
Supply Of Bharat Pumps Make Ccru Nitrogen Compressor Spares/ As Per Tender No . Prmm198033, PANIPAT REFINERY AND PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX-Haryana

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published Supply Of Bharat Pumps Make Ccru Nitrogen Compressor Spares/ As Per Tender No . Prmm198033. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-09-2019. Couplings Tenders in PANIPAT REFINERY AND PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Supply Of Bharat Pumps Make Ccru Nitrogen Compressor Spares/ As Per Tender No . Prmm198033
Open Tender
Panipat Refinery And Petrochemical Complex

Tender Details

supply of bharat pumps make ccru nitrogen compressor spares / as per tender no . prmm198033 , list of item ( s ) / work ( s ) as per tender documents , cplg , flex , comp , p / n-926830156 , bpcl , 2ha / 1 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; coupling , flexible part no:926830156 ; , o-ring , comp , p / n-741200271 , bpcl , 2ha / 1 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; o-ring part no:741200271 ; , oil level indicator , frame , p / n-926190001 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; oil level indicator , frame , assly . drg . : 6100016 / b , p / list: 6100016 , p / n-926190001 ; , gasket od 67 / id 32x2t , p / n-741070106 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; gskt od 67 / id 32x2t , frame , assly . drg:6100016 / b , p / list:6100016 , p / n-741070106 ; , packing holding ring , frame , p / n-986915012 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; packing holding ring , frame , assly . drg:6100016 / b , p / list:6100016 , p / n-986915012 ; , connecting rod , p / n-976211027 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; connecting rod , connecting rod assembly , assly . drg . : 6210018 / d , p / list:6210018 , p / n-976211027 ; , cross head pin , cross head , p / n-986225014 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; cross head pin , cross head assembly , assly . drg . : 6220015 / c , p / list: 6220015 , p / n-986225014 ; , gasket , pump side shield , p / n-996914016 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; gasket , pump side shield , assly . drg . : 6100016 / b , p / list: 6120011 , p / n-996914016 ; , gasket , separation cover , p / n-780101101 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; gasket , separation cover for rod dia 48mm , assly . drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list:6130010 , p / n-780101101 ; , bottom oil scrapper ring , p / n-966136041 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; bottom oil scrapper ring , separation cover for rod dia 48mm , assly . drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-966136041 ; , seal ring housing box , p / n-936133005 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; seal ring housing box , separation cover for rod dia 48mm assly . drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-936133005 ; , seal ring , separation cover , p / n-926322017 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; seal ring , separation cover for rod dia 48mm , assly . drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-926322017 ; , oil scrap , ring housing box , p / n-936135003 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; oil scrapper ring housing box , separation cover for rod dia 48mm , assly drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-936135003 ; , inter , oil scrapper ring , p / n-966136033 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; intermediate oil scrapper ring , separation cover for rod dia 48mm assly . drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-966136033 ; , ring , separation cover , p / n-986915005 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; ring , separation cover for rod dia 48mm , assly . drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-986915005 ; , head oil scrapper ring , p / n-966136025 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; head oil scrapper ring , separation cover for rod dia 48mm , assly drg . : 6130010 / d , p / list: 6130010 , p / n-966136025 ; , control shaft , p / n-986142001 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; control shaft , pump control box , assly . drg . : 6140004 / d p / list:6140004 , p / n-986142001 ; , filter element , p / n-926151051 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; filter element , duplex filter , p / list: 6150025 , p / n-926151051 ; , o-ring , cylinder - bore 420 , p / n-741200266 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; o-ring , cylinder - bore 420mm , assly . drg . : 6300115 / d p / list: 6300115 , p / n-741200266 ; , gasket , cylinder - bore 420 , p / n-986914291 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; gasket , cylinder - bore 420mm , assly . drg . : 6300115 / d p / list: 6300115 , p / n-986914291 ; , cup , stuffing box , p / n-986321109 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; cup , stuffing box-for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg: 6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-986321109 ; , cup , stuffing box , p / n-986321020 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; cup , stuffing box-for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg:6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-986321020 ; , cup , stuffing box , p / n-986321077 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; cup , stuffing box - for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg . : 6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-986321077 ; , cup , stuffing box , p / n-986321085 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; cup , stuffing box - for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg . : 6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-986321085 ; , cup , stuffing box , p / n-986321101 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; cup , stuffing box - for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg . : 6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-986321101 ; , gasket , stuffing box , p / n-986914568 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; gasket , stuffing box - for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg:6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-986914568 ; , seal ring type r - t , p / n-926322116 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; seal ring type r - t , stuffing box - for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . , drg . : 6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-926322116 ; , seal ring type t - t , p / n-926322114 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; seal ring type t - t , stuffing box - for rod dia 48mm , non lube , assly . drg . : 6320114 / e , p / list: 6320114 , p / n-926322114 ; , piston ring , piston assy , p / n-966333210 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; piston ring , piston assembly for bore 420mm & rod dia 48mm , assly . drg . : 6330121 / e , p / list: 6330121 , p / n-966333210 ; , rider ring , piston assy , p / n-966335163 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; rider ring , piston assembly for bore 420mm & rod dia 48mm , assly . drg . : 6330121 / e , p / list: 6330121 , p / n-966335163 ; , suction valve , p / n-926340347 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; suction valve with fork , suction valve with fork p / list: 6340347 , p / n-926340347 ; , closing spring , p / n-926346166 ; compressor , reciprocating make: bharat pumps&compressors ltd model: 2ha / 1 no of cylinders ; closing spring , suction valve with fork p / list: 6340347 , p / n-926346166 ; , discharge valve , p / n-926340348 ; compre

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