
Tender For Annual Rate Contract For The Financial Year 2018-2019 Of Chemicals & Glass Ware Items At Bodoland University Kokrajhar., Kokrajhar-Assam

Bodoland University has published Tender For Annual Rate Contract For The Financial Year 2018-2019 Of Chemicals & Glass Ware Items At Bodoland University Kokrajhar.. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-08-2019. Chemical Supply Tenders in Kokrajhar Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Annual Rate Contract For The Financial Year 2018-2019 Of Chemicals & Glass Ware Items At Bodoland University Kokrajhar.
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Tender Details

Tender For Annual Rate Contract For The Financial Year 2018-2019 Of Chemicals & Glass Ware Items At Bodoland University Kokrajhar - laboratory Glassware and Plastic-ware, Annual Rate Contract of Chemicals Items for Botany Department, LABORATORY RATE CONTRACT LIST, 2019-2020 EQUIPMENTS - 1 Anaerobic Culture Jar (Digital, Automatic) 2 Autoclave (Digital, Automatic) 3 Bacteriological Incubator (Digital, Automatic) 4 Binocular Microscope, Leica 5 BOD Incubator (Digital, Automatic) 6 Chromatography Tank with Cover For TLC S20X20CM 7 Colony Counter Digital 8 Column for Chromatography 9 Compound Microscope 10 Deep freezer Low temp. Cabinet (vertical), temp. range -40°C 11 Dessicator with Lid, Vaccum N.G. 300mm 12 Digital Photo Calorimeter 13 Electrically heated double distilled water plant (Digital, Automatic) 14 GPS navigator 15 Haemocytometer 16 Heating Mantle with E.R. for 250ml Flask, JSGW (Digital, Automatic) 17 Heating Mantle with E.R. for 500ml Flask, JSGW (Digital, Automatic) 18 High Precision Digital Balance (min.: 0.0001- max.: 220 g) 19 High Precision Digital Balance (min.: 0.001- max.: 220 g) 20 High Precision Water Bath (Digital, Automatic) 21 Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis with Digital Power Supply 22 Hot Air Oven; Large Size (Digital, Automatic) 23 Hot Plate (Digital, Automatic) 24 HPLC (Digital, Automatic) 25 ICP-OES (Digital, Automatic) 26 Kjeldahl Distillation and Digestion Combined Unit (Digital, Automatic) 27 Laminar Air Flow Cabinet, Horizontal (Digital, Automatic) 28 Lyophilizer (freeze dryer) [Digital, Automatic] 29 Magnetic stirrer with Hot plate, Remi make. Model: 2MLH (Digital, Automatic) 30 Micro Kjeldahl Flask 31 Microcentrifuge with different Rotors: 1.5/2.0 ml tubes, 5.0 ml tubes, 7.0 ml tubes, 10 ml tubes 32 Microprocessor based pH meter (Digital, Automatic) 33 Microprocessor Conductivity Meter; Benchtop (Digital, Automatic) 34 Microwave Oven 35 Mili- Q water purification system 36 Muffle Furnace LCD Graphic (Digital, Automatic) 37 Ocular and Stage Micrometer 38 Orbital Shaking Incubator; Microprocessor controlled (Digital, Automatic) 39 PCR-48 Well 40 Potometer, Ganongs 41 Precision rotary microtome (A.O. Spencer type) 1-50 microns 42 Refrigerated Centrifuge for DNA extraction with variable rotor size (Digital, Automatic) 43 Refrigerator 44 Rotary vacuum evaporator (Digital, Automatic) 45 Seed germinator (Digital, Automatic) 46 Simple Dissecting Microscope 47 Soxhlet Hot Extraction Set (Digital, Automatic) 48 Spinner 49 SWIRLEX - Vortex Shaker (Digital, Automatic) 50 Table top balance (0.5-10 kg) 210X260 (Digital, Automatic) 51 Teflon Pestle Tissue Homogeniser 10ml 52 Teflon Pestle Tissue Homogeniser 50ml 53 Tissue Culture Rack (Digital, Automatic) 54 Trinocular Microscope, Leica 55 UV Flourescence analysis cabinet (Digital, Automatic) 56 UV Lamp (Digital, Automatic) 57 UV Visible Spectrophotometer (Digital, Automatic) 58 UV-Transilluminator 59 VARIABLE VOL. MICROPIPETTE 100-1000μL, (Tarsons) 60 VARIABLE VOL. MICROPIPETTE 10-100μL, (Tarsons) 61 VARIABLE VOL. MICROPIPETTE 1-10μL, (Tarsons) 62 Vertical Slab Gel Electrophoresis with Digital Power Supply 63 Zoom Stereo Microscope,Labomed Model:Luxeo-4Z - LABORATORY RATE CONTRACT LIST, 2019-2020 GLASSWARES LIST - 1 Beaker (Borosil) 2 Conical Flasks NM (Borosil) 3 Measuring Cylinder (Borosil) 4 Specimen Container/Sample Bottles (Tarsons)5 Test Tube (Borosil)6 Test Tube (Borosil) Graduated, I/C 7 Botanical Specimens Preserving Bottles (Tarsons)8 Glass Pipette 9 Round Bottom Boiling Flask (Borosil) 10 Sprayer Bottle 11 AMBER REAGENT BOTL. I/C STOPER (Borosil) 12 REAGENT BOTL. I/C STOPER (Borosil) 13 SILICA CRUCIBLE WITH LID 14 Glass Plates for TLC Apparatus 15 Acid Digestion Bomb 16 Aluminium Foil 17 Antibiotic Disc 18 Bottle Brush Big 19 Burette 20 Burette Pinchcock Class B - 50ml 21 Burette Stand with Clamp 22 Capillary tubes 23 Chromatography Paper No 1 CHR 46×57 cm 3001917 24 Cotton (Absorbent) 25 Cotton (Non Absorbent) 26 Coverslip No.1 (18×18 mm) 27 Coverslip No.1 (22x50mm) 28 Disposable Plastic Petriplates, 90x15mm 29 Dropper 4 30 Dropper 6 with Rubber Teat 31 Dropping Bottle 60ml 32 Eppendroff Tubes/Centrifuge Tubes 15 ml Tarsons 33 Eppendroff Tubes/Centrifuge Tubes 50 ml Tarsons 34 Filter Paper Ordinary 35 Funnels Plain 60’ 75mm Borosil 36 Glass Funnel 3’ 37 Glass Pipette Stand Vertical 38 Glass rod 39 Glass slides 41 Hand Protector Grip 800000 Tarson 42 Ignation Tube 1” 43 Innoculating Needle (Bacteria) 44 Innoculating Needle (Fungi) 45 Iron stand 46 Laboratory Coat 47 Laboratory Draining tray 48 Laboratory Goggles 49 Laboratory Tray,375x300x75mm,Plastic 50 Measuring Cylinder Class-B 250 ml P50305 Abdos 51 Measuring Cylinder, PP, Class B, 10 ml 52 Measuring Cylinder, PP, Class B, 100 ml 53 Meter Scale 54 Micro Centrifuge Tube 0.5 ml 500000 Tarson 55 Micro Centrifuge Tube 1.5 ml 500010 Tarson 56 Micro Centrifuge Tube 2.0 ml 500020 Tarson 57 Micro Centrifuge Tube 5 ml Tarsons 58 Micro Centrifuge Tube racks for 0.5 ml, 1.5 ml, 2.0 ml, 15 ml, 50 ml. (Tarsons) 59 Micropipette Stand (Tarsons) 60 MICROPIPETTE Tip Box 10-100μL, (Tarsons) 61 MICROPIPETTE Tip Box 100-1000μL, (Tarsons) 62 MICROPIPETTE Tip Box 1-10μL, (Tarsons) 63 MICROPIPETTE Tips 100-1000μL, (Tarsons) 64 MICROPIPETTE Tips 10-100μL, (Tarsons) 65 MICROPIPETTE Tips 1-10μL, (Tarsons) 66 Ninhydrin Sprayer 67 Paraffin Strip 68 Pestle and Mortar 4 69 Petridish 100×17 mm (Borosill) 70 Petridish 80×17 mm (Borosill) 71 Porcelein plate/Cavity palte (12 cavity) 72 Safe Skin Purple Nitrile Gloves - 9.5 inches length , Medium, Abdos (U20302),No. per case-- 100 73 Separating Funnel 74 Spatulla Big Size 8” 75 Specimen Jar/Museum Jar 76 Spirit lamp 77 Test Tube Brush 78 Test Tube Holder 79 Test Tube Rack, RPP, for tubes dia 13 mm 31 Places 80 Test Tube Rack, RPP, for tubes dia 16 mm 31 Places 81 Test tubes for TLC 82 Thermometer (Good quality) 83 Thimble 84 Tissue Paper/Roll 85 Tripod Stand (10 cm height) 86 Wash Bottle (500 ml) 87 Whatman Filter Paper No-42, 125mm 88 Herbarium Sheet 89 Genus Cover 90 Species Cover 91 Herbarium Plant press - CHEMICALS - 1 Acetone 2 Sodium Hydroxide pellets, 3 4-NItrobenzoic acid 4 Potassium iodide 5 Potassium thiocyanate 6 Amberlite IRA 400 (strong base) 7 Potassium hexanitro Cobalt (III) 8 Periodic acid 9 Hydrazine hydrate 10 Benzyl acohol 11 Palladium(II) acetate 12 Oleylamine 13 Octadecylamine 14 EBT (SB) indicator 15 P R Indicator 16 Ammonia solution 17 Zinc Sulfate 18 Sodium acetate 19 Ethanol 20 Aluminium Sulphate hexadecahydrate 21 Magnesium Chloride 22 Brass Alloy (powder) 23 Sodium thiosulphate 24 Sodium Carbonate 25 Sodium Bicarbonate 26 Acetic acid glacial 27 Iron(II) Sulfide 28 Cobalt(III) Chloride 29 Phenolphthalein 30 Iodine Chloride 31 Diethylether 32 Ferrous sulphate 33 Silver Nitrate solution 34 2,4- Dinitrophenyl hydrazine 35 Carbon Tetra chloride 36 Chloroform 37 Formalin/ Formaldehyde 38 Ammonium Sulphate 39 Fehling Solution A 40 Fehling Solution B 41 Methanol 42 Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) 43 Benzoin 44 Silica Gel for TLC 45 Ethyl acetate 46 Petroleum ether 47 Sulfuric acid 48 Sodium Sulphate anhydrous 49 Salicylic acid 50 THF 51 Toluene 52 DMF 53 Acrylonitrile 54 Bromo propionyl bromide 55 Chloro acetyl chloride 56 Alumina (Basic) 57 Methyl methacrylate 58 Methyl acrylate 59 Butyl acrylate 60 Methyl 2-bromo propionate 61 Tri ethyl amine 62 Methyl ethyl ketone 63 2-Ethoxyethanol (Cellosolve) 64 Aluminium Chloride (Anhydrous) 65 Dolomit 66 Aluminium Chloride(Anhydrous) 67 Cyclohexane 68 Iodine monochloride (ICl) 69 Starch - LAB APPARATUS & OTHERS - 1 Glass Rod for stirring 2 Flask Round Bottom with glass cap 3 Flask Round Bottom with glass cap 4 Flask Round Bottom with glass cap 5 Universal Clamps, Sheet metal, Die-pressed, cork lined jaws can hold upto 12 to 50 mm dia.(only handle) 6 Stalganometer 7 Viscometer, Ostwald 8 PTFE coated Magnetic Stirring bar 9 Craft filter Apparatus with Buchner Funnel 10 Craft filter Apparatus with Buchner Funnel 11 Volumetric flask with cap 12 Crucible squat (China dish) 13 Beaker 14 Beaker 15 Filter paper 16 Chromatography paper 17 Capillary Tubes 18 Litmus paper red & blue 19 Whatman Paper no. 42 20 Whatman Paper no. 1 21 Reagent bottle wide neck with glass cap 22 Reagent bottle narrow neck with glass cap 23 Wire Gauze 24 Beaker 25 Beaker 26 Three finger Clamp (Boss head) 27 Craft’s Glass sprayer with rubber bellow 28 Specimen jar screw neck with cap 29 Biurettes with glass stop cock (Straight) 30 PTFE coated Magnetic Stirring bar 31 Buchner Funnel vacuum filter - ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT - 1 Digital PH meter only electrode 2 Polarimeter eyepiece 3 Digital conductometer only electrode 4 Digital Pocket PH meter 5 Hydrometer for specific Gravity 6 Laboratory Digital thermometer (-50 -300 cͦ) 7 Screw Drivers Set of 6 8 Micropippette (capacity 200-1000 µL) - chemicals and Glassware - 1 2-Propanol 2 Titanium (iv) Isopropoxide 3 ITO glass slides 4 Ethanol 5 Nitric Acid 6 Thorium Nitrate powder 7 La2O3 8 Na2CO3 9 Co3O4 10 AgNO3 11 SrCO3 12 MnO2 13 PbO 14 Cr2O3 15 ZnO 16 Nd2O3 17 NaOH 18 NH4CI 19 Beaker 20 Beaker 21 Beaker 22 Micro Pipette 23 Magnetic needles (bar) 24 Glass Bottles, Wash, Complete With Interchangeable Stopper 25 Glass Bottles, Wash, Complete With Interchangeable Stopper 26 Wash bottle 27 All glass double distillation unit 28 Glass Flasks 29 Glass Flasks 30 Desiccator vacuum 31 Magnetic stirrer 32 Multispin stirrer Departmental Requirements List of Chemicals, Glassware and Minor Equipments, 2019 Department of Zoology: Bodoland University - 1. 1, 1, 3, 3-tetramethoxy propane 2. 2-mercaptoethanol 3. 2-Oxoglutarate 4. 3,3’ diaminobenzidine (DAB) 5. 4-amino antipyrine 6. Activated charcoal 7. Adenosine-5-Triphosphate Disodium Salt 8. AlCl3, BaCl2, CdSO4, CoCl2, CuSO4, HgCl2 9. Alpha napthol 10. Alpha naptyl acetate 11. Alsever’s Solution 12 Ammonium bicarbonate 13 Ammontum sulfate 14. Azocasein 15. fiSTS 16. Benzoyl-DL-argini ne -p-nitro anil ide ____ (BAPNA) 17. benzoyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester (BTEE) 18. BIORAD Low range molecular marker _______ (for protein_SDS_PAGE) 19. Blood grouping kit 20. Bradford reagent 21. BSA 22. I CaC12 23. Casein 24. Catechin 25. CBB-G250 26 Chitin 27. Chloroform 28. Citric acid 29. Coomasie Brilliant Blue G15U 30 Copper sulphate 31 Cyclophosphamide 32 DE.AE Cellulose 33. Dialysis ags?Tubings (10-l2kDa cutoff) 34. Dimethylaminob enzyldehyde 35. Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) 36. Disodium phosphate 37. DMAB (Dimethylaminobenzyldehyde) 38. DPPH 39. EDTA 40. Ethanol 41. Ether 42. Ethyl ether 43. Fast blue 44. Fehiing solution 45. Ferric chloride 46. Folin ciocalteau reagent (Lowry’s reagent) 47. Formalin 48. Gentiom violet 49. Glacial acetic acid 50. Glucose 51. Glycerol 52. Glycerol 3-phosphate oxidase 53. Glycerol kinase 54. Griess reagent 55. Gum Arabic 56. Haemoglobin 57. HC1 58. Hippuryl-L-Argi nine 59. Hippuryl-L-phenylalanine 60. Isopropyl alcohol 61. Lactic acid 62. LDH 63. Leishman stain 64. Malondialdehyde (MDA) 65. Maltose 66. Manganese sulfate 67. lvE)H 68. Methanol 69. N-Acetyl Glucosamine 70. MaCi 71. MADH 72. Nitroblue Tetrazc’lium (Nit) 73 Nitroceflulose 74. Na.-Benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester (BABE) 75. Na-p-Tosyl-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride_(TAME) 76. o-Phosphonc acid 77. p-Aminobenzamidine (pABA) Benzamidine Sepharose 4 Fast Flow column 78 Paraffin wax 79. Phenañne methosuiphate i:,iMS) 8O Phenyl thiourea 81 PMSF (Phenylme thyls iii f nylfiouride) 82. p-mtropieno1 83. p-Nitrophenvl Ph: JLhj 84. p-nitrophenyl paimitate 85. Potassium chloride 86. Potassium hydroxide 87. Potassium metabisulphate 88. Potassium phosphate 89. Potassium sodium tartarate 90. Potassium Tetra borate 91. Protease inhibitor 92 PVDF 93 Pyrogaflol 94 Safranine-O 95. SBTI (soybean trypsin inhibitor) 96. Secondary antibody97. Sephade;G75 98. SGOT/SGPT assay Kits 99. Sodium deoxycholate 100. Sodium Dihydrogen orthophosphate 101. Sodium hydroxide 102. Sodium phosphate 103. Sodium pyruvate 104. Starch 105. Sucrose 106. Sulphuric acid 107. Thiobarbituric acid 108. TLCK (bT-a-p-tosyl-L-lysine chioromethyl ketone) 109. TPCK (L-1-tosyl-L-lysine-chloromethyl ketone) 110. Trichioro acetic acid 111. TrisHCL 112. Tryrosine 113. Turk’s Fluid 114. Zinc Lactate 115. — Glucosidase - Glassware and minor equipments - 116. Beaker, 5Ornl 117 Beaker,_100_ml 118. Beaker, 250 ml 119 Beaker, 500m1 120. Beaker, 1000 ml 121. Borosiicate Glass Tissue Gnnder _________ (Homogenisers) 122 Measuring cylinder, 10 ml 123. Measuring Cylinder, 50 ml 124. Measuring cylinder, 100 ml 125. Measuring cylinder, 500n4 126. Burette, 50m1 127. Conical_flask,_50m1 128. Conicalflask,,_lOOmI 129. Conical_flask,_250 nil 130. BOD_Bottles,_250_ml 131. Test_tubes,_lOml 132 Test tubes, 05m1 133. Test Tubes,_2.5 ml 134. Reagent bottles, 50m1 135. Reagent bottles, 100m1 136. Reagent bottles, 250m1 137. Glass_pipettes._0_5_ml 138. Glass pipettes, 1,0 ml 139. Glass pipettes, 2.0 ml 140. Glass pipettes, 5.0 ml 141. Glass pipettes, 10.0 ml 142. Glass slides 143. Glass covershps 144. Sedgewick rafter counter 145. Haemocytometer 146. Funnel 147. Glass rods 148. Whatman filter paper (12.5 cm) 149. Microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5 ml 150. Microcentrifbge tubes, 2.0 ml 151. Microtips, l000pL 152. Microtips, 200pL — 153. Para5lm wrap - 154. Magnetic stirrer — 155. Magnetic beads for stirring 156. Tissue homogeniser (mortar pestle) — 157. Test tube stand (for 10, 05, 2.5 ml) — 158. Petridis — 159. Pasteur pipette — 160. Rack (1.5 ml Microtube) — 161. Micropipette variable volume (1000 pL) — 162. Micropipette variable volume (200pL) — 163. Laboratory balance (3 digit) — 164. Laboratory_pH_meter — 165. Watch glass — 166. Cavity Block — 167. Dissecting wax tray — 168. Cavity slide — 169. Heating mantle IL capacity — 170. Reagent Bottles (screw cap), Tarson 171 Screw vials 4 ml and 6 ml (borosil, with cork) 172 Capillaries 173 Colorimeter 174. Horizontal laminar air flow 175. Electrophoresis Unit (Vertical) with power supply 176 Electrophoresis Unit (honzontal) without power supply Company: Tarson, etc.

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