
Quotation For Aggregate Calibration Work Of Total Ill Nos. Equipment’ Measuring Instruments Of Whole M&C Dte, Rdso, Lucknow., Lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

Research Designs And Standards Organisation has published Quotation For Aggregate Calibration Work Of Total Ill Nos. Equipment’ Measuring Instruments Of Whole M&C Dte, Rdso, Lucknow.. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-08-2019. Abrasion Testers Tenders in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Quotation For Aggregate Calibration Work Of Total Ill Nos. Equipment’ Measuring Instruments Of Whole M&C Dte, Rdso, Lucknow.
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Quotation For Aggregate Calibration Work Of Total Ill Nos. Equipment’ Measuring Instruments Of Whole M&C Dte, Rdso, Lucknow - composite development centre lab - 1. Digital PID temperature controller juhicell ageing oven) (Multicell ageing ovenj 3. Humidity Chamber 4. Humidity Cabinet with wet & dry bulb 5. Glass Thermometer 6. Dual Chaimel Digital Thermometer 7. Dial Pressure Gauge (CH4) 8. Dial Pressure Gauge (02) _____ 9. Digital Lux Meter 10. Gas Flow Indicator of Smoke visibility tester 11. Digital Temperature indicator of Toxicity Index Apparatus 12. Gas flow indicator of LOl Apparatus 13. Digital Temperature indicator of LOl apparatus 14. Gas flow indicator of toxicity index apparatus 15. Two nos. Gas flow indicator of toxicity index apparatus (Air) 16. hot plate s.v 17. digital temperature indicator of Muffle furnace(0-1200°C), paint testing & corrosion engg. lab - 18. Centrifuge Machine 19. Stop Watch 20. Hot air oven without hour meter 21. Physical balance (Two pan) 22. Hot air oven with L-Type thermometer(up to 250°C) 23. Humidity Cabinet with fog indicator 24. Impact Tester with weight 25. SO2corrosion test apparatus with temp. controller 26. Pyknometer Cup 27. Salt spray Test cabinet with temp. controller 28. Digital Coating Thickness gauge 29. Flexibility & Adhesion tester 30. hegmann gauge 31. Digital Hygrometer 32. ihermometer(-I0 to 110°C) 33. Digital single pan balance 34. Phosphating bath 35. Sagging&levelingtester Digital Stormer Viscometer Drying time recorder - 36. 37. 38. Dean &Stark Moisture Tube apparatus 39. Diesel Engine cooling water system humidity chamber with computer 40. 41. Dial pressure Gauge (0-16kg/cm2) 42. Digital Surface profile Gauge 43. 44. heating mental Taber Abrasion Tester Wet film thickness gauge 45. 46. Statistical Gloss meter Pull Off Adhesion Tester 47. 48. Scratch Hardness Tester, mit section - 49. Computerized universal testing machine (50 tones capacity) 50. Universal testing machine (100 tones capacity) 51. Universal testing machine (2.5 tones capacity) 52. Vernier Calipers Analog 53. Vernier Calipers Digital, rubber & plastic section - 54. Melt flow index tester 55. 1l.V. Mega ohm Resistance box 56. Thennorneter(0 to 100 °C) 57. Glass Thermometer (0 to 360 °C) 58. Digital Temperature indicator — 59. Dead weight 60. Dead weight 61. Deadweight 62. Ageing Oven 63. - Ageing Oven 64. Ageing Oven 65. Yerzley Oscillograph (10 mg-100gm) 67. Analytical weight box (1 gm -100gm) 68. Muffle Furnace, tribology section - 69. 70. Dial Thermometer” Jumo” (0- 2000 C) Pressure Gauge Range (0-7Kg/cm2) FTR 71. Pressure Gauge Range (0-7Kg/cm2) FTR - - 72. Mercury Thermometer (-2 to 400 °C) 73. Digital Temperature controller (0-3 00 °C). 74. Digital Temperature controller (0-3 00 °C). 75. Digital Electronic balance (0-6 .kg). 76. Analog Contact Tachometer (0-10000 rpm) 77 Digital Flow meter (0-400 Li/mm) 78. Digital Temperature controller range (0 to 600°C) 80. Mercury Thermometer (-38 to 50° C) 81. Analog Pressure Gauge (0-10.6 Kg/cm2) S.N 208-03 Analog Pressure Gauge (0-10.6 Kg/cm2) S.N 208-04 82. 83. Digital temperature controller Range (0-600 °C) 84. Digital temperature controller Range (0-600 °C) 85. Digital temperature controller inbuilt in vibration rig (0-99 °C) 86. Digital temperature controller inbuilt in vibration rig control panel (0-100 °C) 87. Digital Frequency/RPM Meter of vibration test rig (upto42 Hz! 2520 rpm). Digital temperature controller of hot air oven 1 (0-400 °C) 88. 89. Digital Tachometer (make-shimop /(range 0- 99999rpm) 90. Stop Watch 91. Digital electronic balance (0-50 Kg.) 92. Digital temperature controller of ETRS (0_ 150°c) 93. Vacuum control box of vacuum pump(0-2 mbr) 94. Digital temperature indicator of Gum bath equipment (O-3O0 ° C) 95. Digital temperature Thermometer FLUKE 96. Integrated vibration frequency meter, type 2516, fuel & lubricant section - 97. Digital temperature indicator Single pan balance Stop watch Racer Thermometer (-46 to 30 u C) 101. Thermometer (-IOtollO°C) Pressure Gauge (0-14 Kg/cm2) 102. 103. Pressure Gauge (0-150 psi) 104. Thermometer (72 to 126 °C) 105. Thermometer (80 to 100 °C), welding section - 106. V-notch gauge 107. Digital Clamp meter 108. Digital balance 109. Electrode Drying chamber 110. Humidity chamber 111. Digital IR Thermometer, etc.

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