
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Medical Related Equipment and Supplies, Patient Care and Treatment, Surgical Disposable, MH HISAR-Haryana

Indian Army has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Medical Related Equipment and Supplies, Patient Care and Treatment, Surgical Disposable. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2019. Medicine Tenders in MH HISAR Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Medical Related Equipment and Supplies, Patient Care and Treatment, Surgical Disposable
Open Tender
Mh Hisar

Tender Details

Procurement Of Medicine And Consumables=> Limited:-117 Inj Neostigmine 2Mg / Ml 118 Inj Neurobion 3 Ml With Minimum Constituents Having Thiamine ( B1 ) -30Mg / Ml, Pyridoxine ( B6 ) 30Mg / Ml And ( B12 ) Cyanocobalamin-300Mcg / Ml 119 Inj Nitroglycerin 5 Mg / Ml Amp Of 5 Ml 120 Inj Oxytocin 10 Iu / Ml 121 Inj Paracetamol Infusion 0.1% W / V 100 Ml Bott 122 Inj Pcec Rabies Vaccine For Human Use 2.5 Iu 123 Inj Phenytoin Sodium 100 Mg / 2 Ml 124 Inj Promethazine 25 Mg / 2 Ml 125 Inj Succinyl Choline 20 Mg / Ml Vial Of 10 Ml 126 Inj Tetanus Toxide Vial Of 10 Ml 127 Inj Thiamine 100 Mg / Ml 128 Inj Tramadol Hcl 50Mg / Ml 129 Inj Tranexamic Acid 500 Mg / 5 Ml 130 Inj Triamcinolone Acetonide 40 Mg / Ml 131 Inj Typhoid Vaccine Vial Of 2.5 Ml 132 Inj Urofollitropin ( Folicle Stimulating Hormone / Fsh ) 75 Iu 133 Inj Vancomycin Cp 500 Mg 134 Inj Vecuronium Bromide 4Mg / Ml, 1 Ml 135 Syp Albendazole 200 Mg / 10Ml Bott Of 10 Ml 136 Syp Asthalin 2Mg / 5Ml Bott Of 100Ml 137 Syp Azithromycine 200 Mg / 5Ml Bott Of 15 Ml 138 Syp Bromhexine 4Mg / 5Ml Bott Of 100Ml 139 Syp Cough Paediatric ( Promethazine 1.5Mg / 5Ml + Pholcodine 1.5 / 5Ml ) 140 E / D Chloramphenicol 5% W / V + Beclomethasone 0.025% W / V + Clotrimazole 1% W / V + Lignocaine 1.73% W / V 141 E / D Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 0.5% 142 E / D Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 1% 143 E / D Ciprofloxacine 0.3% + Dexamethazone 0.1% 144 E / D Paradichlorobenzene 2% W / V + Benzocaine 2.7% W / V + Chlorbutol 5% W / V + Turpentine Oil 15% V / V 145 E / D Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose 0.7% 146 E / D Moxifloxacine 0.5% + Dexamethazone 0.1% 147 E / D Tropicamide Hydrochloride 1% Opthalmic Solution 148 Nasal Spray Azelastine 0.1% 149 Nasal Spray Azelastine 140 Mcg + Fluticasone 50 Mcg 150 Nasal Spray Fluticasone 50 Mcg 151 Nasal Spray Mometasone 50 Mcg 152 Nasal Spray Zolmitriptan 5 Mg ( Zolmist ) . 153 Saline Nasal Drop ( Sodium Chloride ) 0.65% 154 Mdi Tiova ( Tiotropium Bromidr ) 9 Mcg 155 R / C Tiova ( Tiotropium Bromidr ) 18 Mcg Bott Of 15 Capsule 156 Automatic Liquid Developer

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INR 40000.0 /-
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