
Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electric Power Fencing And Attending Breakdown Of Ht Lt Distribution System With Connected Ht Lt Switchgear System At Ins Circars Ins Virbahu Ins Satvahana And Certain Pockets Of Naval Dockyard Area Under Age Em I Of Ge Util, Garrison Engineer Utility-I Visakhapatnam-Andhra Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electric Power Fencing And Attending Breakdown Of Ht Lt Distribution System With Connected Ht Lt Switchgear System At Ins Circars Ins Virbahu Ins Satvahana And Certain Pockets Of Naval Dockyard Area Under Age Em I Of Ge Util. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-09-2019. Angle Tenders in Garrison Engineer Utility-I Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electric Power Fencing And Attending Breakdown Of Ht Lt Distribution System With Connected Ht Lt Switchgear System At Ins Circars Ins Virbahu Ins Satvahana And Certain Pockets Of Naval Dockyard Area Under Age Em I Of Ge Util
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh
Garrison Engineer Utility-I Visakhapatnam

Tender Details

Comprehensive Maintenance Of Electric Power Fencing And Attending Breakdown Of Ht Lt Distribution System With Connected Ht Lt Switchgear System At Ins Circars Ins Virbahu Ins Satvahana And Certain Pockets Of Naval Dockyard Area Under Age Em I Of Ge Utilit , comprehensive maintenance and attending complaints of non lethal electric power fencing installed at sauw , ins satvahana by employing technically qualified engineer/technician in one shift for regular maintenance and repairs of 0 . 4 km long ( approx ) electric power fence of 1 . 2 mtr height comprising of 02 zone solar security fence controllers , 2 zone energizer control unit with hooter and one monitoring station connected through lt under ground cable and networking ofc cables including all accessories all as specified and as directed by engineer in charge . , note for item no . 1: , [i] the contractor shall employ qualified engineer/ technician who has through knowledge of electric power fencing . minimum one technician and two helper shall be employed daily from 09:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs and sufficient additional staff to be employed if required during breakdowns to restore the system within a reasonable time . the rate is deemed to be inclusive for the same . , [ii] daily checking of all fcs and power fence gates and all accessories of power fence for proper functioning and report short coming if any to je i/c or engr in charge for further action . , [iii] the contractor shall carryout monthly maintenance of all accessories and proper record for the same to be maintained as out line in appx a of ps , [iv] minimum essential spares shall be kept reserve by the contractor to meet the requirement during emergency . , [v] the surroundings ( 2 mtr all around ) of fence controller cabinet shall be kept clean and tidy and the fence controller cabinet shall be painted with approved colour once in the contract period as directed by engr in charge . , [vi] the spares required for repair/maint of the system shall be measured and paid seperately under relevent items here in after . the cost of all minor items like screws , wires , thimbles , connectors and insulation tape etc required for maintainence shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates . , [vii] the contractor shall carryout complete audit of the system quarterly by checking and recording system voltage measurements and condition of all accessories mentioned in appx b of ps . report of the same to be submitted duly signed by contractor or his representative as per format given in appx c of ps , [viii] the power fence shall be put off and on strictly as per the user requirement and direction . , [ix] the networking system shall be kept serviceable all the time to make the power fence control system online and any updation required shall be done as per requirement without any extra cost . , ( x ) contractor should arrange tools and equipments to carry routine repair/maintenance of power fence . they should also arrange measuring equipment like fia ( fence implace analyser ) , digital voltmeter , multimeters etc required at site for which rates are deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted . , maintenance and attending break down on fuse off calls in under ground ht cable upto ht terminals of transformers/ocb panel from 11 kv sub station near site 44 to sauw building sub station under ge ( u-i ) , ge ( dm ) sub stn to mwc sub stn sts sub stn , m-53 sub stn , ins virbahu sub stn and 09 war head sub stn , 11 kv csp sub stn to hq enc sub stn , circar sub stn to ct pool sub station , csp sub stn to main bph , samudrika sub stn , sailor inst sub stn and comd stadium sub stn under ge ( u-i ) incoming ht supply including attending repairs in ht vcb panel , acb , air break switch and drop out fuses all as specified and directed by the engineer-in-charge . ( note: the rate quoted deemed to be inclusive of t&p and minor spares like lubricants , nuts/bolts/washers/ pins etc . other major parts shall be measured under relevant items in schedule ) . note: manpower for the above works shall be provided based on complaints on ground at a time . however minimum 01 skilled electrician and 01 mate electrician ( semi skilled ) shall be provied by the contractor in round the clock ( three shifts ) incl sunday / holiday complete all as directed by engr-in-charge , supply and laying in replacement armoured single mode optic fibre cable of four core suitable for ethernet communication between controllers and the cms complete all as specified and directed including taking down old one . make: finolex / rpg / d-link/ polycab , supply only ip energizer ( v1 ) with inbuilt alarm unit , lcd keypad and network controller complete all as directed make : crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only live light complete all as directed make : crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only charge controller unit complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only 12 volt 65 ah smf battery complete all as specified . make: exide nxt/ amaron qunta or equivalent , supply only breakaway insulators complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only end / corner strain insulators complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only end / corner strain hooks complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only joint clamps complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only fine pitch wire strainer complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only ht wire 2 . 59mm complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only gate springs complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only components ( repair ) for ofc converters complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only patchords , splicing , liu etc as required for restoration complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only alarm device operating from 12v dc having audibility of 110 db complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only strobe light to indicate fence alarm status transportation complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , supply only kwitie post or t - post complete all as specified . make: crown solar / gallagher or equivalent , excavation in trenches n . exc 1 . 5 m wide and n . exc 1 . 5 m in depth for foundation of fence post , trenches for laying of cables/pipe line etc , and getting out in soft/loose soil all as directed . , returning , filling in including spreding , levling , watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm in any type of soil . , removing excavated materials to a distance n . exc . 50m and depositing where directed at a level n . exc 1 . 50m above the starting point . , supply and lay clean dry sand laid in trenches as in cable cushion for protection of cable complete all as specified . ( note: punned down thickness only shall be measured . ) , supply and lay common burnt clay buiding bricks sub class b of size 230x110x75 mm in trenches for cable protection , cutting & cleaning of bushes/small plants , at sub stn incl surface dressing and removing debris to distance not exc 50 mtr complete , s&f ms angles , bars flats etc , as in supports for stiffening of fencing , wall ties , hold fasts , clamps and similar small articles confirming to fe 410-0 or fe 310-0 complete , m & l for painting of surface of any description over 10 cm in width using synthetic enamel paint of one coat by using brush or cloth after preparation of old painted surfaces complete all as directed , m &l plain cement concrete 1:4:8 type c2 ( u

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 59000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 29.50 Lakhs /-
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