
tender for Outsourcing Of Essential Services For Operation And Repair / Maintenance Of Sewage Treatment Plant ( Stp ) At Doraha Under Ge Ludhiana , sch a sec-i , outsourcing of services to run sewage treatment plant of capacity 200 cum per day round the clock by employing 01 no . operator in each shift of 8 hours ( 3 shifts per day ) and keeping the plant functional & clean including operation of dg set with the following plants & machinery complete all as directed by engineer-in-charge:- ( a ) sewage pumps of capacity 2 . 0 hp -02 nos ( b ) filter feed pumps of capacity 3 . 0 hp -02 no . ( c ) air blowers of capacity 12 . 5 hp -02 no . ( d ) treated water feed pumps of capacity 7 . 5 hp -02 no . ( e ) activated carbon filter -01 no . ( f ) dual media filter - 01 no . note: ( a ) repairs necessitated other than those caused due to negliance of the operators shall be measured and paid for separately under appropiate item of sch a sec-ii however , repairs attributed due to neglig, Doraha under GE Ludhiana-Punjab

Military Engineer Services has published tender for Outsourcing Of Essential Services For Operation And Repair / Maintenance Of Sewage Treatment Plant ( Stp ) At Doraha Under Ge Ludhiana , sch a sec-i , outsourcing of services to run sewage treatment plant of capacity 200 cum per day round the clock by employing 01 no . operator in each shift of 8 hours ( 3 shifts per day ) and keeping the plant functional & clean including operation of dg set with the following plants & machinery complete all as directed by engineer-in-charge:- ( a ) sewage pumps of capacity 2 . 0 hp -02 nos ( b ) filter feed pumps of capacity 3 . 0 hp -02 no . ( c ) air blowers of capacity 12 . 5 hp -02 no . ( d ) treated water feed pumps of capacity 7 . 5 hp -02 no . ( e ) activated carbon filter -01 no . ( f ) dual media filter - 01 no . note: ( a ) repairs necessitated other than those caused due to negliance of the operators shall be measured and paid for separately under appropiate item of sch a sec-ii however , repairs attributed due to neglig. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-09-2019. Industrial Fan Tenders in Doraha under GE Ludhiana Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

tender for Outsourcing Of Essential Services For Operation And Repair / Maintenance Of Sewage Treatment Plant ( Stp ) At Doraha Under Ge Ludhiana , sch a sec-i , outsourcing of services to run sewage treatment plant of capacity 200 cum per day round the clock by employing 01 no . operator in each shift of 8 hours ( 3 shifts per day ) and keeping the plant functional & clean including operation of dg set with the following plants & machinery complete all as directed by engineer-in-charge:- ( a ) sewage pumps of capacity 2 . 0 hp -02 nos ( b ) filter feed pumps of capacity 3 . 0 hp -02 no . ( c ) air blowers of capacity 12 . 5 hp -02 no . ( d ) treated water feed pumps of capacity 7 . 5 hp -02 no . ( e ) activated carbon filter -01 no . ( f ) dual media filter - 01 no . note: ( a ) repairs necessitated other than those caused due to negliance of the operators shall be measured and paid for separately under appropiate item of sch a sec-ii however , repairs attributed due to neglig
Open Tender
Doraha Under Ge Ludhiana

Tender Details

Corrigendum - tender for Outsourcing Of Essential Services For Operation And Repair / Maintenance Of Sewage Treatment Plant ( Stp ) At Doraha Under Ge Ludhiana , sch a sec-i , outsourcing of services to run sewage treatment plant of capacity 200 cum per day round the clock by employing 01 no . operator in each shift of 8 hours ( 3 shifts per day ) and keeping the plant functional & clean including operation of dg set with the following plants & machinery complete all as directed by engineer-in-charge:- ( a ) sewage pumps of capacity 2 . 0 hp -02 nos ( b ) filter feed pumps of capacity 3 . 0 hp -02 no . ( c ) air blowers of capacity 12 . 5 hp -02 no . ( d ) treated water feed pumps of capacity 7 . 5 hp -02 no . ( e ) activated carbon filter -01 no . ( f ) dual media filter - 01 no . note: ( a ) repairs necessitated other than those caused due to negliance of the operators shall be measured and paid for separately under appropiate item of sch a sec-ii however , repairs attributed due to negligeance of the operators shall be made good by the contractor , chemicals required for operating the system shall also be measure and paid separately under appropiate item of sch a sec-ii . ( b ) contractor shall provide all t&p required for maintenance of installation and will keep the same at site all time . ( c ) contractor will provided uniform of light blue shirt and dark black paint . on shirt right hand side mes ludhiana to be engraved with red thread . ( d ) log sheet for installation to be provided by contractor . ( e ) cleaning of installation will be responsibilities of contractor including material provided for cleaning all round the installation up to 10m distance . ( f ) furniture for staff shift will be provided by contractor . ( g ) weekly rest to be provided to all staff employed . ( h ) attendance register will be handed over to concerned je . ( i ) the payment to the staff deployed under this contract shall not be less than minimum wages . the salary shall be credited to the bank account of employee within first week of every month irrespective of fact weather contractor had claimed rar or otherwise . contractor shall submit bank account of the persons to be employed by him to the ge for verification . the payment of the employees shall be made directly to the bank account of the employees through through neft/rtgs and contractor shall submit proof thereof to ge/engineer- in-charge . submission of proof of crediting the wages to the bank account of the employees by the contractor shall be pre-requisite to release the rars payments . no payments to contractors will be made , unless proof of payment of wages through bank account is submitted by the contractor . ( j ) for 1st shift shall be from 0600 hours to 1400 hrs and 2nd shift shall be from 1400 to 2200 hrs and 3rd shift shall be from 2200 to 0600 hrs , sch a sec-ii , m&l transportation of defective raw sewage pump set of electric motor 2 hp , 415 volts , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , cutting existing burnt winding , re-winding the same with super enamelled copper wire of suitable size & turns including replacement of insulating material , re-assembling the pump and bringing back the pump to site all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective filter feed pump set of electric motor 3 hp , 415 volts , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , cutting existing burnt winding , re-winding the same with super enamelled copper wire of suitable size & turns including replacement of insulating material , re-assembling the pump and bringing back the pump to site all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective treated water pump set of electric motor 7 . 5 hp , 415 volts , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , cutting existing burnt winding , re-winding the same with super enamelled copper wire of suitable size & turns including replacement of insulating material , re-assembling the pump and bringing back the pump to site all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective air compressure blower set of electric motor 12 . 5 hp , 415 volts , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , cutting existing burnt winding , re-winding the same with super enamelled copper wire of suitable size & turns including replacement of insulating material , re-assembling the pump and bringing back the pump to site all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective raw sewage pump set of electric motor 2 hp , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , opening the pump shaft , remetalling and grinding of steel shaft on lathe machine to bring into original shape and re-fixing the same including repairs to impeller and replacing the gun metal bushes , thrust bearing neck rings & bowl bush all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective filter feed pump set of electric motor 3 hp , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , opening the pump shaft , remetalling and grinding of steel shaft on lathe machine to bring into original shape and re-fixing the same including repairs to impeller and replacing the gun metal bushes , thrust bearing neck rings & bowl bush all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective treated water feed pump set of capacity 7 . 5 hp , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , opening the pump shaft , remetalling and grinding of steel shaft on lathe machine to bring into original shape and re-fixing the same including repairs to impeller and replacing the gun metal bushes , thrust bearing neck rings & bowl bush all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l transportation of defective air compressor blower set of capacity 7 . 5 hp , 3 phase to civil workshop for repairs , opening the pump shaft , remetalling and grinding of steel shaft on lathe machine to bring into original shape and re-fixing the same including repairs to impeller and replacing the gun metal bushes , thrust bearing neck rings & bowl bush all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , s&f pe solution of 0 . 0075 concentration all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , s&f pac solution of 10% concentration all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , s&f sodium hypochloride solution of 6% concentration all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l cleaning of dried beds and supply & laying sand to make up the level approx 20 cum all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , m&l preparing steel surface existing process reactor tank , tube shelter , dual media filter , activated carbon filter , lt panel , air compressor after scratching the old paint with emery paper and painting the same with black/ any other approved colour epoxy paint using spray gun including writing feeder name and number in capital letters of suitable size using white paint all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , supply and fixing in replacement on load change over switch tpn , 415 volts , front operated panel mounted type of capacity 63 amps capacity all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . make:- legrand/ havells/ l&t/ indo asian . , cleaning the equilisation tank by pumping out liquid sewage ( approximate quantity 16 cum ) using sewage pumps and removing sludge/ mud/ stone etc . ( approximate quantity 5 cum ) all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , supply & fixing in replacement mccb 160 amp , 415 volts adjustable type with thermal magnetic release , 36 ka rupturing capacity 4 pole all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , supply & fixing in replacement mccb 100 amp , 415 volts adjustable type with thermal magnetic release , 16 ka rupturing capacity 4 pole all as specified and

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 26000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 13 Lakhs /-
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