
Procurement Of Fqa Laboratory Equipment For Ntpc Rammam , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:70 . 6Mm , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:150Mm , Vibration M / C Ofmortar Cube F:Comp Assy , Caliper-Vernier: Type-B , Lc-0 . 02 , 0-300Mm , Digital Micrometer Lc-0 . 001M:R-50-100Mm , Dial Gauge ( 0-5Mm ) , Dial Size 25Mm , Dial Depth Gauge , 0-200Mm , Lc:0 . 02Mm , Universal Bevel Protractor:0-300 Mm:4239 , High Precision Longitud . & Transvrs . Vial , Thickness Gauge 0 . 05-1Mm , Micrometer:Outside;Range 0-50 Mm: , Concrete Slump Testing , Soil Test Eqpt:Rapid Moisture Meter Assy , Cylindrical Metal Measure:3 Litres , Density Basket:Hieght-20Cm , Dia-20Cm , Glass Thermometer: Mercurry:0-100C:Lc-10 , :Trowell:100-150Mm , :Trowell:200Mm , Cement-Concr Testequip:Vicat Needle Assy , Impact Tester - Complete Assembly , Soil Test Eqpt:Liq -Limit Assy , Sand Pourng Cyldr Apratus:Dia-100Mm , 3Lts , Glass:Cylinders:1000Ml , Plastic Ware:Cylinder:1000Ml , Glas, Faridabad Gas Power Station Village- Mujedi, PO --Haryana

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has published Procurement Of Fqa Laboratory Equipment For Ntpc Rammam , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:70 . 6Mm , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:150Mm , Vibration M / C Ofmortar Cube F:Comp Assy , Caliper-Vernier: Type-B , Lc-0 . 02 , 0-300Mm , Digital Micrometer Lc-0 . 001M:R-50-100Mm , Dial Gauge ( 0-5Mm ) , Dial Size 25Mm , Dial Depth Gauge , 0-200Mm , Lc:0 . 02Mm , Universal Bevel Protractor:0-300 Mm:4239 , High Precision Longitud . & Transvrs . Vial , Thickness Gauge 0 . 05-1Mm , Micrometer:Outside;Range 0-50 Mm: , Concrete Slump Testing , Soil Test Eqpt:Rapid Moisture Meter Assy , Cylindrical Metal Measure:3 Litres , Density Basket:Hieght-20Cm , Dia-20Cm , Glass Thermometer: Mercurry:0-100C:Lc-10 , :Trowell:100-150Mm , :Trowell:200Mm , Cement-Concr Testequip:Vicat Needle Assy , Impact Tester - Complete Assembly , Soil Test Eqpt:Liq -Limit Assy , Sand Pourng Cyldr Apratus:Dia-100Mm , 3Lts , Glass:Cylinders:1000Ml , Plastic Ware:Cylinder:1000Ml , Glas. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-09-2019. Angle Tenders in Faridabad Gas Power Station Village- Mujedi, PO - Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Fqa Laboratory Equipment For Ntpc Rammam , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:70 . 6Mm , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:150Mm , Vibration M / C Ofmortar Cube F:Comp Assy , Caliper-Vernier: Type-B , Lc-0 . 02 , 0-300Mm , Digital Micrometer Lc-0 . 001M:R-50-100Mm , Dial Gauge ( 0-5Mm ) , Dial Size 25Mm , Dial Depth Gauge , 0-200Mm , Lc:0 . 02Mm , Universal Bevel Protractor:0-300 Mm:4239 , High Precision Longitud . & Transvrs . Vial , Thickness Gauge 0 . 05-1Mm , Micrometer:Outside;Range 0-50 Mm: , Concrete Slump Testing , Soil Test Eqpt:Rapid Moisture Meter Assy , Cylindrical Metal Measure:3 Litres , Density Basket:Hieght-20Cm , Dia-20Cm , Glass Thermometer: Mercurry:0-100C:Lc-10 , :Trowell:100-150Mm , :Trowell:200Mm , Cement-Concr Testequip:Vicat Needle Assy , Impact Tester - Complete Assembly , Soil Test Eqpt:Liq -Limit Assy , Sand Pourng Cyldr Apratus:Dia-100Mm , 3Lts , Glass:Cylinders:1000Ml , Plastic Ware:Cylinder:1000Ml , Glas
Open Tender
Faridabad Gas Power Station Village- Mujedi, Po -

Tender Details

Corrigendum - Procurement Of Fqa Laboratory Equipment For Ntpc Rammam , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:70 . 6Mm , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cube Mould:150Mm , Vibration M / C Ofmortar Cube F:Comp Assy , Caliper-Vernier: Type-B , Lc-0 . 02 , 0-300Mm , Digital Micrometer Lc-0 . 001M:R-50-100Mm , Dial Gauge ( 0-5Mm ) , Dial Size 25Mm , Dial Depth Gauge , 0-200Mm , Lc:0 . 02Mm , Universal Bevel Protractor:0-300 Mm:4239 , High Precision Longitud . & Transvrs . Vial , Thickness Gauge 0 . 05-1Mm , Micrometer:Outside;Range 0-50 Mm: , Concrete Slump Testing , Soil Test Eqpt:Rapid Moisture Meter Assy , Cylindrical Metal Measure:3 Litres , Density Basket:Hieght-20Cm , Dia-20Cm , Glass Thermometer: Mercurry:0-100C:Lc-10 , :Trowell:100-150Mm , :Trowell:200Mm , Cement-Concr Testequip:Vicat Needle Assy , Impact Tester - Complete Assembly , Soil Test Eqpt:Liq -Limit Assy , Sand Pourng Cyldr Apratus:Dia-100Mm , 3Lts , Glass:Cylinders:1000Ml , Plastic Ware:Cylinder:1000Ml , Glass:Cylinders:2000Ml , Plastic Ware:Cylinder:2000Ml , Plastic Ware:Cylinder:100Ml , W-M / C:Electronic Balance:10 Kg:Comp Assy , Pycnometer - Confirming To Is:2386 Part3 , Stop Watch , Test Sieve:G . I:Comp Set , Dish:Enamel:Tray-Large , Dish:Enamel:Tray-Medium , Dish:Enamel:Tray-Small , Sample Tray:Size: 450X450x50mm , Concrete:Compressive Strenth Testing M / C , Cement :Aggregate Crushing Value Assy , Sieve Shaker - Complete Assy . , Core Cutter Apparts-Is:2720-Part-29 , Hot Plate:Standard-Large: , Wire Stripper Cum Cutter 0 . 2-2 . 8Mm , Knife:Iron-Large Size , Glass:Wet & Dry Bulb Thermometer-Std , Thermostat 0-100 Deg C , Air Entrainmnt Meter:Cap: 0 . 01M3 ( 10Ltrs ) , Spring Balance Weighting Machine , 100Kg , 10 / 7 Cft Concret Mixer Machin , 5 Hp Motor , Viscometer:Comp Assy-Std , Thermometer:Hand Held Digital: 50-3Ooc , Cement-Conc:Test Eqpt:Le-Chatelier Mould , Water Bath Assy+Thermostat-Std , Los Angles Abrasion Testing Machine , Coating Thickness Gauge-Comp Assy , Core Drilling M / C , Dynamic Cone Penetrometer , Soil Test Eqpt:Shrinkage Limit T-Assy , Glass Sampling Tube - 150 X 450 Mm , Glass Sampling Tube - 100 X 450 Mm , Sampling Auger Outfit-100Mm , Blade Type , Sampling Auger Outfit-150Mm , Blade Type , Extension Rod For Auger Head , Sampling Auger Outfit-75Mm , Blade Type , Soil Test Eqpt:Plastic Limit Assy , Glass:Hydrometer:0 . 9-0 . 95 Lc: 0 . 001 , Glass Sampling Tube - 50 X 200 Mm , Proctor Penetrometer:Needle , :Universal Testing Machine:Comp Assy , Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus , Screw Drivers Is:844 , L / Duty ( 25 , 75 , 150 ) , Half Round File Smooth 26X10x260x250 Mm , Electronic Balance 0 - 0 . 5 Kg ( 0 . 01 Gm . ) , Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge , Compression Proving Ring:Comp Assy , Air -Permeability:Comp Assy , Test Sieve: Brass , D-8 , Complete Set , Mould ( Is:10086 ) : Cube Mould , 50Mm , Thickness Gauge: Is:2386 , 0 . 05-1 . 0 Mm , Oven:Standard-Medium: , Double Open End Spanners 6X7 To 30X36 Mm , Wire Gauge Crystal Make 1To 36 Swg , Length Gauge: Is:2386 ( Part-I ) - Standard , Digital Balance : Capacity 300 Kg , K-Type Thermocouple , Mould ( Is:10086 ) :Cyl-Mould:Dxh-150X300mm , Cylindrical Metal Measure:15 Litres , Tool:Cylindrical Metal Measure:30 Litres , Sand Grade I Indian Standard 650 / 1966 , Sand Grade Ii Indianstandard Is650 / 1966 , Sand Grade Iii Is 650 / 1966

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