Supply Of Books , Books , Valuing Agroforestry Systems: Methods And Applications , Series: Advances In Agroforestry , Vol . 2 , Alavalapati , Janaki R . R , Mercer , D . Evan ( Eds . ) 2005 , Toward Agroforestry Design: An Ecological Approach , Series: Advances In Agroforestry , Vol . 4 , Jose , Shibu , Gordon , Andrew M . ( Eds . ) 2008 , Agroforestry For Ecosystem Services And Environmental Benefits , Series: Advances In Agroforestry , Vol . 7 , Jose , Shibu ( Ed . ) 2010 , Carbon Sequestration Potential Of Agroforestry Systems: Oppurtunities And Challenges , Series: Advances In Agroforestry , Vol . 8 , Kumar , B . Mohan , Nair , P . K . Ramachandran ( Eds . ) 2011 , Agroforestry Systems In India: Livelihood Security & Ecosystem Services , Series: Advances In Agroforestry , Vol . 10 , Dagar , Jagadish Chander Singh , Anil Kumar , Arunachalam , Ayyanadar ( Eds . ) 2014 , Integrating Landscapes: Agroforestry For Biodiversity Conservation And Food Sovereignty , Series: Agroforestry , Vol . 12 , Montagnini , Florencia ( Ed . ) 2017 , Agroforestry For The Management Of Waterlogged Saline Soils And Poor Quality Waters , Series: Advances In Agroforestry , Vol . 13 , Dagar , Jagadish Chander , Minhas , Paramjit ( Eds . ) 2016 , Zero Hunger India , Brillion Publishing , K . V . Peter , 2018 , Perspectives On Biodiversity Of India , Centre For Innovation In Science And Social Action , A Biju Kumar , P . G . Rajendran , C . K . Peethambaran , Kg Ajithkumar And Ns Pradeep , 2014 , Field Forester: Voices From The Field Vol . 4 , Nataraj Publishers , Moef , 2016