
Quotation For Consultancy Services For Detailed project report For Extension Of Runway And Construction Of Allied Infrastructure , ( a ) consultancy for preparation of dpr of following items of work:- ( i ) site clearance and development . ( ii ) soil stabilizatin including improvement of cbr and k value of soil . ( iii ) repair of existing runway . ( iv ) runway shoulders 45 rm on both sides of runway and 100 rm on both ends of runway . ( v ) ep barrier . ( vi ) gtd pad . ( vii ) raps pad and ep stand . . ( viii ) culverts . ( ix ) area drainage . ( b ) consultancy of dpr of the subject work shall be inclusive of the following works but not limited in scope:- ( i ) conducting geotechnical and tapographical survey and obtaining other dates for planning of the area dranage , position of culverts , road berm , runway shoulder and its allied services . ( ii ) preparation of architectuaral drawings , structural design and site plan etc for area drainage , culverts , runway shoulder , ep , HQ CHIEF ENGINEER SHILLONG ZONE-Meghalaya

Military Engineer Services has published Quotation For Consultancy Services For Detailed project report For Extension Of Runway And Construction Of Allied Infrastructure , ( a ) consultancy for preparation of dpr of following items of work:- ( i ) site clearance and development . ( ii ) soil stabilizatin including improvement of cbr and k value of soil . ( iii ) repair of existing runway . ( iv ) runway shoulders 45 rm on both sides of runway and 100 rm on both ends of runway . ( v ) ep barrier . ( vi ) gtd pad . ( vii ) raps pad and ep stand . . ( viii ) culverts . ( ix ) area drainage . ( b ) consultancy of dpr of the subject work shall be inclusive of the following works but not limited in scope:- ( i ) conducting geotechnical and tapographical survey and obtaining other dates for planning of the area dranage , position of culverts , road berm , runway shoulder and its allied services . ( ii ) preparation of architectuaral drawings , structural design and site plan etc for area drainage , culverts , runway shoulder , ep . Submission Date for this Tender is 23-09-2019. Consultancy Service Tenders in HQ CHIEF ENGINEER SHILLONG ZONE Meghalaya. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Quotation For Consultancy Services For Detailed project report For Extension Of Runway And Construction Of Allied Infrastructure , ( a ) consultancy for preparation of dpr of following items of work:- ( i ) site clearance and development . ( ii ) soil stabilizatin including improvement of cbr and k value of soil . ( iii ) repair of existing runway . ( iv ) runway shoulders 45 rm on both sides of runway and 100 rm on both ends of runway . ( v ) ep barrier . ( vi ) gtd pad . ( vii ) raps pad and ep stand . . ( viii ) culverts . ( ix ) area drainage . ( b ) consultancy of dpr of the subject work shall be inclusive of the following works but not limited in scope:- ( i ) conducting geotechnical and tapographical survey and obtaining other dates for planning of the area dranage , position of culverts , road berm , runway shoulder and its allied services . ( ii ) preparation of architectuaral drawings , structural design and site plan etc for area drainage , culverts , runway shoulder , ep
Open Tender
Hq Chief Engineer Shillong Zone

Tender Details

Corrigendum - Quotation For Consultancy Services For Detailed project report For Extension Of Runway And Construction Of Allied Infrastructure , ( a ) consultancy for preparation of dpr of following items of work:- ( i ) site clearance and development . ( ii ) soil stabilizatin including improvement of cbr and k value of soil . ( iii ) repair of existing runway . ( iv ) runway shoulders 45 rm on both sides of runway and 100 rm on both ends of runway . ( v ) ep barrier . ( vi ) gtd pad . ( vii ) raps pad and ep stand . . ( viii ) culverts . ( ix ) area drainage . ( b ) consultancy of dpr of the subject work shall be inclusive of the following works but not limited in scope:- ( i ) conducting geotechnical and tapographical survey and obtaining other dates for planning of the area dranage , position of culverts , road berm , runway shoulder and its allied services . ( ii ) preparation of architectuaral drawings , structural design and site plan etc for area drainage , culverts , runway shoulder , ep barrier , gtd pad , raps pad and ep stand and as required for complete project . , ( iii ) designing / specifications of complete area drainage including capacity , size and cross sections ( as per ti of e-in-cs br on runway ) of drain , runway shoulders , site clearance & development , soil stabilization including improvement of cbr value ( not less than 8 % ) and k values ( not less than 5 kg / sqcm / cm ) of soil , ep barrier , gtd pad , raps pad and ep stand , culverts including topographical survey and layout plan of above work . ( iv ) repair of existing runway incl potholes , crack & others defects including bonding between old & new surfaces . if required item for functional overlay of min 75 mm dac gde-ii for the existing surface and item for cutting the existing surface for provn of glass grid and sami layer at the joint of new and old surface . ( v ) to carry out the estimates of the quantum of storm water discharge to be catered for the proposed drains and finalisation of quantities of earth filling and soil stabilization where ever required . designing the storm water drainage of the area and method to remove rain water from complete area to be elaboarated in dpr . ( vi ) preparation of estimates of complete work of drain and runway shoulder , ep barriers , gtd pad , culverts , raps pad and ep stand , site clearance & development , methods of soil stabilization . ( vii ) complete quantity of earth filling required in the work to be estimated with details . , ( viii ) preparation of schedules of tender document ( boq ) of all items of work for area drainage , runway shoulder , ep barriers , gtd pad , culverts , raps pad and ep stand , site clearance & development , soil stabilization , site plan , analysis of rates , tender specifications and makes of material to be incorporated in the work . ( c ) complete dpr is to be prepared in accordance with bps and in consultation of stn hq dinjan / cwe / dinjan / ge dinjan and respertive sections of this hq . ( d ) 06 folder of dpr duly vetted by this hq and any iit is to be submitted with soft copies . , ( e ) detailed calculations of all items of dpr is to be submitted and structural design is to be carried out in accordance with relevant is codes . ( f ) detailed network diagram of area drainage and complete survey plan of whole area is to be attached . ( g ) all the requirements of the user and any additional item required for facilitating preparation of aes be added in dpr .

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INR 6.56 Lakhs /-
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