
Manning , Operation And Maintenance Of Pump Sets/ Diesel Generator Sets At Volna Tower And Stp At D Sector , Connected At Arsr , Pump Sets And Dg Sets At Middle And Yerada Pump House And Ws Distribution System Of Arsr And Misc Works Under Age E/M No . , GE UTILITY II VISAKHAPATNAM-Andhra Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Manning , Operation And Maintenance Of Pump Sets/ Diesel Generator Sets At Volna Tower And Stp At D Sector , Connected At Arsr , Pump Sets And Dg Sets At Middle And Yerada Pump House And Ws Distribution System Of Arsr And Misc Works Under Age E/M No . . Submission Date for this Tender is 19-08-2019. Bearings Tenders in GE UTILITY II VISAKHAPATNAM Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Manning , Operation And Maintenance Of Pump Sets/ Diesel Generator Sets At Volna Tower And Stp At D Sector , Connected At Arsr , Pump Sets And Dg Sets At Middle And Yerada Pump House And Ws Distribution System Of Arsr And Misc Works Under Age E/M No .
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh
Ge Utility Ii Visakhapatnam

Tender Details

Manning , Operation And Maintenance Of Pump Sets/ diesel generator Sets At Volna Tower And Stp At D Sector , Connected At Arsr , Pump Sets And Dg Sets At Middle And Yerada Pump House And Ws Distribution System Of Arsr And Misc Works Under Age E/M No . Ii Of Ge ( U-Ii ) Vskp , manning , operation and maintenance of multistage pumpsets/ submersible/ centrifugal / jet pumpsets , 62 . 5 kva dg set and connected electrical panels at middle pump house & yarada village pump house for smooth and trouble free operation in one shift per day of 08 hours each including operation of control valves all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , manpower :- one semi-skilled operator for general shift shift timings: 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs , note : the rate quoted deemed to be inclusive of ( a ) rectifying minor defects such as arresting of pipeline leakage , greasing of pumps , gland packing , fuse wire , repairs to foot valve etc . , whenever required . ( b ) keeping the installations area neat and clean by grass cutting and removing the debris in and around premises . ( b ) keeping daily record of all pumps running status all as specified and directed . ( d ) the no of working hrs at village pump house and middle pump house shall be as directed by engr-in-charge . , manning for operation and maintenance of sewage treatment plant at d sector area , sequential batch reactor type , of capacity 460 cum/day of make: m/s acme enviro solutions private ltd consisting of bar screen cum oil & grease separation chamber , equalisation tank , eco-r reactor , chlorine contact cum treated water tank , sludge drying beds , sewage transfer pumps , air blower , sludge transfer pump , treated water transfer pump , arboriculture pumps , dg set of capacity 62 . 5 kva and connected valves & electric panels etc . , round the clock in manual mode/ programmable logic controlled auto mode for treating raw sewage all as per manufacturers instructions/ recommendations for smooth and trouble free operation in three shifts including operation of dg set of 62 . 5 kva during power failure all as specified and directed by engineer-in-charge . , manpower :- one skilled operator and one helper per shift of 08 hrs for first two shifts and one skilled operator for third shift including sundays and holidays all as directed by engineer-in-charge . shift timings:- i st shift - 0600 hrs to 1400 hrs ii nd shift - 1400 hrs to 2200 hrs iii rd shift - 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs total manpower: 03 skilled + 02 helper per day , note : the rate quoted deemed to be inclusive of ( a ) keeping the installations area neat and clean by grass cutting and removing the debris in and around premises . ( b ) keeping daily record of all pumps running status all as specified and directed . ( c ) rectifying minor defects such as arresting of pipeline leakage , greasing of pumps , gland packing , fuse wire , repairs to foot valve etc whenever required . ( d ) carrying out a check of dg set daily as per manufacturers manual . ( e ) replacing of distilled water/battery electrolyte and charging of batteries of dg sets as and when required . ( f ) the installation will be handed over in operating state on the commencement of contract though work order . , ( g ) the operator shall ensure by trial run and be alert to run the dg set within 5 minutes of supply failure . ( h ) diesel shall be issued by department as and when required . contractor shall have to intimate minimum 03 days in advance for issue of diesel . ( j ) the quoted rate is inclusive collecting and transportation of diesel from age e/m store yard to work site . ( k ) cleaning of bar screen cum oil & grease separation chamber twice daily all as directed . ( l ) cleaning/slaking of sludge drying beds every week all as directed . ( m ) operation of arboricuture pumpsets including control for supplying treated water as and when required . ( n ) during the operation of the plant , the mlss ( mixed liquid suspended solids ) shall be maintained not less than 4000 mg/ltr in eco-r tank . ( o ) the quoted rate inclusive for carrying out periodicals to stp buildings , including painting to doors , windows , connected pipe lines etc all as per existing once during entire contract period complete all as directed . , man power ( skilled ) employed shall have minimum 02 years work experience in operation of stp . , manning for maintenance and operation of fresh water pump house consisting of various types of pump sets , chlorination system , lt panels , water sumps of arsr pump house at ts dolphin hills for pumping water to arsr complex , other bldgs and other areas , for smooth and trouble free operation in general shifts of 08 hrs per day including sundays and holidays complete all specified and directed by engineer-in-charge , manpower :- one semi-skilled operator for general shift shift timings: 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs , manning for operation and maintenance of distribution control valves at arsr complex , other bldgs and distribution of water to different bldgs/ locations at arsr complex in general shifts of 08 hours each per day including sundays and holidays complete all specified and directed by engineer-in-charge , manpower :- one valve man ( semi-skilled ) operator per shift shift timings: 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs , note : the rate quoted deemed to be inclusive of ( a ) the contractor is fully responsible for the smooth and trouble free operation of pumpsets and timely controlling valves and distribution of water in the areas mentioned above . ( b ) the operator shall check and monitor the pumping timings of water from booster pump house ( main ) , nsb to ts dolphin hills/ arsr pump house . ( c ) in case of any abnormal delay in incoming pumping , the operator shall inform the matter to concerned je or age e/m for further action . ( a ) keeping the installations area neat and clean by grass cutting and removing the debris in and around premises . ( b ) keeping daily record of all pumps running status all as specified and directed . , material and labour for cleaning of rcc equilisation tank of approx size 5 . 5 m x 8 . 0 m x 5 . 5 m of stp by bailing out the accumulated raw water at the bottom and removing the complete silt/sludge/dirt from the tank and dispositing away exc 1 . 5 km and n . exc 5 . 0 km from site as directed , scrapping the tank inner walls and bottom with wire brush and cleaning the tank inner walls and bottom with the bleaching powder slurry completely including applying one coat of white wash to entire tank externally complete all as directed by engineer-in-charge . note: ( a ) the rate deemed to be inclusive of t&p and transportation required for disposal of sludge/dirt away from the site . ( b ) the cleaning of tank shall be performed every month as per manufacturers recommendations . , all as per sl item no . 5 above but for treated water tank of size 8 . 0 m x 6 . 0 m x 3 . 5 m , m & l for carrying out chemical analysis ( bod/cod ) test of treated sewer water of stp from govt authorised laboratory all as per cpcb norms complete all as directed by engineer-in-charge . note : the rate quoted is deemed to be inclusive of testing and collection of water samples in sealed pvc container at stps . , material and labour for chlorination of treated sewage water with sodium hypochiorite solution ( grade-i ) as per is 11673-1992 for treatment of sewage water at stp for maintining residual chlorine all as per manufacturers recommendations/ instructions . make: sree rayalseema solution or its equivalent as approved by ge . , m&l for taking out existing pumpset / airblower of 20 to 30 hp capacity for servicing by disconnecting motor and blower/ pump set from pipe line and removing of all parts like bearing , bushes , impeller , shaft etc . , cleaning all surfa

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 96000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48 Lakhs /-
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