
Supply Of Chemicals / Glass Ware / Syrinj Etc. Items For Biochemistry Laboratory-Gujarat

Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda has published Supply Of Chemicals / Glass Ware / Syrinj Etc. Items For Biochemistry Laboratory. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-12-2019. Tanks and Cylinders Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Chemicals / Glass Ware / Syrinj Etc. Items For Biochemistry Laboratory
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemicals / Glass Ware / Syrinj Etc. Items:- 1 Blood Sugar 2 Serum Cholesterol 3 Serum Triglyceride 4 Serum HDL cholesterol 5 Serum Urea 6 Serum Creatinine 7 S.G.P.T. 8 S.G.O.T. 9 Serum Total Protein 10 Serum Albumin 11 Serum Alkaline Phosphatase 12 Serum Bilirubin – Total & Direct 13 Serum Uric Acid 14 Serum Calcium 15 Serum Iron 16 Serum TIBC 17 IgG 18 IgM 19 Cholinesterase 20 Control Norm/Path 21 Calibrator 22 Distilled Water, for Lab usage 23 LDH 24 Apolipoprotein B 25 Acid Phosphatase 26 Amylase 27 Lypase 28 HbA1c 1 Ferritin 2 AFP 3 IgE II 4 CA-125 5 Cortisol 6 Prostatic Acid Phosphatase 7 CkMB 8 Free T3 9 T3 10 Free T4 11 T4 12 HCG 13 TSH 14 Beta HCG 15 FSH 16 C-Peptide 17 LH II 18 cTnI3G 19 Estradiol – E2 20 Myoglobin 21 Testosterone 22 Beta Microglobulin 23 PSA-2 24 Human Growth Hormone 25 Prolactin 26 Intact PTH 27 Progesteron 28 Sample cups 29 Serum Insulin - IRI 30 Wash conc. 31 Diluent 32 Substrate 33 STD cups 34 Control Set for Immunology 35 CEA 36 CA-19-9 37 Vitamin B12 38 B12 pre-treatment 39 25-OH Vitamin D 40 Vitamin D Pretreatment 41 AIA Kit Calibrator 42 Thermal paper roll – 57 mm 1 HbA1c 2 Microalbumine 3 Cystainin C 4 Trop – 1 5 CK-MB 6 D-Dimer 7 HS-CRP 8 Myoglobine 9 NT-Pro BNP 10 PSA 11 AFP 12 CEA 13 TSH 14 T3 15 T4 16 FSH 17 Progesteron 18 HCG 19 LH 20 PRL 21 Testosteron 22 Cortisol 23 RF 24 Anti CCP 25 CRP 26 Procalcitonin 27 ASO 28 Ferritin 29 Thermal Paper Roll 57 mm 1 HbA1c Nyco Card 2 CRP Nyco Card 3 Urine Albumin Nyco Card 4 D-Dimer Nyco Card 1 Test Tube-Clot Activator 2 Test Tube-Floride 3 Tips for 0.5 to 5 μl 4 White Tips for 2 to 20 μl 5 Yellow Tips for 10 to 200 μl 6 Blue Tips for 200 to 1000 μl 7 Tips for 1000 to 5000 μl 8 Micro Pipette Variable 9 Elicoat 5 to 200 μl 10 Elicoat up to 1000 μl 11 Sodium Hypochlorite 12 Cuvettes for BS-200 13 Sample Cups 14 Pipette Stand 15 Test Tube Stand 16 Wash Bottles 17 Measuring Cylinder 18 Nytro + Pink Nitrile Gloves 19 Barcode Label Paper Roll Size: 50 X 25 mm 1 Roll = 1750 Labels Winding Inside 20 Barcode Label Printer Cartridge Roll (Wax 333 Plus) 105 mm X 75 m, Ink: Out (TEC), Core: ½” Core Wind: Center 21 A4 Size Color Paper Bundle 1 Bundle = 500 Sheets 1. Cedar wood oil 2. CRP kit 3. Gention violet 4. Gram’s iodine 5. Gram’s decolourizer 6. Gram’s safranine 7. HIV Tri dot 8. HBsAg 9. HBsAg 10. HCV 11. VDRL 12. VDRL 13. Hi-shield Hand Rub 14. Hi-shield Hand wash 15. MacConkey agar 16. Sabouraud dextrose agar 17. Urea agar 18. Simmon’s citrate agar 19. MR VP medium 20. TSI agar 21. Peptone water 22. KOH pellets 23. Methyl red powder 24. Indole reagent 25. RA Tests 26. Sodium Hypochlorite 27. VDRL 28. VDRL 29. Sterile Urine container 30. Sterile wooden stick cottan swab without tube 31. Steriple wooden stick cottan swab with tube 32. Diposable Gloves 33. Plain Disposable Tube 34. Glass Slide 35. Cover Slip 36. Tips Small (Yellow/White) Chemicals:- 1. Fouchets Reagents 2. Sulfosalycilic Acid 20 % 3. Barium Chloride 10 % 4. Field Stain A 5. Field Stain B 6. Lugol’s Iodine 7. Methanol 8. Normal Saline 9. Trisodium Citrate 3.8 % 10. EDTA Solution 10 % 11. Hand Wash 12. Hand Rub/Sterillium 13. Uristrip (Pro. + Glu.) 14. Haem Test Kit 15. Blood Grouping Sera 16. Hypochloride 4% 17. Cell Pack 18. Stromatolyser WH 19. Stromatolyser 4DL 20. Stromatolyser 4DS 21. Sulpholyser 22. Cellclean 23. K3 EDTA Blood Collection Tube Syringes 24. Syrings with needle 10 ML (21 Gauge needle) 25. Syrings with needle 5 ML (23 Gauge needle) 26. Syrings with needle 2 ML (23 Gauge needle) 27. Scalp vein (24 Gauge) Glass wares 28. ESR Pipette 29. Glass Slide(76 X 26 X 1.35) 30. Cover Slip (22mm) Square 31. Centrifuge Tube (12 cm X 10 mm) 32. Test Tube (Glass) 3.5 Inch X 0.5 inch Others:- 33. Torniquet Belt 34. ESR Vails 35. Plastic Droper 36. Disposable Gloves 37. Ph Paper Strip Range (2- 9 Ph) 38. Nitrile Gloves For Biochemistry Laboratory

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