
Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glassware’S & Consumables For Department Of Microbiology, Sikkim University-Sikkim

Sikkim University has published Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glassware’S & Consumables For Department Of Microbiology, Sikkim University. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-11-2019. Laboratory Centrifuges Tenders in Sikkim. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glassware’S & Consumables For Department Of Microbiology, Sikkim University
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glassware’S & Consumables For Department Of Microbiology, Sikkim University--1 6Xloading Dye 2 Ammonium Citrate 3 Formaldehyde 4 Rnase 5 1KB DNA LADDER 6 Chloroform Isoamyl(24:1) 7 Proteinase K 8 Ethanol 9 Nutrient Agar 10 Nutrient Broth 11 Malt Extract Broth Base 12 Lactobacillus MRS Agar 13 Lactobacillus MRS Broth 14 Phyto Sucrose Peptone Agar Base 15 Agar Powder Bacteriological grade 16 50X TAE Buffer 17 n-Hexadecane 18 Hektoen-Enteric Agar 19 TAQ 2X MASTER MIX 20 PROTEINASE K 21 LYSOZYME 22 PHENOL – CHLOROFORM – 23 EDTA DISODIUM SALT 24 ETHIDIUM BROMIDE 25 TRIS-HCL 26 1KB DNA LADDER 27 CTAB 28 ISOPROPANOL 29 PIKOVSKAYA’S BROTH (MEDIUM)GRANULATED 30 GELATIN 31 SKIM MILK POWDER 32 BUSHNELL HAAS BROTH 33 BUSHNELL HAAS AGAR 34 CASEIN POWDER 35 BROMOPHENOL BLUE 36 AMICON® 15ML 3KDA, 8/PK 37 XYLAN FROM BEECHWOOD 38 XYLAN (FROM OAT SPELTS) 39 XYLOSE 40 TEMED 41 GYLCINE 42 AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE 43 TRIS BASE 44 Azo-GALACTAN FROM POTATO 45 Galactomannan (Locust bean gum) 46 Cetrimide Agar 47 Mueller Hinton Agar 48 Mueller Hinton Broth(Cation adjusted) 49 Phosphate buffered saline 50 Glycerol 51 Methanol HPLC grade 52 Netilmicin 53 Gentamicin 54 Amikacin 55 Ceftazidine 56 Pipercillin 57 Pipercillin/tazobactum 58 Ticarcillin/cavaulanic acid 59 Ciproflaxin 60 Imipenem 61 Doripenem 62 Meropenem 63 Tobramycin 64 Colistin 65 Polymixin B 66 Ofloxacin 67 Ceftazidine tazobactum 68 Amoxyclev 69 Cefotaxime 70 Cefepime 71 Levofloaxcin 72 Aztreonam 73 Fosfomycin 74 Colistin 75 Piperacillin 76 Multi Parameter Water Testing Kit 77 TDS meter for Water testing 78 Lauryl Tryptose Broth 79 Enterococcus esculin broth 80 Selenite Cystine Broth Base w/o Biselenite 81 R2A Broth 82 MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile Salts, CV and NaCl 83 M-Enterococcus Agar Base 84 R2A Agar, Modified 85 Casein hydrolase 86 TSI medium 87 Dehydrated ethanol 88 H2O2 solution 89 Bromothymol Blue 90 sorbose 91 Glycerol 92 Phenol Red solution 93 Urea 94 magnessium sulphate 95 Bromo phenol blue 96 Kovacs Reagent 97 Ampicilllin10 μg 98 Amoxycillin (30 μg) 99 Tetracycline (TE 30 μg) 100 Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprin (SXT 30 μg) 101 Ciprofloxacin (CIP 5 μg) 102 Ceftriaxone (CRO30 μg) 103 Ceftazidime (CAZ 30 μg) 104 Kanamycin (K 30 μg) 105 Streptomycin (S 10 μg) 106 Gentamicin (CN 10 μg) 107 Chloramphenicol (C 30 μg) 108 Sulphafurozole 109 Aztreonam 110 Sulbactam 111 Cephalothin 112 Imipenem 113 Novobiocin 114 Folin Ciocalteu Reagent 115 p-nitrophenol 116 4-Nitrophenyl acetate 117 Bovine serum albumin 118 Bradford Reagent 119 Congo Red 120 GoTaq® Green Master Mix 121 Radial Immunodiffusion Teaching kit Manual 122 Ouctherlony Double Diffusion Teaching kit Manual 123 Quantitative Precipitin Assay Teaching kit Manual 124 Ammonium Phosphate 125 Chromazurol S, Certified 126 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (HPLC grade) 127 Acetone HPLC Grade 128 1-Butanol 129 HCL(HPLC grade) 130 Gallic acid (HPLC grade) 131 Gamma amino butyric acid 132 GEN III Biolog Plate 133 Inoculation fluid IF-B 134 Inoculation fluid IF-C 135 Isoamylalcohol extrapure AR 99% 136 Lysozyme 137 Methanol(HPLC grade) 138 Monosodium Glutamate 139 MRS broth 140 Ninhydrin 141 PCR Master Mix 142 Phenol-chloroform isoamyl alcohol mixture 143 Phosphoric acid (HPLC grade) 144 Pikovskaya (broth) medium granulated GLASSWARES Sl No Particulars 1 Micro tip, 2-200 ul, 2 Micro tip, 200-1000 ul 3 Micro tip, 0.2-10 ul, 4 Micro tip Box, size 2-200ul, 5 Micro Centriuge tube 2 ml, 6 Durhams Tube, 7 BOD Bottle 300ml 8 Test tubes without rim Approx O.D. x Height mm:18X150 9 Pipettes, Capacity: 10 ml, Mohr Type Class-A 10 Cryotubes 1.8ml 11 Centrifuge Tube Conical Bottom 50 ml 12 Dishes, Culture, Petri, approx: x Ht mm; 100x17 13 Aluminium Foil 14 Rubber band 15 Tissue Roll 16 Conical falsk 500ml 17 Conical falsk 250ml 18 Burette 50ml 19 Glass Measuring Cylinder 50 ml 20 Glass Measuring Cylinder 100ml 21 Microscope Slides 22 HiDispo Bag 12* 23 HiDispo Bag 14* 24 Sterile Clinicol 25 Parafilm 26 Microtitre 96 well flat bottom plate 27 Flat Round Bottom Flask 2lit 28 Flat Bottom Screw Cap Bottle 50ml 29 Pipetteman 30 Soxhlet 31 Sample Container 32 Cork Borer 33 Whattman No 1 Filter 34 Disposable Filter 0.45 35 Disposable Filter 0.22,25mm 36 Filter Paper holder,25mm 37 Indicator Tape 38 Stool sample container 39 Mask disposable 40 Pipetteman 41 Antbiotic Zonescale-C 42 Glass Spreader Small 43 Straight wire nichrome 44 Wide mouth bottle (Autoclavable) 500ml 45 sterile Syringe 5ml

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 16500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.50 Lakhs /-
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