osteltamivir 75Mg 673 Tab. Soduium Bicarbonate 500Mg 674 Tab. Thiamine ( B1 ) 675 Azithromycin 100 Mg Tablet 676 Budesonide Respule 677 Beractant Intratracheal Suspension - 4 Ml 678 Cough Syrup – 450 Ml N ( Each 5 Ml Contains Phenyl Ephrine Hydrochloride – 5 N Mg + Chlorpheniramine Maleate – 2 Mg ) N 679 Cefixime Tablet – 100 Mg 680 Disodium Alkaline Citrate Syrup – 100 Ml 681 Vitamin E Drops 682 Gasex Tablet 683 Ferrous Sulphate Paediatric Tablet ( Ferrous Sulphate - 150 Mg + N Folic Acid - 0.4 Mg ) 684 Ferrous Sulphate Syrup - 60 Ml ( Each 1 Ml Contains Ferrous Sulphate - N20 Mg + Folic Acid - 0.1 Mg ) 685 Clotrimazole Mouth Paint - 10 Ml 686 Vitamin D3 Drops 687 Calcium Phosphate Syrup - 200 Ml 688 Caffeine Citrate Oral Solution – 3 Ml 689 Norfloxacin Syrup – 50 Ml 690 Ondansetron Syrup – 50 Ml 691 Phenobarbitone Syrup – 100 Ml 692 Heparin Sodium Ointment – 15Gm 693 Isoxysupreme Hydrochloride Tablet – 10 Mg 694 Ipravent Nebulizing Solution– 15 Ml 695 Lactic Acid Bacillus ( Lacto Bacillus ) Tablet – 120 Million Spores 696 Labetalol Tablet – 100 Mg 697 Mebendazole Tablet – 100 Mg 698 Mifepristone Tablet 200 Mg 699 Misoprostal Tablet – 25 Mcg 700 Oral Contraceptive Tablet ( Mala N ) N ( Levonorgestrel Ethinyloestradiol Tablet Ip With Ferrous Fumerate N Tablet ) N 701 Norethisterone Tablet – 5 Mg 702 Ondansetron Tablet – 4 Mg 703 Permethrin Cream 704 Simyl Mct Oil – 50 Ml 705 Sildenafil Tablet – 25 Mg 706 Paracetamol Suppository 707 Tramadol Suppository 708 Tear Plus Eye Drops 709 Haemaccel Iv Fluid - 500 Ml 710 Zinc Sulphate Tablet – 20 Mg 711 Caffeine Citrate Injection - 10 Ml 712 Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Injection 100 Iu / Ml 713 Normal Human Immunoglobulin Injection – 2.5% - 100 Ml 714 Dexmedetomidine Injection 715 Haemophilus Type B Conjugate 716 Methotrexate Injection 717 Sildenafil Injection 718 Sodium Valporate Injection 719 Tranexamic Acid Injection - 500 Mg - 5 Ml 720 Amikacin Injection - 500 Mg 721 Pneumococcal Vaccine Injection 722 Formaldehyde Tablet 723 Magnesius Sulphate Injection 724 Soda Lime 725 Stabilized Hydrogen Peroxide 11% W / V With Silver Nitrate - 0.01% W / V 726 Theatre Sterilizing Agent 727 Diclofenac 50 Mg And Misoprosta 200Mcg 728 Diclofenac 75Mg And Misoprosta 200Mcg 729 Diclofenac 100Mg And Misoprosta 200Mcg 730 Vitamin D3 Nano Syrup 5Ml ( Each 5 Ml Contains Cholecalciferol N60000 Iu Nano Droplet Form Sugar Free Base ) 731 Vitamin D3 Nano Syrup 15Ml ( Each .05Ml Contains Cholecalciferol N 400 Iu / 0.5Ml ) 732 Calcium Citrate Malate 1250Mg & Vitamin D 1000 Iu Tablets 733 Melatonin Nano Spray ( Each 0.2 Ml Liquid Contains 0.3 Mg Of Melatonin ) 734 Zolpiden Tartrate 5Mg And Melatonin 3 Mg ( Each Tablet Contains: Nzolpidem Tartrate Ip 5Mg Melatonin Bp 3Mg ) 735 Zolpiden Tartrate 10Mg And Melatonin 3 Mg ( Each Tablet Contains: Nzolpidem Tartrate Ip 10Mg Melatonin Bp 3Mg ) 736 Oseltamivir Syrup 30 Mg

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