Supply Of Surgical Sutures And Medical Consumables- BLack Braided SilkSize:- 1. ( Non Sterile) 25mt i Reel (without needle) U S P with CE certification 2 501002 Black Braided SilkSize 1-0. (Non Sterile) 25rnt / Reel (without needle) U.S P. with CE certification 3 S01003 Black Braided SilkSize:- 1-0, length 76cm, 1 12 Circle Round Bodied 30 mm needle (Sterilized) U S.P. with CE certification 4 S01004 Steritised Surgical Suture Black Braided SilkSize:1 length: 2 x 75cm, ( Precut and Pre Sterilized) U S.P. with CE certification 5 S01005 Sterilised Surgical Suture Black Braided SifkSize1 -0. length: 2 x 75cm (Precut and Pre SterilizedL U.S.P, with CE certification 6 SOlOl 1 Catgut ChromicSize-1-0, length: 1 x 152cm, (without needle) U.S.P, with CE certification (Not Mandatory) 7 S01012 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSize - 1-0, length 76cm, 112 Circle Round Bodied (45mm needle) U S.P.with CE certification Not Mandatory) B S01013 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSize -1 leiigth 76cm. 112 Circle Round Bodied (40mm needle) (Heavy) U S P.with CE certification (Not Mandatory) 9 S01014 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSaze.- 1-0. length 76cm, 112 Circle Round Bodied (40mm needle) U.S.P,w’th CE certification Catgut Chi’omic AtraumatcSZe-l-0, Iength 76an 112 Cwcle Round Bodied (30mm needle) U S P,w CE certification SO 10 15 11 12 S01017 Po4ypiopyleneSiz•:- 1-0. length. 70/90cm. 1/2 — Circle Round Bodied 30mm (needle) U S P,wh CE ceftKlcation — S01019 PolyglactinSize- 1-0, length 90cm. 112 Cwcle Round Bodied 40mm (nee3lei U S P,with CE — 13 SOl 045 St.rileeo Surgical Suture B Braided SilkSize. 2, length 2 a 75im. (Pteci4 and Pie Sterthzedi US.P,wehCEcertification — 14 S01046 Sterilisad Surgical Suture Black Braided SiaSze - 3-0, length 2 * 75cm, (PreaA and Pie Stenhzed USP. *h CE certification — PolypnpyteneSize -2. 112 Circle Round Bodied 40mm 4eavy needlsi U S P with CE cert’f’cauon — 16 501068 BLack Bcaiclad SlkSize -2-0. length 76cm 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 20mm needle (St.rthzedr U S P, with CE crtification — 17 S01069 Bleck Braided SukSize .3.0 length 76cm, *12 Circle Round Bodied 20 mm needle (Stenkzed) USP.withCEcertificalion — 18 S01072 Catgut Chromic AlraumaticSie -2-0, length 76cm 112 Circle Round Bouied 4.nm nwedie U S P.with Cl certification Nut Mandatol’y) 19 SOl 073 Catgut Chromac AtraumatjcSize- 3-0 length 76cm. 1/2 Circle Round Bojied (20mm needle) U S P.wdtr CE certification Not Mandatory) 20 S01074 Catgut Chromic Atraurnat,cSiz. - 4-0, 112 Circle Round Bodied (45mm needel U S.P witn CE ceiiifica(on tNot M-iiotoryi r__P OlYP(opyIeneSze - 2-0, oth 70cm, 1(2 Ciecie S01075 Round Bodied 20-30mm, with needle U S P. with L — CE os’tthcation Poêypivp4.neS,. 3-0 lengtfl. 70cm, 1/2 Circle S01076 Round Bodied 20mm, with needle U S Pwqth CE — PolypropyleneSeze-. 4-0. length, 70cm. 112 Circle S01077 Round Bodied 20mm (with needle) USP. with CE ____ certification - PoWinSaze. 2-c length 90cm. t.’2 Cwc. 501079 Round Bodied 26-30mm (needle) U S P.wiqh CE i____ certification ID isposable Synnges2 CC, With colour coded (as S02001 BiS) needle Sterdised. Luer Mount, Non - toxic CGS 2CC as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940, IS No 12655 with CE cetrflcation Disposable Synngs5 CC with colour COJed as per BlS riee,dl SIertsed Lier Mounq Non - toEc - 502002 CGS 5CC as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 IS No 12655 with CE certification Disposable sterilised Needles in blister pac20 G2 7 S02003 24 G, IS No 10654 2002, ISO’ 7864 1993 As Per Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 with CE certification 502005 Disposatile Insulin Synnges4o Unit, With Needle L Stecdised Non -Toxic. Unit 40 with CE certification 29 S02006 Disposable Insulin Syringes 100 Unit, With Needle. Sterilised Non.Toxic, Unit 100 with CE certification 30 S02043 Disposable SyringeslO CC. with colour coded (as per BIS) needle Stentised Luer Mount, Non toxic CGS 10CC as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 IS No 12655 with CE certification 31 S02044 Disposable Synnges50 CC. with colour coded las per BIS) needle Sterilised. Luer Mount, Non - toxic CGS 50CC as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 IS No 12655 with CE certification 32 S02045 Auto disable syringes stenhised2 CC (as per WHO, - UNICEF specification). 2CC, 21G-25G needle with CE certification 33 S02046 Auto disable syringes sterilised5 CC, tas per WHO, — UNICEF specification), 5CC. 21G-250 needle with CE certification 34 S02094 Disposable Synnges2o CC, with colour coded (as per 81$) needle Sterilised, Luer Mount. Non - toxic CGS 10CC as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940, IS No. 12655 034007 Mecroporus Adhesive Paper Tape2 5cm x 10 yds — (9 1 mtr) per roll with CE certification 36 S02008 (A) — Intra CathAdult. (two way) with closing Cover Type II Sterilis.ed Size 18 (Adult) with CE certification S02008 (Bl Intra CathAdult, (two way) with closing Cover Type II Stenlised Size 20(Adult; with CE certification S02008 Iritra CathAdult, (two way) with closing Cover Type (C) Il Sterilised Size 22lMult) with CE certification 39 S02009 Irtra ChCMd, (two wy) with cIosen9 Co%er Typ II Stenitsed Size 24 (Ch. with CE ceridication 40 SlO Disposable Scalp Vein SetE TO Sterllis. Pyroen ft short beveled silliCoflised need’e 5ze 20 Length 3/4 with CE cei’t,tcatpon Disposable Scalp Vein SetETO Stenlise Pyrogen 502010 41 (B) free short beveled silliconised needle size 22 Length 3/4 with CE certification 42 S02010 (C’ ‘ DispOsable Scalp Vein SetETO Sterilise Pyrogen free short beveled sillicoflised needle size 24, Length i4 with CE certification 43 S0201 1 Intravenous SetAdult, With built in Airway moulded chamber and Needle. Sterile. Disposable. Non - Toxic. Non Pyrogenic. sterilised by ETO, 2.7 to 3.00 mm tube with fluid filter, non-kinkable tube. Length not less than 150 crns I IS No. 12655 (part4 of 2003), as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act- 1940 with CE certification 44 S02012 Intravenous SetChild, With built in Airway moulded chamber and Needle, Sterile, Disposable. Non. Toxic. Non Pyrogenic sterilised by ETO. 2 7 to 300 mm tube with fluid fitter. non-kinkable tube. Length not less Ihan 150 crnsI IS No 12655 (part. 4 012003). as per Drugs & Cosmetics Act- 1940 wtth CE certrfication 45 S02013 8lood Administration SetUisposable Sterilised by ETO as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act-1940, IS. No 9824 (part 3 of 1996) with CE certification - 46 S02024 IA Foleys Urinary CatheterSize 16, Silkolatex (Pie - sterile) 2 way sterile, Non - toxic with CE certification S02024 ‘ Foleys Urinary CatheterSize 18. Silkolatex (Pre - sterile) 2 way sterile. Non - toxic with CE certification S02025 (A) Foleys Urinary CatheterSize 16, 18 & 20, Silkolatex (Pre - sterile) 3 way sterile Non - toxic with CE certification S02025 (B ‘ Foleys Uñnary CatheterSize:18, Silicotatex Pre - sterile) 3 way sterile Non - toxic with CE certification S02025 ‘ Foleys Urinary CatheterSize’ 20, Silkolatex (Pre - sterile) 3 way sterile, Non - toxic with CE certification 302026 Urinary Drainage BagSterilised with non re:urn waive and Drainage outlet with a capacity of 2000ml with marking non toxic pyrogen free double seek clinical grade PVC with CE certification wilt be preferred 52 S02047 (A) Operation Gloves 6, Mm length-280mm, Sterihsed Prepowdered. BIS specifications gloves surgical rubber made of HypoallergiC latex 100% electronically tested, sterilised by Gamma Radiation I ETO ISP Marked. IS No 13422-92 with CE certification. Each pair of Gloves in one packet with printing of size, ISI Mark, CE Mark & name of the Manufacturer. S02047 (B) Operation Gloves 6112Min iength-280mm, Sterilised, Prepowdered. BIS specifications gloves. surgical rubber made of Hypoallergic latex 100% electronically tested sterilised by Gamma Radiation / ETO. ISI Marked, IS No 13422-92 with CE certification Each pail of Gloves in one packet with pnntmng of size 1St Man. CE Mark & name of the Manufacturer, 502047 (C) Operation Gloves T, Mm length-280mm, Ster*sed. Prepowdered. B1S specifications gloves surgical rubber made of Nypoallergic latex 100% atectronically tested stenksed by Gamma Radiation I ETO, 151 Marked. IS No 13422-92 with CE certification Each pair of Gloves in one packet with printing of size 151 Mark CE Mark & name of the Manufacturer S02047 (D) Operation Gloves 71fF, Mm length-2SOmm Stenheed, Prepowd.rod BIS specifications gloves surgical rubber made of Hypoalergic latex 100% electronically tested, slerthsd by Gamma Radiation / ETO, 151 Marked. IS No 13422-92 with CE certification Each pair of Gloves in one packet with pnnhng of size ISI Mark CE Mark & name of the Manufacturer Disposable Examination GlovesStenksed, smal. medium & large, pre-po*ered, with CE certified surgical rubber maae of ItypOallergiC latex 100% electronically tested, stenttsed by Gamma Radation I ETO, White coloured Mm length- 240mm Each pair of GlOves m one packet with printing of size. CE Mark & name of the Manufacturer 502051 UntEcal cord clamp ‘Vascular clamp (stetdeed)Stenlised 58 S02092 Spinal Needle Disposable Adult as per B1S231 25G (70 - 90mm) with hub (Colour coaded as per ISO Standard) S02014 Surgical NedIesSuure Needles, Straight CiAting Needle different sizes 610 10 60 S02015 Surgical NeedlesSuture Needles, Curved Cutting Needle different sizes 610 10 17 S020 Mcioscop*cGlassShderx 1 a 11 • 0.1/- 0 2mm thickness (75nvn X 25mm) with 151 mark Sr BladesPre sterile with Gamma radiation 62 S02018 tot handle no 4 sizes 10 SI 3319 1995 with CE certification will be preferred S02018 Surgecals BladesPre - sterile with Gamma radiation fothandleno 4sizesl2 1St 3319 1995w(1aCE certification will be preferred S02018 Surgacals BtadesPre sterile with Gamma radiation toe handle no 4 sizes 15. ISI 3319.1995 with CE ce1rfication will be pfefelTed 65 Si B Surgcals BladesPi. . steril, with Gamma adlabon tot handle no 4 sizes 20. 1St 33191995 with CE tt,ticahon will be preferred S02018 Suegicals BladesPre- sterile with Gamma radiation 4 ti 22. ISI 33191995 CE certification will be preferred 87 502018 Surgicals BladesPre. sleca, with Gamma radiation lot handle no 4 sizes 24 1St 3319 1995 with CE ceitøcation will be pteleued 68 S02022 ThetmomelerChnacal CO 6 FO (Both in one,, Oval She, SI Mark. IS-3055 (Pait-2) 9 $02027 Makintosh SheetSaze 90cm wide, length lOOcms 1St Marked, IS. No 4135.1974. Double colour. water proof (The mackwitosS should be of Grade A (a) as pet IS soecth cation 4136 1974 II snoutd hve 55% riboer and 35% polymer 70 S02037 Sterile Disposable Blood Lancet (Pricking Needle) 71 S02063 Infant’ mucous extractorPVC, Non-Toxic, Stenhised. Pyrogen free, Disposable with CE certification will be preferred 72 S02091 Suchon Tube Suction catheter (Plain)SLzC 6 Fr and 8 Fr with colour code Length: Neonatal- 30cm. Paediatric - 40cm and - 50cm. ISO Certified Poduct. Suction catheter (Plain)Size 8 Fr with colour code Lh Neonatal - 30cm. Paediatric - 40cm and lull - 50cm. ISO Certified Poduc Endotracheal TubeSize 2 s Iso Certified Product Endotracheal TubeSize 3 ISO Certified Product. Endotracheal TubeSize 35, ISO Certified Product Endotracheal TubeSi.ze 4 ISO Certified Prciduci len Flowtneter Regulator With Hum idif ierF low Regulator. Body: Brass, Flow meter body: n Plastic. Tube: Unbreakable polycarbon. Knob Adjustment ABS. Range: 0-10 mm. & 15 max. Pressure Gauge Capacity: 0 - 250 KgIcm2. Flow meter capacity 0-10 Itr!min. Humidifier Polycarbonate Bottle, Autociavabie 0-250m1 capacity ISO 8 CE certified 80 S02055 Disposable Head Cap 81 S02079 Triple (three) layer face mask 82 S02 118 Disposable Delivery Kit (ETO Stenlised) S02096 (A) 79 S02128. B) Recommended Items Other than the Standard List of Surgical Sutures & Medical Consumables-- Polyglactin No -1 112 CRB cum cutting 180 an, 40 mm Needle 2 Potyglactin No 3-0. 112 CR8 cum cuttIng 180 an 20 mm Needle 3 Potyglactin No - 3-0, 318 orcle round body needle 4 Suction Catheto’ with thiwnb control Size - (6. 8, 10 12, 14, 18) Polyamede Size- 10 with curved cutting needle (Skin Suture) 6 Polyamide Size - 2-0 wh curved cutting needle (Skin Suture) 7 Potyamide Size- 3-0 i.iith curved cutting needle (Ski Suture) 8 031008 X-Ray Photo Film 9 031009 X-Ray Photo Film X-RaPliotoFitm X-Ray Photo Film - 10 D31010 11 D3101’I 12 D31025 Dental .ntra oral X-Ray films - — 13 031029 X-Ray Photo Film - 14 031030 X-Ray Photo Film - - 15 031031 X-Ray Photo Film 16 031032 X.RayPhOtOFiWfl 17 031033 X-Ray Photo Film 18 502101 3.*ay Stopcock 19 3-way Stopcock w*h Extension 15 an 20 Blade Size - 11 21 3 way Foleys Cathetor Size - 22 K- were — 1 mm, 1 5 mm. 2 mm, 2.5 mm. 3mm. 3.5mm 23 Stainless steel wire — 18, 20G 24 Sc*ianz pin — 4.5mm 25 Scharz pin —2.5mm 26 AO Rrods for 4.5mm clamps —14 ,ncl’es 27 AO Rrods for 4 5mm clamps —6inches 28 AO RrodsFor 2 5mm clamps —25cms 29 AO clamps for 4.5mm pri 30 AO clamps For 2.5mm clamps 31 Alpha damps for hand fixalors 32 Beta clamps for hand fixators Connecting rod 2 5mm and 4mm (knurled rod) 25cm5 34 Gigli saw 35 Disposable Yankaur suction set Closed wound vaccum assisted drain - lOf, 12F, 14F, 16F 37 Corrugated pre sterile PVC drain Disposable pre sterile drapes for - Hip Surgery, Knee. Shoulder, Spine 39 Plain drape pie sterile 40 Viral barrier surgical OTgown disposable 41 Viral barrio head and eye shield 42 Disposable Pt• steiti. apron 43 ParaffIn .uto droasing (Pok of 20) 44 S r U gery Wound care Solution Sçer Oudised Solution with Natural PH Containing Hypocholorous Acid 0 003% Electrolysed Water 9997%. Sodium Hypodilonte 0 004% - 100 ml Pack (Spray) 45 Surgery Wound care super ozid.sed gel- Super Ozidised Solution with Natural PH Containing HyPOChOIOIOUI Acid 0 008%. Electrolysed Water 9964%. Sodium Hypochlor4e 0002% (80 ml Pack) 46 Skin Stapler 47 Polypiopylene me5h 6 x 11 an 4.8 Polypropylene mesh 75 a 15cm 49 Pprocyiene mesh 15 • 18 an 50 PQIyactIr Size- 1-0, (Rapid) I POS 51 Polyglactin Size - 2-0. (Rapid) I POS 52 Polyglactr SIZe - 3-0 (Rapid) ?PDS 53 Polygladin Size - 1-0. with curved cutting needle 54 Po)ygac1in Size- 1 with curvd cutting needle 55 MVA Kit (Manual Vaccum Aspratx) cannula No-4 56 ADK Drain Size - 20. 24. 26 28 57 RomovacofSize.12.1416.1820 58 Chlorohezidine Paraffin tuy 59 Vemilator neoborn circuit with riernidefisr micrOdrV set 61 burret drip set 62 P M. Line (100)200) cm 63 Ep.aural Set 64 Disposabte ECG Leads 65 CuffedETT(7, 66 CuffedETT( 67 Uncuffed ET1 (40,4.5, 5.0) 68 — Uncuffed ETT (25, 3.0, 3.5) 69 Cuffed Reinforced Efl (7.0, 8 0, 8.5) 70 Cuffed Reinforced ETT (4,0. 5 0, 6 0) 71 Oxygen face mack with Tube (2 mtrs) 72 Mask with Nebuliser 73 Oxygen Nasal Catheter t Nasi Prong 74 l.GEL LMA (No 4) 75 I-GEL LMA (No 3) 76 I-GEL IMA (No 2) 77 ABG Cassetts for EPOC 78 ABG Cassetts for OPTI-CCA 79 Laryngoscope Bulbs 80 Dry Cells - Medium Size 81 Jackson - Rees modification of Ayr&s T-P.ece 82 83 IV CANULLA FIXATION DEVICE CVP CATHETER (TRIPLE LUMEN 7FR) 84 CVP CATHETER (DOUBLE LUMEN 7FR) 85 TRANSPERENT DRESSING (2”x2”) 86 ADHESIVE TAPE TRANSPARENT (1”) 87 ARTERLAL CANNULLA WITH 01410FF SWITCH AMBU RESUSCITATOR SIUCONISED RUBBER PAEDIATRICSI_NEONATE) 89 BP CFFS FOR MULTIPARA MONITORS (ADULT) 90 SPHYGUOMANOMETER 91 SPHYGMOMANOMETER CUFFS (ADULTI 92 SPHYGMOMANOMETER HAND PUMP 93 Nylone Suture 10-0 94 5* SUtUre 5-0 Polyglactm Suture 8-0, 12 mm. 118 Cwcle reverse cutt%lg Needle Polyglectwi Suture 5-0. 12 mm 318 Circle reversa ciAtsg Nd1e Polyglactin Suture 8-0, 12 mm, I’S Circle revrse cuttwlg Needle 98 Foldable lntr Occutar Lens (101) — 99 Qrb:aI wnØaflts (varus size) — 100 Prosthec•ye 101 Conformer 102 Bandage contact lens — Disposable Trocha’ & Cannuta - 23G. 25G. (USFDi%) 104 Disposable Endokght probe 250 (COmparable to acasus 2500) Lu.t Probe (Index CompaWle). both Straight & Curveed 25G 106 Disposable Vitrus cutter for accurus - 23G 107 BaCILIklsh with softtip cannula Set (Accurus). 250 106 109 Trypan blu SolutIon 0.15% wN lntercostalCh.sttub.S4z-2024 — 110 Under water seal drainage bag 1111 EndotracheaU Tube Size - 5.5, 6 ¶J112 EndotrcheaI Tube Size - 7,5, 6.5 1113 Endotracheal Tube Size 7, 8 114 Tracheotomy tube Size - 7.5 7 ItS Rota h*Ief devices 116 Space haler devices 117 25mm4h04.miflepLate*tthQaP 118 25mm6mPaae*1IhQaP 1119 mm4hoIsmw1ipatewIthgaP 1120 2m6holem4ptatew9aP 121 2SiSmmSCrIw 122 2xSmmscrew ¶23 r,wi dnII bet ¶24 ¶5mmdnhIhit 1125 Ench arch bar 126 gauze stainless steel *1,. Polypropytefle size 5.0. g an. ¶t2 LigaClp-s4ze-400 2 mm IUF Screw 130 702 bone cutting fissure bun 1311 Snial round burs for micromotor i PUOLm 1133 Flejeometallin Tube 134 Cuffed Endotracheal Tube 3 135 RAE Tube Size - 6.5 & 7 136 Atraumatic Silk 137 Atraumetic Silk 138 Sutupak Silk — 139 Sutupak Silk — 140 Atraunatic Chronic Catc Curved needk D m needle — 141 Atraunatic Chronic Catgut (Curved needle) 30 mm needle) — 142 Atraunatic Chronic Catgut (Curved needle) (30 mm needle) — 143 Atraumatic Polyglactin (30 & 40 mm needle,i 144 Atraumatic Polyglactin (30 & 40 mm needle) 145 Atraumatic Polyglactin (30 & 40 mm needle) - 146 Atraumatec Chronic Catgut (Straight needle) from (30 mm needle) - Atraumatic Chronic Catgut Straight needle) from (30 mm needle) - 148 Suction drainage Set - 149 Suction drainage Set 150 Suction drainage Set 151 Suction drainage Set - 152 Closed Wound Suction Unit - 153 Flat drain Set - 154 Nelation Catheter (Infants) 155 Nelatiofl Catheter (Adults) 156 PDS- II (Polydioxanone)(30 & 40 mm needle) from 157 PDS ll(Polydioxanone) (30 8 40 mm needle) from PDS - lI(Polydioxanoie) (30 & 40 mm needle). 70 cm POS- ll(PolydiOxaflOfle) (30 & 40 mm needle). 70 160 161 Circular Stapler Catgut 4-0 162 — PolygLachne 8-0 Round tip 163 Direct Opihalmoscope (USFDA approved) 164 PMT Prescr’piOfl Pad 165 Trial Frame (Adults & Near) 166 Vision Drum (Distant & Near) 167 Eye Donat,on Pledge form 168 Eye Donation Pledge card 169 Glutaraldehyde Solution 170 Titmus Stereo Fly test (Stereoscopic Chart) 171 Hess Screen 172 Prism Bar 173 Red Green Glass 174 Streak Retinoscope (USEDA approved) 175 Trial Box (alluminaum ring) 176 Color vision chart - 100 hue test 177 Color vision chart- Ishahara test (USFDA) 178 Eye Speculum - Big Size 179 Mosquito Artery forcep straight 180 Mosquito Artery foicep oirve 181 Mis forcep (small) TOIrI forcep pointec up (small) Single tooth 183 Toth fotcep pointed tip (small) Double tooth 184 Ee Needle Holder 185 Lacryrnal sac retractor small 186 Lacrymal sac retractor Big (Cats Paw) 187 Puncturn Dialator 188 Sponge holder 189 Small Scissor Curve - 190 Small Scissor straight 191 Enucleation Scissor 192 Needle holder small Plawi DCR Set .3 Set bone trep#i.n• pointed S - mm 185 ITYfl (Set) 194 Bone Trephine Plain Size .9rnmi 88mm 195 BonePunctlStZe2fTVTlI3rflm 196 Nasal Speculum (m.dium. big) 197 Smisforcep 198 Mtal Suction Posit (Small Medium. Bq 199 Disposable Needle (Dipovan) :_: SICS Blade Set (Crescent. Keratome 2.8 mm, Blunt tip keratom. 5 mm. lance tip side port tace 201 — Tooth forcep small size pointed (Sengle tooth) 202 OT Gown 203 OT Dress Paint 204 OTOreuShirt 205 Po’tab4 Autoclave 206 BIPAP-MASK (SmaM Vole, Mdium, Large Vole) 207 FkAicasone - Nebuheer Solution 208 Nebufrser Solution 209 Intercostal Chest te Sge -28 210 Folys Catheter 211 Nasogastnc tube 212 Iercostal Drainge tube 213 Inlercostal Drainage Bag 214 Sphygomomanomelel Peed Cuffs 215 Venblater Ctcui( wi Humedtfisr 216 Endotracheal tube cuff 217 Central Venous Line 218 Pedaatnc Nebuliset Mask 219 Nasopiiaryn9ea airway 220 RAE tube (tot dental / oro-faciamacialLary) 221 222 FlexometalliC tube (br throid dental) Epovan I Hester i Plasma Expanders 223 Vein-C-Line (lV-extension) 224 lObane !! 226 Polyester thread -- — 227 Polyester thread 228 Hç drape (Disposable) 229 Knee drape — 230 Shoulder drape 231 Elbow drape 232 Plain drape sheet 233 Lead apron 234 Guedels Oropharengeal A rway 235 K. Wire Stainless steel 236 K. Nail 237 — Square nai’ ttor four arm) 238 Inter locking nail lot tibia 239 Bi-Polar hips prosthesis 240 Ortlio Gloves 241 Gloves (Non Sterilized) 242 BP Instrument 243 Weighing Scale Pedal 244 External Ventricular Drainage 245 VP Shunt 246 Y Connector to VP Shunt 247 Closed Wound Suction Unit No-8 Drain 248 Depoy Cranio Plasty material 249 Titanium Miniplate 250 Titanium Sell tapping screw 251 Titanium mesh of size 6x6, lOxlO 252 Spinal implants 253 DJ (Double J )Stent 254 — PCN (Percutaneous Nephrostomy) Pigtail Catheter 255 Glidewire Ureteral Access Catheter 256 Ureteral Access Catheter 257 — - PCN Puncture needle 258 - Silicon Catheter 259 — Polyglactin 4-0 (Rapid) 20 mm, curved Cutting needle 260 2.5 mm Self Holding Screw Driver 261 - 2 mm self holding screw drrver 262 - crdinary screw driver 2.5 mm 263 - Sodium Hypochioride 264 — Paraffin Wax cubes 6’ 265 Wax dissolving Solution 266 — Turpentine Oil 267 — Black Braided Silk 3-0 with Cutting body Needle 268 Black Braided Silk 3-0 with Reverse Cutting Neeale 269 Black Braided Silk 4.0 with Reverse Cutting Needle 270 Drilling Burrs 8 Machine for Mastoid Surgery 271 — Corneal Light Shiekis - 8 mm Diameter 272 — Hearing device 273 — CT Scan Film (Kodak Make) 274 Digital X-Ray (Konika Make) 275 - Digital X-Ray (Konika Make) 276 Flow Regulator 277 — Throat Suction Catheter 14G. lOG (Plain). 278 Close Suction Catheter for ICU Ventilator 279 Mouth wash — 280 Non vented NIV (Non-invasive Ventilation) Mask 281 Drainage Pump 282 Under Pad 80x90 cm 283 Sponge 284 Trimmer 285 Abgel 286 Long_leg_Slab I Long arm Slab 287 288 3 way Cannula 260 IV Cannula Sterile Specican 289 290 291 Hand Sanitizer 292 Liquid hand Wash — 293 Umbilical Catheter 294 P1CC Line 295 Extension Line With 3 Way Stop Codi 296 Oxygen Nasal Canriula 297 Neonatal heated wire Ventilator Circuit with auto-fill humidifier Chamber 298 CPAP Prong 299 Baby Diaper 300 Feeding Tube — — 301 Pediatric drip set 302 Nasal Prong (Cannula) 303 Nylon with Curved Cutting Needle 304 Isomed 305 loban Sheet 306 G-Plast 307 Cerefllm 308 309 Philadelphia Cervical Collar Raney Lip 310 Minrvac No. 8 Drain 311 Vaccu Sudc 312 Optigauge 313 Crepe Bandage 314 DynapLast 315 Cranlocape 316 C-arm Cover 317 Cervical Implants, artificial disc 318 Lumbar Implants.