Tender For 12000 Hourly Routines On Bme - In Ship , 02 Mesoverhauling Cylinder Heads , Valve Assemblies , Guide Bushes And Seats . Grind The Valves . Descale Head , Coolant Passages . Replace Cylinder Head Gaskets . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesremove And Inspect All Pistons , Connecting Rod Assemblies And Crank Pin Journals . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesreplace Pistons Rings . Check Piston Grooves And Carry Out Hydraulic Test Of Pistons . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesexamine Big End Bearing Shells And Small End Bushes . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesremove Two Cylinder Liners At Random And Check Scale Conditions . ( First 12000 Hourly Only ) 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesgauge Bore Of All Liners . Carry Out Honing Of Liners If Required . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesmeasure Tooth Clearance Of Timing Gear Chain And Record . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesinspect Fuel Injection Pump Delivery Valves . Replace All Rubber Components Of Fuel Injection Pump During The First 12000 Hourly Routine . Thereafter Inspect Fuel Njection Pump Delivery Valves And Check Condition Of Springs . Overhaul The Pump If Necessary . Undertake Timing & Calibration Checks . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesrenew S / V Mountings . Note:12000 Hourly Routines Shall Be Planned To Be Undertake In Every Alternate Nr . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesoverhaul Fuel Booster Pump . Examine Shaft Splines And Serrated Bush For Wear , Replace As Necessary . Replace Seals / Packings . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesreplace Cyclam Packing Of Sea And Fresh Water Pump . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Meschemically Clean Lub Oil Cooler And Carry Out Pressure Test To 1 . 5 Times Working Pressure . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesinspect Glacier Centrifuge Purifier And The Moatti Filter Bypass Part . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesreplace Gasket Of Auto-Clean Lub Oil Filter16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesoverhaul The Turbo-Charger Renew Bearings . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck Self Lubricator Of Starting Air System . Renew Sealing Ring And Bushes16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesrenew The Rings Of Expansion Joints Of Exhaust System . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck The Condition Of Expansion Bellows On Engine Exhaust System Without Removing Them During Dismantling Of Cylinder Heads And Turbocharger . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesremove Clean And Pressure Test The H . P Air Reserviors To 1 . 5 Times Of Working Pressure . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck Fuel Injection Pump Timing . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescarry Out Water Pressure Test Of Colling Water System And Check For Leakages . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck Cylinder Heads And Cylinder Head Safety Valve Assembly Using Test Pump . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck Oil Passages Plug Of Crankshaft For Tightness . Check And Clean Oil Passages Of All Connecting Rods . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesreplace Crank Shaft Oil Seals . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck Friction Bush Of Gieslinger Coupling Check Spring And Slots For Wear . Replace All Seals . Overhaul If Required . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mes36 Cylinder Heads Need To Be Lifted As Excessive Lub Oil Leakage Observed From Bottom Side . 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesflywheel: Heavy Lub Oil Leakage Observed From Flywhhel On Bme . Flywheel To Be Removed , O Ring Replacing & Boxing Back16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesoverhauling Of Moatti Lo Filter Hydraulic Motor & Ultrasonic Cleaning Of Elements16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mescheck Free Moment Of Control Linkage ( Fuel Linkages ) 16Pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesoverhaul Turning Gear Mechanism16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesinspect Vibration Damper , Renew Springs If Necessary16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesinspect Lo Safety And Pressure Regulating Valve16pa6v 280 Stc , 02 Mesmeasure Crankshaft Deflections16pa6v 280 Stc , Mandatory Spareround Joint75 . 341 . 14 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket ( Punched ) 75 . 335 . 10 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket75 . 335 . 09 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket75 . 335 . 08 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring75 . 335 . 14 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring75 . 335 . 13 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket75 . 335 . 07 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket75 . 365 . 27 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket75 . 365 . 28 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket75 . 365 . 23 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparewasher79 . 060 . 12 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparehelicoflex Sealing Joint27 . 067 . 16 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 041 . 15 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareinjector Gasket79 . 041 . 18 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 041 . 21 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareb S Ring79 . 041 . 17 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparebush Viton79 . 041 . 19 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareinjector Nozzle Assembly27 . 067 . 05 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparebush79 . 001 . 08 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 001 . 09 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparebush79 . 001 . 11 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareinlet Valve70 . 075 . 87 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparevalve Seat Insert Inlet79 . 029 . 03 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareexhaust Valve27 . 099 . 43 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareexhaust Valve Seat79 . 029 . 06 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparevalve Guide27 . 023 . 22 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparering79 . 029 . 39 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket For Cyl . Head79 . 029 . 32 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring / Sealing Cord74 . 466 . 02 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparecopper Washer ( 60X68 ) 50 . 508 . 51 . 000 . , Mandatory Sparesnap Ring79 . 029 . 05 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparering79 . 040 . 06 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 040 . 10 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareconical Spring Washer ( M14 ) 50 . 527 . 10 . 000 . , Mandatory Sparecopper Washer ( 18X24 ) 50 . 508 . 17 . 000 . , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 103 . 03 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 022 . 10 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring74 . 115 . 03 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparepiston Ring - Top80 . 192 . 25 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparepiston Ring ( Compression ) 80 . 192 . 05 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparescrapper Ring Assembly80 . 192 . 15 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparevalve Seat74 . 324 . 36 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparejoint - For Balmo Fuel Feed Pump74 . 421 . 02 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring - For Ffp74 . 326 . 34 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring - Fuel Feed Pump74 . 326 . 35 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparemechanical Seal - For Ffp74 . 326 . 46 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareserrated Bush74 . 050 . 62 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparebearing Unit Comp79 . 665 . 01 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparebearing Unit79 . 665 . 02 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparesealing Bush79 . 665 . 03 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparesealing Bush79 . 665 . 04 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareguide Bush79 . 665 . 05 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket By Spare79 . 665 . 07 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket79 . 665 . 09 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparepiston Ring79 . 665 . 12 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparesealing Bush79 . 421 . 65 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparerectangular Gasket79 . 267 . 39 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparerectangular Joint75 . 346 . 02 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareoval Joint79 . 088 . 21 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparemetafram Bush79 . 048 . 08 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareoil Seal79 . 048 . 10 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareloctite 54979 . 001 . 35 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareflexible Joint ( Exh . Manifold ) / Gasket-Spiral Wound79 . 078 . 07 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket Flexiket79 . 078 . 05 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareseal Kit75 . 504 . 12 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareseal Kit75 . 503 . 12 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring79 . 143 . 08 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparecopper Washer ( 30X38 ) 50 . 508 . 35 . 000 . , Mandatory Sparecopper Washer ( 12X16 ) 50 . 508 . 09 . 000 . , Mandatory Sparecon Rod Brg ( Pair ) 80 . 021 . 95 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparejoint79 . 125 . 04 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareloctite 24279 . 001 . 34 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparecyclam Seal Set75 . 266 . 95 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareoil Seal74 . 266 . 12 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareroller Bearing74 . 266 . 16 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareroller Cyl . Brg . 79 . 068 . 12 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring74 . 266 . 18 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring74 . 266 . 19 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring74 . 266 . 20 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareloctite 64179 . 016 . 20 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparejoint74 . 265 . 06 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Sparegasket74 . 152 . 03 . 0 . 00 , Mandatory Spareo Ring For Centrifu