
Supply Of Equipment- 1. Laminar Air Flow 2. Autoclave Horizontal 3. Autoclave Vertical 4. Hot Air Oven 5. Incubator 6. Water Bath 7. Ph Meter 8. Magnetic Stirrer 9. Electronic Weighing Balance 10. Measuring Cylinders 11. Thermometer 12. Thawing Flask -Jammu And Kashmir

Livestock Development Board has published Supply Of Equipment- 1. Laminar Air Flow 2. Autoclave Horizontal 3. Autoclave Vertical 4. Hot Air Oven 5. Incubator 6. Water Bath 7. Ph Meter 8. Magnetic Stirrer 9. Electronic Weighing Balance 10. Measuring Cylinders 11. Thermometer 12. Thawing Flask . Submission Date for this Tender is 27-09-2019. Autoclave and Sterilizer Equipment Tenders in Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Equipment- 1. Laminar Air Flow 2. Autoclave Horizontal 3. Autoclave Vertical 4. Hot Air Oven 5. Incubator 6. Water Bath 7. Ph Meter 8. Magnetic Stirrer 9. Electronic Weighing Balance 10. Measuring Cylinders 11. Thermometer 12. Thawing Flask
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir
Due Date Not Mentioned, Contact Concern Authority.

Tender Details

Supply Of Equipment- 1. Laminar Air Flow 2. Autoclave Horizontal 3. Autoclave Vertical 4. Hot Air Oven 5. Incubator 6. Water Bath 7. Ph Meter 8. Magnetic Stirrer 9. Electronic Weighing Balance 10. Measuring Cylinders 11. Thermometer 12. Thawing Flask 13. Dynamic Pass Box 14. Micropipette

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