Supply Of Drugs , Surgical , Suture Items , Medical Consumables , X-Ray , Bedding Clothing And Biomedical Waste Management Items .- ct scan film dry view , x-ray film , digital x-ray film casette with screen , dental x-ray film , x-ray developer , x-ray fixture ,lead appron , x-ray film hanger , x-ray view box , mersilk with cutting needle , Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh ,Catgut Chromic Atraumatic ,Polyglactine Catgut ,Adhessive Plaster ,Disposable Syringes ,Disposable Syringes ,Intra Cath ,Disposable Scalp Vein Set ,lntravenous Set ,Intravenous Micro Drip Set ,Blood Administration set , Microscopic Glass Slide ,Foleys Urinary Catheter ,Urinary Drainage Bag ,Operation Gloves ,Disposable Syringes ,Umbilical cord clamp / Vascular clamp ,Disposable Face Mask ,Disposable Head Cap ,Infant mucous extractor ,Sanitary Adult napkin ,Roller Bandage ,Hand Loom Cotton Bandaee ,Hand Loom Cotton Gauze ,Hand Loom Cotton Gauze ,Baby Feeding Tube ,Spinal Needle ,Pedia Drip Set ,Naso gastric Tube , Plaster of Paris Bandase ,Fore Arm POP Slab , Lons Arm POP Slab ,Gypsona ,LS Belt Medium ,LS Belt Medium ,LS Belt XL ,Plastic Appron , surgical blade , Oxygen flow meter with humidifying bottle + mask & key , Corrugated Plastic Drainage Sheet ,Sputum Container ,Sticker for Sputum container ,Mox Oxygen Connector Automated Pipe ,Small Tips for pipettes ,Sterillium ,Adult ,Eye Seal/Guard ,Phenyle ,Potassium Permanganate Powder ,Neonatal Nasal Pronge ,Kellys pad ,Inhalation tube and Mask ,tube and Mask ,Oxygen Mask Child ,Adhessime Micropore Makintosh Sheet ,Falcon Tube , Disposable SICS Blade Tunnel ,Disposable SICS Blade Enlarge ,Trypan Blue ,Curve Cutting Needle , 1 A.S.O. Kit (BEACON) (Quantitative) 2 A.S.O. Kit (BEACON) (Qualitative) 3 Anti-(A +B+D) 10ml vial (TuliP) 4 Basic Fushion 5 Benedicts Solution (STANBIO) 6 Benzidine powder(STANBIO) 7 Serum Billirubin Kit (TOTAL ) ERBA,(Jendrassik and Grof s method) 8 Serum Billirubin Kit ( DIRECT ) ERBA,(Jendrassik and Grofs method) I Blootting Paper for BT Examination /Filter Paper (STANBIO) 10 Buffer tablet 11 Capillary tube for CT Examination 12 Carbol fuchsine 13 Cholesterol Kit 100m1. (Enzymatic Chod -PAP Method) ERBA 14 Comfort bond (4ml) 15 Cover glass Slip (Blue star) 16 Diamond Glass marking Pencil 17 Diasticks 18 Distilled Water (ULTRA GOLD) 19 E.D.T.A. powder 20 ECG Paper Roll Multi-Channel(8l08 Z Fold) 21 ECG Paper Roll (108 T) 22 Ultra Sound Jelly 23 Glacial Acetic Acid (STANBIO) 24 Glucose Kit GOD/POD (ERBA) 25 Hydrogenperoxide . (Lab.Use)STANBIO 26 Immersion Oil(Merck) 30ml 27 JSB Stain- (Eosin) (STANBIO) 28 JSB Stain- (Blue) (STANBIO) 29 Leishmans Stain (STANBIO) 30 Liquid Paraffin (Laboratory Use) (STANBIO) 31 Lysol 33 Methylated Spirit 500 ml (STANBIO) 34 Methylene B1ue(STANBIO) 35 Microscope Bulb- 1 2 V(PHILLIPS/OSRAM) 36 Microscope Bulb-6 V(PHILLPS/OSRAM) 37 N/l0 Hydrochloric Acid 500m1 38 One touch Glucose sticks 25 test 39 Phenol (Carbolic Acid) (BENGAL CHEMICALS) 40 Phenyle 40% (5 Lt jar)(BENGAL CHEMICALS) 41 Pregnancy test kit For B-HCG in urine 42 R.A. kit Qualitative (BEACON) 43 R.A. kit Quantitative (BEACON) 44 Silver Alloy (DPI Alloy) 45 Sodium Citrate 3.8% (BEACON) 46 Sodium Fluoride 5 00gm/bot(STANBIO) 47 Sodium Hypochlorite (5 lt Jar) 48 Sulphuric Acid (Concentrated) 500m1 49 Talquist Paper 50 Test tube rack (Aluminum)l2 Rack 51 Lens clean Book 52 Tissue Paper Roll 53 Urea Kit Bertholet method 400m1(ERBA) 54 Uristicks 55 VDRL Kit (BEACON) 56 Volumetric Flask 57 Volumetric Flask (2Lt) 58 W.B.C Fluid(STANBIO) 59 Widal Kit (BEACON) 60 Zinc Oxide 61 Rectified Spirit 62 Sulphur Powder(S TANBIO) 63 Lead Number Big Size(Marker) 64 Xylene Rectifi ed(STANBIO) 65 HICN Reagent(Drab Kins Solution)STANBIO 66 Creatinine Kit(2 Point reaction) (ERBA) 67 Serum Urea Kit(2 Point reaction) (ERBA) 68 Serum Uric acid kit(BEACON/ERBA) 69 HbAlc Kit for Diabetes(ERBA) 70 Total protein reagent (ERBA) 71 Total Albumin reagent (ERBA) 72 Total Serum Billirubin(ERBA) 73 Direct Serum Billirubin(ERBA) 74 s.G.o.T Kit (ERBA) 75 S.G.P.T Kit (ERBA) 76 Alkaline Phosphatase Kit (ERBA) 77 T.G Kit (ERBA) 78 Cholesterol Kit GRBA) 79 HDL Kit (ERBA) 80 LDL Kit (ERBA) 81 VLDL Kit (ERBA) 82 Urine 10 Parameter dip sticks (Gluco se+Albumin+Keton+B illirubin+ fic Gravity+PH+Nitrites+Blood Leucocytes) 83 ELISA Kit for Prostate Specific Antigen 84 Dengue IgM (ELISA-Kit) (J-Mitra) 85 Toxoplasma reagent (ELLTSCAN/AVANLOR) 86 Rubella Reagent 50 Test (ELLTSCAN/AVANLOR) 87 Cytomegalo Virus Reagent 50 Test (ELLISCAN/AVANLOR) 88 Herpes Virus Reagent 50 Test (ELLTSCAN/AVANLOR) 89 TSH(ELISA) Kit 50 Test GLLISCAN/AVANLOR) 90 Sahlis Haemoglobinometer Set 91 CRP (Beacon) Quantitative 92 CRP (Beacon) Qualitative 93 Acetone 94 Glutaraldehyde Solution 95 Formalin solution 96 Amonia solution 97 Centrifuse Tube 98 PSA Test Kit 99 H2S Kit 100 Orthotoludine Test Kit 101 Water Collection Bottle ( Autoclavable Plastic bottle) 102 Mouth Mirror 103 Dental Explorer 104 Vacutainer K3 EDTA 105 Vacutainer with Sod.Citrate 106 Vacutainer Plain 107 Boric Acid 108 Asarose 100 109 Carbon tetrachloride 110 Parafin Wax 111 Filter Paper 112 Tuberculin 5 T.U 113 MVR Knife (15 Degree Lancet) 114 SICS Blade-Tunel 115 SICS Blade - Entry 116 Intra Occular Lense 117 Single Use Needle No.26 118 Typan Blue Solution 119 Hyprosol 120 Auramine O Powder 121 Conc.Hvdrochloric Acid 122 Oxalic Acid 123 Measuring Cylinder(All sizes) 124 Flat Bottom Flask 125 Screw Capped Amber Coloured Bottle 126 Screw Capped reagent Stronge Bottle 127 Dropping Bottle 128 Brown Paper For Covering of Auramine O Reagent 129 TLC Dilutine Fluid 130 Platelet Dilutins Fluid 131 Methanol500 Ml/Bot 132 Test Tube Small(Borocill) 133 Plastic Tube 12 Base 134 Puncture Proof Container(PPc) 135 Spirit Lamp 136 Gram Stain Set 137 Slide Box Small 138 Slide Box Big 139 Eugenol 140 Etching Gel 141 Calcium Hvdroxide material etc