
Procurement Of Scientific Equipment / Instruments For Centre For Execellence / Departments / Central Instrumentation Centre, Utkal University-Odisha

Utkal University has published Procurement Of Scientific Equipment / Instruments For Centre For Execellence / Departments / Central Instrumentation Centre, Utkal University. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-10-2019. General Cleaning Equipments Tenders in Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Scientific Equipment / Instruments For Centre For Execellence / Departments / Central Instrumentation Centre, Utkal University

Tender Details

Procurement Of Scientific Equipment / Instruments For Centre For Execellence / Departments / Central Instrumentation Centre, Utkal University-Page 32 of 155 1 Field emission scanning electron microscope 2 Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer with ATR 3 Liquied chromatography mass spectrophotometer (LC-MS/MS) 4 GC-MS 5 Confocal microscope with live cell imaging 6 Flow cytometer cum analyzer 7 Cryo microtome 8 NGS cum genetic analyzer 9 HPTLC 10 Automated protein purification system 11 Inductive coupled plasma (ICP)-OES analyzer 12 Water purification system 13 X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer 14 CO2 Incubator 15 Biosafety cabinet class II 16 Inverted Microscope 17 Lyophilizer 18 Ultracentrifuge 19 DG set (diesel generator) 125 KVA 20 DG set (diesel generator) - 250 KVA 21 DG set (diesel generator) - 320KVA 22 Chemi Doc 23 Ice flaker unit 24 Walk in cold room 25 Deep freezer (-20ºC) 26 Deep freezer (-80ºC) 27 Freezer (4ºC) 28 BOD Incubator 29 UV-Vis spectrophotometer Page 33 of 155 30 UV-Vis spectrophotometer with Microvolume Capacity 31 UV-Vis spectrophtotometer with DRS 32 Temperature controlled oven (Programmable) 33 Photocatalytic reactor and accessories 34 Solar Simulator 35 High speed Cooling centrifuge 36 Surface area and porosity analyzer 37 Particle size and Zeta size analyzer (DLS) 38 Turbidity meter 39 Visible Spectrophotometer (Single beam) 40 DGPS 41 Microplate Reader 42 Rotary vacuum evaporator 43 Water bath with shaker 44 Electrophoresis system with semi dry blotting/transfer unit 45 Trans Blot Turbo Transfer System 46 Oxygraph 47 Autoclave 48 Fermentor 49 Mechanical Weighing Machine 50 Anthropometer Measuring Set 51 Weighing Scale cum Height Measuring Sale (Stadiometer) 52 Palatometer 53 Cubic craniophore 54 Mandibulometer 55 Osteometric board 56 Parallelograph 57 Tubular craniophore (Martin type) 58 Diaptograph Rectangular (Martin type) 59 Fingerprint development kit 60 Footprint development kit 61 Life corder (Physical activity recorder) 62 Lifecorder EX accelerometer 63 Pedometer 64 Digi-Walker Professional 65 Digital Skinfold Caliper 66 Laminar Air Flow 67 Magnetic stirrer with hotplate (2 lit) 68 On line 5 KVA 69 On line 10 KVA 70 Centrifuge 71 Body composition analyzer 72 Portable spirometer 73 Bone densitometer 74 Treadmill 75 Heart rate belt 76 Hand dynamometer 77 Leg dynamometer 78 Stereomicroscope with camera attachment 79 Fluorescence microscope 80 Gradient PCR 81 Phase contrast inverted microscope with camera 82 Water parameter analyzer 83 Biochemical analyzer 84 Blood analyzer 85 Microscope 86 Research Stereozoom Microscope with photographic attachment 87 Research Petrographic Microscope with photographic attachments 88 Student stereozoom microscopes with photographic attachment 89 Drone with high resolution camera and GPS 90 Petrographic student Microscope with point counter 91 High end computers for satellite data interpretation 92 Van veen Grab 93 High precession weighing balance 94 Ultra-sonicator bath 95 Distil Water Plant 96 High Performance Computing Facility 97 Projection based Fabry-Perot Interferometers (imported experimental set -up) 98 Michelson Interferometer (imported experimental set -up) 99 Rydberg constant experimental set-up for measurement of the Rydberg constant 100 Babinets compensator (imported experimental set-up) 101 Constant deviation spectroscope (imported experimental set-up) 102 Braun tube experimental set-up for measurement of e/m ratio (imported experimental set-up) 103 Thomson Method apparatus for the measurement of e/m ratio (imported experimental set-up) 104 Experimental set-up for magnetic field measurement by search coil 105 Rectification by junction Diode using various filters to study the low, high and band pass filter 106 Characteristics of a Transistor: To study the I-V characteristics in CB, CE mode 107 Experimental set-up to study Richardsons T 3/2 law 108 Experimental set-up for the determination of Plancks constant by total Radiation Method (imported experimental set-up) 109 B-H curve apparatus 110 Millikans oil drops experimental set-up (imported experimental set-up) to determine the charge of an electron and quantum nature of electric charge 111 Measurement of attenuation and phase shift of A.C. in L.C.R. network KIT 112 Experimental set-up to study the characteristics of RF coil 113 Frank Hertz experiment apparatus (imported experimental set-up) 114 Dielectric Constant measurement KIT for non-aqueous liquids and solids Page 35 of 155 115 Fourier Analysis KIT 116 Study of Operational Amplifier, Study of Multivibrators 117 Dielectric LCR Tester with temperature variation 118 Hall effect Apparatus (imported experimental set-up) 119 Gouy-Balance apparatus to measure the magnetic susceptibility 120 Determination of absorption coefficient of Aluminum using GM Counter (imported exported experimental set-up) 121 Characteristics of G. M. counter (Imported Experimental set-up) 122 Determination of the thermal conductivity of building materials using the single plate method KIT 123 Determination of the specific vaporization heat of water KIT 124 Kerr Effect Apparatus for investigating the Kerr effect in Nitrobenzene (imported experimental set-up) 125 Prism Spectrometer (imported experimental set-up) for measuring the line spectra of inert gases and metal vapors 126 Solid State laser for the study of the properties of laser diode, i.e. the characteristic parameters like the output power and wavelength as a function of the temperature. 127 Plancks constant apparatus for 128 Balmer series of Hydrogen Apparatus (imported experimental set-up) for observing the splitting of the Balmer series on deuterated Hydrogen (isotope splitting) 129 Normal Zeeman Effect Apparatus (imported experimental set-up) 130 Anomalous Zeeman effect Apparatus (imported experimental set-up) 131 Rutherford Scattering experimental set-up (imported experimental set-up) for measuring the scattering rate as a function of the scattering angle and the atomic number. 132 Polarization of light by half-wave plate (imported experimental set-up) 133 Polarization of light by quarter-wave plate (imported experimental set-up) 134 Biot-Savarts Law Apparatus (imported experimental set-up) 135 Gamma Spectroscopy and Compton effect (imported experimental set-up) 136 Muon Lifetime measurement with Nal detector and electronics (imported experimental set-up) 137 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) of frequency range 15-25 MHz 138 Faraday effect Apparatus to determine Verdets constant for flint glass as a function of the wavelength 139 Grating spectrometer for measuring transmission curves and spectral lines (imported experimental set-up) 140 Compton effect at X-rays (imported experimental set-up) 141 Physical properties measurement system 142 ImpedenceAnalyser 143 Upgradation of Existing X-Ray diffractometer (Bruker D8 Advanced) 144 Camera 1 145 Camera 2 146 Camera 3 147 Camera 4 148 Camera 5 149 DSLR / Mirrorless Combo Kits 150 Camera Lenses 151 Camera Accessories 152 Dry Box 153 Professional Quality digital audio recording instrument. 154 RFID 155 Book Cleaning Machine 156 Interactive Projector 157 Air-Conditioner I 158 Air-Conditioner II 159 Desktop Computer i3 160 Desktop Computer i5 161 Desktop Computer i7 162 Workstation 163 Laptop i3 164 Laptop i5 165 Laptop i7 166 Printer Duplex LaserJet 167 Printer MFP 168 Printer MFP Duplex Network 169 Printer Color MFP 170 Smart Card Printer 171 Flatbed Scanner A4 172 Flatbed Scanner A3 173 3D Scanner 174 Book Scanner Type I 175 Book Scanner Type II 176 Photocopier Machine (Big) 177 Photocopier Machine (Small)

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