
Supply Of Lab Equipment/ Chemicals/ Consumables (Glassware, Plastiware And Miscellaneous Items) Computer, Printer And Scanner/ Godrej Furniture , Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (Gcms), Four Probe Measuring Setup Up To 1000 Oc , Spectrophotometer With-Odisha

Fakir Mohan University has published Supply Of Lab Equipment/ Chemicals/ Consumables (Glassware, Plastiware And Miscellaneous Items) Computer, Printer And Scanner/ Godrej Furniture , Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (Gcms), Four Probe Measuring Setup Up To 1000 Oc , Spectrophotometer With. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-12-2019. Hydraulic presses Tenders in Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Lab Equipment/ Chemicals/ Consumables (Glassware, Plastiware And Miscellaneous Items) Computer, Printer And Scanner/ Godrej Furniture , Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (Gcms), Four Probe Measuring Setup Up To 1000 Oc , Spectrophotometer With
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Lab Equipment/ Chemicals/ Consumables (Glassware, Plastiware And Miscellaneous Items) Computer, Printer And Scanner/ Godrej Furniture , Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (Gcms), Four Probe Measuring Setup Up To 1000 Oc , Spectrophotometer With Specular Reflectance Attachment (Integrating Sphere) (Uv-Visible-Lr) For Both Liquid And Solid Samples, High Temperature Furnace (1600 C , 1800 Ocl With Pid Controller, High Temperature Furnace (1400 C , 1800 Oc) With Pid Controller And Provision For Gas Flow Facility, Ultrasonication Bath, Double Distillation Plant, Spin Coater, Magnetic Stirrers With Hot Prate And Digital Speed &Temperature Indicators Quantity Required: 3, Analytical Electronic Balance, Hydraulic Press For Pellet Compaction With Die Set, Ph Meter, Hot Air Oven, Refrigerator, Vacuum Pump For Filtration Purpose, Bet Surface Area Measurement , 1., 10% Phosphate Buffered Formalin (PBF) 2. 100bp DNA Ladder 3. 1Kb DNA Ladder 4. 3-a mino-9-ethylcarbazol substrate 5. Acetic acid 6. Acetic Acid Glacial 7, Acetic Acid Glacial 8. Acetic acid glacia l-99 I tOO% 9. Aceto-carmine 10. Acetone 1.1. Acetone 1.1. Acetone 12, Acetonitrile 13. Acridine Orange 1.4. Acryl amide,Extrapure 15. Acrylamide 16. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 17. agar agar powder 18. Agrose l_9. Agarose High EEO for molecular biology 20. Agarose UltraPhor for molecular biology 21,. Agarose, Low Melting 22, Alpha Napthol 23. Alpha Napthylamine 24. Amino acid decarboxylase test- Amino acid decarboxylase broth 25. Ammonium acetate 26. Ammonium fluoride 27. Ammonium heptamolybdate tetra hyd rate ( N H4)6MoO7 O24 x 4H2O 28, Ammonium Persulphate 29. Ampicillin Anthrone 30. 31. aPrf-xi (Ellaeic Acid Activator) 32. Artificial Sea Water Salts Broth 33. Arrramine-Rhodamine Stain 34. Barium Nitrate 35. Bifenthrin 36. Bile Esculin Agar 37. Bis-acrylamide 38. Blood Agar 39. BME Vitamin Solution 100X 40. Boric acid 47. Bovine serum albumin 42. Bromophenol blue 43. cadmium chloride dried 44. caL^irrm Chloride dihvdrate 45. Calcium Nitrate 46. Calcofluor White 47. Ca rbohydrate fermentation test- Carbohvdrate broth 48, Carbol Fuchsin 49 Carbon nanotube multi-walled 50. Casein, coomassie brilliant blue R250, 51. Ceder oil 52. CelLytic MEM Protein Extraction Kit 53. Cerium Nitrate 54. Chloramphenicol 55. Chloroform 56. Citrirte utilisation test-Simmons citrate agar 57. Citric Acid 58. Cobalt (ll) Nitrate Hexa HYdrate Co(NO3)2 x 6H20 59. Colchicine 60. Coomassie Brilliant Blue G - 250 Frnmassie Brilliant Blue R-250 61. 62. r^nnpr tlll nitrate trihvdrate 63. Copper sulfate pentahydrate Cu5o4 x 5H2O 64. copper sulphate 65. crystal violet CrystalViolet/ Hexa methYle nePa rarosa niline Chloride, I rth 66. 67. CTAB Buffer 68. 69. 70. Deoxyribonuclease (DNase) test- DNase agar Dichlorvos 11. Dicofol Diethyl Ether 72 73. Dimethvl sulfoxloe 74. l-linotassittm hvdrogen phospnate 75. Disodium hYdrogen citrate sesquihydrate (99%) nknr-lir rm hvdrosen phosPhate 77. Di-sodium hYdrogen phosphate dihYdrate 78. DisQuE 2 mL dSPE Tube -AOAC witn C18, blue caP 79. OisqrE 2 mL dSPE Tube with GCB, blue cap gO. I oitnioerythritol 81. DNeasy 96 Blood and Tissue Kit (Lz) 82. Ot,teasy Blood and Tissue Kit (250) 83. I dNTP Mlx 84. EDTA 85. Endosulfan 86. Eosin yellow stain-2% 87. Ethanol 88. Ethanol Fthidium bromide 89. 90. 91. Ethyl acetate Ferric chlide 92. 93. 94. ffiratedFe(NPr)r *9HzO Errous sulfate hePtahYdrate, FeSO4 x 7H2O i^ti^^iaraltar rq nhpnol reasgnt 95. rormaldehvde 96, FormaldehYde solution 97. cadolinium(lll) nitrate hexanyorare 98. Gelatin 99. Golatinase test-Fraizers gelatln agar 100. genomic dna isolation kit 101 Gentian Violet, HexamethYl-PRosanilinium, LOz Giemsa Stain 103 Giemsas solution 104 Glucose 105 G luta raldehYde 106 Glycerin 1,07 G lycerol 108 Glycine 109 Glycine Pure 11Ol Gram lodine Ltt Grams Stainine Kit tLz Graphite Powder 113 t.toarnr Mptals Water Test Kit 1.1,4 HematoxYlin 115 HEPES buffer 1,16 HiCarbo Kit Lt7 HNO3 (Conc) 118 Hydrochloric Acid LL9 Hydrochloric acid 120 Hydrochloric acid 121 Hydrogen Peroxide Hvdroeen oeroxide (H2OZ) 122 123 Hydrogen sulPhide test-TriPles sugar iron agar (TSl agar)/Cysteine broth t24 ldoacetamide 125 lndole test-lndole broth 126 iron (ll) sulfate heptahydrate (FeSo+ * THzO) 127 lsoamvl alcohol ]-28 lsoleucine 129 lsomaylAlcohol 130 lsopropanol 131 Kanamycin 132 K8001 TM HilMVIC Biochemical Test Kit 133 Kovac Reasent StriP 134 Gnthanum (lll) Nitrate hexahydrate 135 Lead citrate 136 Lecithin ( ohosPhatidYlcholine) 1,37 Leifson Stain 138 Leishman stain 139 Le uci ne L40 Lioid hvdrolvsis test-Tributyrin agar 1,41 Lithium nitrate-AR 742 i it-,,s milk test-Litmus milk broth t43 lrrria Bertani Medium 1,44 Lysozyme L45 Mac ConkeY Agar 146 Magesium Nitrate Mg(NO3)2.6H20 147 Maenesium Chloride 148 Magnesium chloride 149 Magnesium Chloride CrYstals 150 Magnesium sulfate hePtahYdrate MgSO4 x7 HZO 151 Malachite Green 152 Malathion Mancozeb 153 154 lvlallE,dl ltr>E Lr rrvr rvv M.t,g** tulfate monohYdrate MnSO4 x H2O 155 156 Manganese sulfate TetranYorare 157 Mannitol0 158 Mannitol MotilitY Agar 159 marine broth 160 Mercuric chloride 161 methanol 162 methanol 163 methyl red ulEf,ytEOEst-ru R-vP n rotft VlethvlViolet Methvlene Blue r r^r^ar rlar Gradp Watef t64 165 166 1.67 168 Molvbdenum lvl, v^rt 169 Monosodium PhosPhate 170 MOPS t7C 171 MR-VP Broth 172 Mueller-Hinltonl Agar 173 Na-cacOdylate buffer 174 Neodymium(iIi) Nitrate hexahydrate 175 N-Hexane etc

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