
Tender For Outsourcing For Maintenance And Upkeeping Of Married And Otm Accn Services , Housekeeping And Conservancy Services At Af Stn Sarsawa Under Ge Af Sarsawa, GE AF SARSAWA-Uttar Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Outsourcing For Maintenance And Upkeeping Of Married And Otm Accn Services , Housekeeping And Conservancy Services At Af Stn Sarsawa Under Ge Af Sarsawa. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-08-2019. Housekeeping Services Tenders in GE AF SARSAWA Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Outsourcing For Maintenance And Upkeeping Of Married And Otm Accn Services , Housekeeping And Conservancy Services At Af Stn Sarsawa Under Ge Af Sarsawa
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
Ge Af Sarsawa

Tender Details

Tender For outsourcing for maintenance and upkeeping of married and otm accn services , housekeeping and conservancy services at af stn sarsawa under ge af sarsawa , outsourcing of manual services the entire area in the jurisdiction of age b / r sarsawa for attending complaints related to b / r works at any location , every day excluding sunday and holidays in one shift from 0800 hrs to 1700 hrs which includes one hour lunch break and the type / nature of the complaints are :- ( i ) complaints related to mason works ( ii ) complaints related to plumber works ( iii ) complaints related to carpenter works i . e wooden joinery ( iv ) complaints related to aluminium joinery works ( v ) complaints related to blacksmith ( lohaar ) works ( vi ) complaints of any other nature ordered by ge / engr-in-charge / je concerned . notes :- the work involved includes ( a ) registering complaints from users through ivrs system , mobile phone , sms and manual at complaints centre , updating record of all attended and un-attended complaints daily by deploying qualified and experienced persons on day to day basis in one shift on all days excluding sunday and holiday . , notes contd . . . . . ( b ) ( i ) the minimum number of trademen and helpers to be deployed by the contractor should be carpenter 02 nos and helpers as 05 nos . ( ii ) the complaints related to mason work , lohaar works & plumber works shall be attended by the existing departmental manpowers for which helpers shall be deployed by the contractor only . ( iii ) detailment of requisite nos of trademen such as carpenter and helpers for attending the complaints depending upon the nature of complaint and quantum of complaints . the contractor has to be provided their skilled / unskilled workmen daily as per nos of complaints actually received . ( c ) attending the complaints with entire satisfaction of users and ge / engr-in-charge within stipulated time period as per priority decided by the deptt as specified here in after , for attending b / r complaints . , notes contd . . . . ( d ) the communication facilities for registering complaints i . e mobile phone shall be arranged by the contractor if complaints are desired to be registered through the systems otherwise manual complaints shall be lodged . ( e ) the tentative numbers of complaints to be received in the sub division complaints cell are specified here-in-after , however contractor has to be provided their skilled / unskilled workmen daily as per nos of complaints actually received . ( f ) in case complaints have not been attended within stipulated time frame as per its priority class , suitable recovery on this account shall be made on the rates as specified here-in-after . , notes contd . . . . ( g ) all tools and plants , trolley , ladder , lorries and conveyence etc required for attending complaints at site of work shall be provided by the contractor and old retrieved material / items shall be deposited in mes store yard . ( h ) decision of ge on profeciency of deployed workers shall be final and binding . ( j ) any change in timing of shift of the person deployed by the contractor will be decided by the ge / engr-in-charge . ( k ) the new material whereever required for replacement shall be provided by the deptt through niv / nrv and old retrieved material / items shall be the property of department & will be deposited in mes store yard . ( l ) the contractor shall deploy a qualified and experienced superviser to moniter the activities as stated above . , notes contd . . . . ( m ) ( i ) all the trademen shall be fully skilled in their respective jobs / trade for carrying out repair / replacement works . ( ii ) one of the carpenter should be skilled in carrying out repair / replacement works related to aluminium i . e . doors , windows , vents , snap grid etc complate with their fittings / fixtures . ( n ) the rate of recovery of work done & penalty for absentee workmen shall be as under :- ( i ) for recovery of work done :- the amount of work done per shift shall be derived from quoted rates ( 64 % of quoted rates shall be taken for unskilled and 36 % of quoted rates shall be taken for skilled trademen ) . the recovery rate per skilled trademen shall be worked out by dividing 36% of quoted rates with total nos of trademen reqd as per boq and similarly 64 % of quoted rates with total nos of unskilled reqd as per boq . ( ii ) for penalty refer clause 9 . 2 of p . s . , outsourcing of manual services the entire area in the jurisdiction of age e / m sarsawa for attending complaints related to electrical & mechanical works at any location , every day excluding sunday and holidays in one shift from 0800 hrs to 1700 hrs which includes one hour lunch break and the type / nature of the complaints are :- ( i ) complaints related to electrical works ( ii ) complaints related to mason works after carrying out electric works ( iii ) complaints related to carpenter works after carrying out electric works ( iv ) complaints related to blacksmith ( lohaar ) works ( v ) complaints of any other nature ordered by ge / engr-in-charge / je concerned . notes :- the work involved includes ( a ) registering complaints from users through ivrs system , mobile phone , sms and manual registering at complaints centre , updating record of all attended and un-attended complaints daily by deploying qualified and experienced persons on day to day basis in one shift on all days excluding sunday and holiday . ( b ) ( i ) detailment of requisite nos of trademen and helpers for attending the complaints as per nature of complaint and quantum of complaints . ( ii ) the complaints related to carpenter work , mason work , lohaar works & plumber works after carrying out electrical complaints shall be attended by the manpowers deployed by the contractor against srl no 1 here-in-before . , notes contd . . . . ( c ) ( i ) attending the complaints with entire satisfaction of users and engr-in-charge within stipulated time period as per priority decided for attending e / m complaints . ( ii ) the minimum number of trademen and helpers to be deployed by the contractor should be electrician 03 nos and helpers / mazdoor as 03 nos . ( d ) the communication facilities for registering complaints i . e mobile phone shall be arranged by the contractor if complaints are desired to be registered through the systems otherwise manual complaints shall be lodged . ( e ) the tentative numbers of complaints to be received in the sub division complaints cell are specified here-in-after however contractor has to be provided their skill / unskilled workmen daily as per nos of complaints actually received . ( f ) in case complaints have not been attended within stipulated time frame as per its priority class , suitable recovery on this account shall be made on the rates as specified here-in-after . ( g ) all tools and plants , trolley , ladder , lorries and conveyence etc required for attending complaints at site of work shall be provided by the contractor and old retrieved material / items shall be deposited in mes store yard . , notes contd . . . . ( h ) decision of ge on profeciency of deployed workers shall be final and binding . ( j ) the shift of the person deployed by the contractor will be decided by the ge / engr-in-charge and shall be final and binding . ( k ) the new

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 67500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 33.75 Lakhs /-
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