
Supply Of Chemicals And Glasswares, Minor Equipments, Parts Of Equipments And Repairing Of Microscopes.-Manipur

Manipur University has published Supply Of Chemicals And Glasswares, Minor Equipments, Parts Of Equipments And Repairing Of Microscopes.. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-10-2019. Brushes Tenders in Manipur. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Chemicals And Glasswares, Minor Equipments, Parts Of Equipments And Repairing Of Microscopes.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemicals And Glasswares, Minor Equipments, Parts Of Equipments And Repairing Of Microscopes:-1 GRM1183-Sodium Hydroxide 500gm, Himedia 2 I009-Phenolpthelin Indicator 125ml, Himedia 3 GRM1381-Manganese sulphate monohydrate 500gm, Himedia 4 S0520 - Sulphuric Acid AR 500ml, Avantor 5 AS025-Acetone AR 500ml, Himedia 6 1001-125 -Whatman Filter paper grade 1, 125cm 7 GRM252-Potassium iodide 500gm, Himedia 8 GRM6364-Potassium Hydroxide Flakes 500gm, Himedia 9 GRM1420-Sodium Thiosulphate anhydrous 500gm, Himedia 10 GRM3029-Starch Soluble AR 500gm, Himedia 11 Glove 12 alkaline acid proof 12 Thermometer 13 AC-184-Plankton net, Strong wire ring dia 30 cm,Acco 14 Preserved Specimens- Shark 11 to 13 15 Preserved Specimens- Prawn 4 to 5 16 Preserved Specimens- Pila large selected 17 S021-Methylene blue 125ml, Himedia 18 MB228-Absolute Alcohol 500ml, Himedia 19 AS080-Xylene AR 500ml, Himedia 20 D0240-DPX mountant 250ml, Avantor 21 S003-Borax Carmine (Alcoholic stain) 125ml, Himedia 22 AS127-Formaldehyde AR 500ml, Himedia 23 AS004- Hydrochloric acid AR 500ml, Himedia 24 Blotting Paper 25 AS100-Glycerol AR 500ml, Himedia 26 Slide Glass 27 9115R01-Cover slip 22x40mm rectangle, Borosil 28 Cotton (Absorbent) 29 GRM853-Sodium chloride AR 500gm, Himedia 30 C0071-Canada balsam 100ml, Avantor 31 H60146.AP-Terpineol, mixed isomers, 98% , 500ml, Alfa Aesar 32 MB031-Triton@X100, 100ml, Himedia 33 GRM6907-1,4-Dichlorobenzene 500gm, Himedia 34 GRM1183-Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 500gm, Himedia 35 AS001-Acetic Acid 500ml, Himedia 36 AS039-Chloroform 500ml, Himedia 37 S011-Giemsa stain 100ml, Himedia 38 H0015-Haemotoxyline Stain 125ml, Avantor 39 Entomological Pin Different Size, Imported Nickel Plated Pins/Black paint(pkt. of 100 pins) 40 S0861-Sodium Hypochlorite 500ml, Avantor 41 AS126- Diethy Ether AR 500ml, Himedia 42 66011-Laboline(Lab clean) 5litres, SD Fine 43 2811.1-Sodium dodecyl sulfate Granular 1kg, Avantor 44 84753-Methyl Eugenol 100ml, SRL 45 AS058-Methanol 500ml, Himedia 46 481010-Slide Box (25 capacity) pkt. of 12 nos.,Tarson 47 GRM254-Sodium Carbonate anhydrous 500gm, Himedia 48 C0390-Copper Sulphate 500gm, Avantor 49 GRM1046-Sodium Potasium tartrate tetrahydrate 500gm, Himedia 50 AS010-Ortho Phosphoric acid 500ml, Himedia 51 GRM7480-Silica gel G for TLC 500gm, Himedia 52 72768- n-Butyl Alcohol extrapure AR, 99.5%, 2.5litres, SRL 53 GRM248-Ninhydrin 25gm, Himedia 54 AS067-Isopropanol(2-Propanol) 500ml, Himedia 55 78719-Ammonia solution 500ml, SRL 56 N0080-Nitric acid 500ml, Avantor 57 P0135-Phenol 500gm, Avantor 58 GRM1070-Merucric oxide red 500gm, Himedia 59 GRM1403-Potassium sulphate AR 500gm, Himedia 60 MB007-Boric acid 500gm, Himedia 61 GRM4376-Ferrous sulphate 500gm, Himedia 62 GRM031-Sodium chloride 500gm, Himedia 63 S007-Eosin 125ml, Himedia 64 GRM4942-Acetocarmine 100ml, Himedia 65 Carnoy’s Fluid 66 GRM666-Agar agar type I, 500gm, Himedia 67 H0210-Hydrochloric Acid N/10 Solution 500ml, Avantor 68 MB094-Agarose 100gm, Himedia 69 ML017- 50X TBE(Tris Borate) 100ml, Himedia 70 ML016- 50X TAE (Tris Acetate) 100ml, Himedia 71 RM813-Ethidium bromide 5gm, Himedia 72 GRM914-Bromophenol blue 25gm, Himedia 73 1501024-Reagent bottle with screw cap 500ml, Borosil 74 3022012-Measuring Cylinder 50ml, Borosil 75 3022016-Measuring Cylinder 100ml, Borosil 76 3022024-Measuring Cylinder 500ml, Borosil 77 3022029-Measuring Cylinder 1000ml, Borosil 78 7060P02-Pipette 2ml, Borosil 79 7060P06-Pipette 10ml, Borosil 80 2122016-Burette 100ml, Borosil 81 142010-Burette Stand 22x15 side, Tarson 82 121100-Burette clamp single(pkt. of 6 nos.), Tarson 83 4980024-Conical Flask 500ml, Borosil 84 4980016-Conical Flask 100ml, Borosil 85 1000D29-Beaker 1000ml, Borosil 86 1000D24-Beaker 500ml, Borosil 87 1000D12-Beaker 50ml, Borosil 88 1000D16-Beaker 100ml, Borosil 89 Graduated half meter scale 90 4980021-Conical Flask 250ml, Borosil 91 Dropper plastic 92 166024-Wash Bottle 500ml, Borosil 93 Cavity Block with glass cover 55mm 94 879/2-Ninhydrine sprayer(Chromatography Sprayers) 150ml, JSGW 95 500010-Microcentrifuge tube 1.5ml(pkt. of 500 nos.), Tarson 96 1000D21-Beaker 250ml, Borosil 97 462030-Petridish plastic 100mm (pkt. of 12 Nos.), Tarson 98 3160077-Petrdihses 100x17mm, Borosil 99 808007-Centrifuge tube 15ml, Borosil 100 Camlin painting Brush “O” 101 1250022-BOD Bottle 300ml, Borosil 102 Dropers plastic 103 6140065-Funnel 50mm, Borosil 104 6140071-Funnel 75mm, Borosil 105 6140077-Funnel 100mm, Borosil 106 9910008-Culture tube with screw cap 20ml, Borosil 107 Dissection tray with wax 108 4700860N-F1 GLP KIT2 Finnpipette (0.2-1000 ul), volume range: 0.2μl, 2-20μl, 20-200μl, 100-1000μl, Thermofisher 109 SG0350-Cuvette glass 10mm, cap. 3.50ml, Axiva /1 Single head with Polypropylene tube for Centrifuge R-8C BL R-88-4X100 ml R- 89 – 24 x 15 ml R- 90 – 4 x 100 ml 2 Nikon Eclipse E 200 10 x objective lens 3 Oculometer 4 3083045-Desiccator vaccum stopcock with PTFE spindle and porclain plate 300mm, borosil 5. AC-155-03-Slide cabinet horizontal cap 2000 slides, Acco /1 Purified DNA Sequence Make: Eurofin 2 Wide mouth Bottle, 1000ml Make: Abdos, Cat. No.: P11204 3 Wide Mouth Bottle, 500ml Make: Abdos, Cat. No.: P11184 4 Wide Mouth Bottle , 250 ml Make: Abdos, Cat. No.: P11183 5 Tris saturated phenol, 400ml Make: Genetix, Cat. No.: PG-5490-400ML 6 Micropipette, 0.2-2ul Make: Gilson, Cat. No.: F144054M 7 Molecular grade ethanol Make: Br Biochem, Cat. No.: BC0193 8 PCR tubes, Flat Cap non frosted, Clear 0.2ml Make: Genaxy, Cat. No.: GEN-02-C-PCR 9 Micro Centrifuge Tubes, 2ml Make: Genaxy, Cat. No.: GEN-MT-200-C 10 Agarose powder, 25g Make: Genaxy, Cat. No.: AB0015 11 EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate, 500g Make: Genetix, Cat. No.: PG-5010-500G 12 Proteinase K, 25mg Make: Br Biochem, Cat. No.: BC0451 13 Tris base (molecular weight – 121.14 g/mol) Make: Br Biochem, Cat. No.: T-400-500 14 10X Taq buffer Make: Genetix, Cat, No.: B16

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