Tender For Selection Of Contractor For Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Medical Gas Equipment At Pmch, Dhanbad :-Manifold- Oxygen Manifold 16+16 Cyclinder Banks Complete With Nrv , Tail Pipes , Middle Frame And Bottom Frame With Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility , Fully Automatic Control Panel For Oxygen- 4Bar Line Pressure , 1500 Lpm . The Control Panel Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive -93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed As Per Htm / Nfpa Standard . , Emergency Oxygen Manifold- 1X6 Cylinder Emergency Manifold With Complete Regulator , Nrv , Tailpipes , Middle Frame & Bottom Frame . , Oxygen Floemeter With Humidifier Bottle , Ce Markded Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Ecc And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility , Oxygen Gas Outlets . The Outlet Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive 9342 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed , Oxygen H . P . Rubber Tube White Colour , 6+6 Cyclinder Banks Of Nitrous Oxide Manifold Complete With Nrv , Tail Pipes , Middle Frame And Bottom Frame With Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility , Fully Automatic Control Panel For Nitous Oxide -4Bar Line Pressure , 1500 Lpm . The Control Palel Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medica Directive 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed As Per Htm / Nfpa Standard . , Emegency N2o Manifold- 1X3cylinder Emergency Manifold With Complete Regulator , Nrv , Tail Pipes , Middle Frame & Bottom Frame , Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility . , N2o Gas Outlet . The Outlet Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed , N2o H . P Rubber Tube Blue Colour , 6+6 Cylinder Banks Of Co2 Mainfold Complete With Nrv , Tail Pipes , Middle Frame & Bottom Frame With Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manfuctured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility . , Fully Automatic Control Panel For Carbon Di-Oxide -4 Bar Line Pressure , 1500 Lpm . The Control Panel Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed As Per Htm / Nfpa Standard . , Emergency Co2 Manifold - 1X3 Cyclinder Emergency Manifold With Complete Regulator . Nrv , Tail Pipes , Middle Frame & Bottom Frame , Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility . , Co2 Gas Outlet . The Outlet Shell Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed , Co2 H . P . Rubber Tube Grey Colour , Compressed Air System As Per Htm / Iso 7396 / Nfpa Standared With A Capacity Of 3000Lpm ( As Primary Output ) And Standby Capacity As Per Relevant Htm / Iso 7396 / Nfpa Standared With Oil Lubricated Screw / Scroll Compressors To Provide 4-Bar ( Medical Air ) And 7-Bar ( Surgical Air ) Output Along With Medical Air Dryer / Filteration System To Provide European / American Pharmacopeia Air Quality , Complete In All Respect With Control Panel And Air Reciever As Per Adequate Capacity . The Complete Medical & Surgical Air System Shall Be Ce Certified Under Class Ii Of Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec Or Ul Listed . , Ma 4-Bar Gas Outlet . The Outlets Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed . , Sa 7- Bar Gas Outlets . The Outlets Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed . , Ma 4 H . P . Rubber Tube Black Colour , Medical Vaccume System As Per Htm / Iso 7396 / Nfpa Standared With A Capacity Of 4000Lpm ( As Primery Output ) Standby Capacity As Per Relevant Htm 02-01 / Iso 7396 Standared With Rotary Vane Pump Vaccumes To Proviede Output With Duplex Becteria Filtration , Complete In All Respect With Control Panel And Air Reciever As Per Adequate Capacity . The Complete Medical Vaccume System Shall Be Ce Certified Under Class Ii Of Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec Or Ul Listed . , Vac Gas Outlet . The Outlets Shall Be Ce Certified Under Medical Directice 93 / 42 / Eec From Notified Body Or Ul Listed . , Ward Suction Unit With 600Ml Jar , Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility , Theature Suction Unit With Two Number Jar Of 2000Ml Each , Ce Marked Under Medical Directive 93 / 42 / Eec And Manufactured In Iso 13485 Certified Facility , Vaccume H . P . Antistatic Tube Yellow Colour , Vaccume L . P . Antistatic Tube , Duplex Agss Plant Of 1500Lpm Capacity . Fully Complies And Meets Htm 02-01 , Standards And Duly Ce Certified Under Medical Devices 93 / 42 / Eec . , Agss Outlets With Probe / Adaptor With Htm 02-01 And Duly Ce Marked , Agss Hose Assembly ( Imported ) Complete And Meets With Htm 02-01 , And Duly Ce Marked , Agss Remote Indicator ( Imported ) Complete And Meets With Htm 02-01 , And Duly Ce Marked , Area Line Pressure Alarm- 6Gases ( 5 Gas And 1 Vaccume ) , Area Line Perssure Alarm- 5 Gases ( 4 Gas And 1 Vaccume ) , Area Line Perssure Alarm- 4 Gases ( 3 Gas And 1 Vaccume ) , Area Line Perssure Alarm- 3 Gases ( 2 Gas And 1 Vaccume ) , Area Line Pressure Alarm-2 Gases ( 1 Gas And 1 Vaccume ) , Master Alarm , 2 Gases , 3 Gases , 4 Gases , 5 Gases , 6 Gases , 76Mm , 54Mm , 42 Mm , 28Mm , 22 Mm , 15Mm , 12 Mm ( Od ) X 0 . 7 Mm Thickness , 15 Mm ( Od ) X 0 . 9 Mm Thickness , 22 Mm ( Od ) X 0 . 9 Mm Thickness , 28 Mm ( Od ) X 0 . 9 Mm Thickness , 42 Mm ( Od ) X 1 . 2 Mm Thickness , 54 Mm ( Od ) X 1 . 2 Mm Thickness , 76 Mm ( Od ) X 1 . 5 Mm Thickness , Rigid Anaesthesia Pendent For Ot Provision For Outlet As Required And 8 Nos . Elec . Switch & Sockets . , Rigid Surgeon Pendent For Ot Provision For Outlet As Required And 8 Nos . Elec . Switch & Sockets . , Bed Head Panel Provosion For Gas Outlet As Desired With Elect . Switch & Socket As Desired , Control Panel For Compressed Air System And Vaccum System