
Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Test Tubes, Crucibles, Pipette Tips, Pipettes and Liquid Handling Equipment, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Centrifuges, Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Filtering Equipment, Machinery and Tools, -Assam

Bodoland University has published Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Test Tubes, Crucibles, Pipette Tips, Pipettes and Liquid Handling Equipment, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Centrifuges, Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Filtering Equipment, Machinery and Tools, . Submission Date for this Tender is 13-06-2019. Test Tubes Tenders in Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Test Tubes, Crucibles, Pipette Tips, Pipettes and Liquid Handling Equipment, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Centrifuges, Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Filtering Equipment, Machinery and Tools,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply and commissioning of laboratory chemicals and glassware- 1. cryo cube box 2. cryochill-tm -20⁰c mini cooler with gel filled cover 3. ice bucket 4. parafilm m 5. maxiamp pcr®tubes 6. pcr rack with cover 7. rack for micro tube 8. micro tube box 9. micro tube box 10. micro centrifuge tube 11. micro centrifuge tube 12. micro tips 13. micro tips 14. micro tips 15. micro centrifuge tube 16. micro centrifuge tube 17. universal micro tip box - tarsons tips 18. universal micro tip box - tarsons tips 19. universal micro tip box - tarsons tips 20. test tube basket with cover 21. screw cap centrifuge tube round bottom 22. carboy with stopcock 23. carboy with stopcock 24. accupipette - variable volume pipette 25. accupipette - variable volume pipette 26. accupipette - variable volume pipette 27. accupipette - variable volume pipette 28. accupipette - variable volume pipette 29. accupipette - variable volume pipette 30. accupipette - variable volume pipette 31. syringe filter 1. cellulose nitrate membrane 2. murashige and skoog medium 3. sodium alginate 1. burette clamps 2. crucible tong 3. tong for conical flask 4. tong for beaker 5. 10ml silicon pipette filler, pipette bulb 6. 10ml silicon pipette filler, pipette bulb 1. filter paper size 12.5 cm 2. blotting paper 3. non-absorbent cotton 4. filter paper grade 1, size 12.5 cm

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INR 1000 /-
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