
Supply Of Various Agriculture Machinery, Implements And Inputs. 1. Irrigation Pump Sets 2. Power Weeder And Tilers 3. Knapsack Sprayers 4. Chain Saw, Brush Cutter 5. Drip And Sprinkler Irrigation 6. Tractors 7. Chaff Cutters And Tractor Driven Imp. 8. Org-Jammu And Kashmir

Jammu And Kashmir State Agro Industries Development Corporation Limited has published Supply Of Various Agriculture Machinery, Implements And Inputs. 1. Irrigation Pump Sets 2. Power Weeder And Tilers 3. Knapsack Sprayers 4. Chain Saw, Brush Cutter 5. Drip And Sprinkler Irrigation 6. Tractors 7. Chaff Cutters And Tractor Driven Imp. 8. Org. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-10-2019. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Various Agriculture Machinery, Implements And Inputs. 1. Irrigation Pump Sets 2. Power Weeder And Tilers 3. Knapsack Sprayers 4. Chain Saw, Brush Cutter 5. Drip And Sprinkler Irrigation 6. Tractors 7. Chaff Cutters And Tractor Driven Imp. 8. Org
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply Of Various Agriculture Machinery, Implements And Inputs. 1. Irrigation Pump Sets 2. Power Weeder And Tilers 3. Knapsack Sprayers 4. Chain Saw, Brush Cutter 5. Drip And Sprinkler Irrigation 6. Tractors 7. Chaff Cutters And Tractor Driven Imp. 8. Org Fertilizer And Pesticides.

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