Supply Of Veterinary Drugs / Medicine=> Open Tender 276 Powder Contains Calcium 30 gm, Phosphorus 150 gm, Magnesium 9 gm, Vit A 10 Lac Iu , Vit D3 2 Lac IU, Vit. E 1500 IU Nicotinamide 1000 mg Copper MHA 23 LG Zinc MHA 66 gm Iron MHA 11 gm , Magneses MHA 16.5 gm, Organic Chromium 180 mg, Iodine 325 mg, Cobalt 150 mg,Selenium 3 mg, Sulphur 15gm, Sodium 6 mg, Potassium 100 mg Saccharomyces Cervisiae-4x10/11 CFU Aspergillus Oryza 3x10/8 CFU Lactobacillus Sporogens 3x10/8 CFu Grape Polyphenol extraxt 300 mg each 277 Eachml Provides: Vit.H(Biotin)12.5mcg,Vit A 20000IU,Vit E50mg,Vit D10000IU Elemental selenium 6mcg 278 Eachml Provides: Vit.H(Biotin)12.5mcg,Vit A 20000IU,Vit E50mg,Vit D10000IU Elemental selenium 6mcg 279 Each 5 ml contains Linoleic acid 3300 mg, Linolenic acid 3300 mg and oleic acid 3300 mg Vit. A 1000 IU Vit E 10 IU Selenium 0.2mcg Zinc 2 280 Each 10 ml contains :- Calcium Gluconate 889 mg, Chole-calciferol (Vitamin D3) 16000 IU, Ferric Ammonium Citrate 1670 mg, Vitamin B12 16.70 mcg 281 Each 10 ml contains :- Calcium Gluconate 889 mg, Chole-calciferol (Vitamin D3) 16000 IU, Ferric Ammonium Citrate 1670 mg, Vitamin B12 16.70 mcg 282 Each 5 ml contains Calcium Gulconate-500mg, Vit. D3-600 IU, Vit. B12-10mcg, Liver extract-50mg, Choline Chloride 100mg 283 Milk booster with byepass fat :- Ca: 76 gm, cu: 100mg, co: 5mg, Fe: 313 mg, I : 60mg, Mg: 600 mg, : Mn: 840 mg, P: 24 gm and Se: 10 mg. Vit A: 1.15 lakh IU, D3 : 23000 IU, E:13000mcg, B3 100mg, NPN: 280 gm, Byepass protein: 133 gm, Bye pass fat : 150 gm, Energy : 2000 K calories. 284 Milk booster with byepass fat :- Ca: 76 gm, cu: 100mg, co: 5mg, Fe: 313 mg, I : 60mg, Mg: 600 mg, : Mn: 840 mg, P: 24 gm and Se: 10 mg. Vit A: 1.15 lakh IU, D3 : 23000 IU, E:13000mcg, B3 100mg, NPN: 280 gm, Byepass protein: 133 gm, Bye pass fat : 150 gm, Energy : 2000 K calories. 285 Each 20 ml contains calcium 400 mg, Phosphorus 200 mg, Vit. B- 12 20mcg, Vit D3- 1600 IU