
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Scientific Instrument, Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment, Ammeters, Galvanometers, Potentiometers, Voltmeter, Length Thickness Distance Measuring Instruments, Calipers, Sound Generating an-Bihar

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Scientific Instrument, Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment, Ammeters, Galvanometers, Potentiometers, Voltmeter, Length Thickness Distance Measuring Instruments, Calipers, Sound Generating an. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-06-2019. Chemical Supply Tenders in Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Scientific Instrument, Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment, Ammeters, Galvanometers, Potentiometers, Voltmeter, Length Thickness Distance Measuring Instruments, Calipers, Sound Generating an
Open Tender
Due Date Not Mentioned, Contact Concern Authority.

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Equipment -1. Milli Ammeter (With Stand) Omega Pico 2. Millli Voltmeter (With Stand) Omega Pico 3. Galvanometer (With Stand) Omega Pico 4. Magnetic Compass Needle Omega Pico 5. Meter Bridge Omega Pico 6. Glass Prism Omega Pico 7. Sonometer Omega Pico 8. Stop Clock Racer Omega Pico 9. Resistance Box Omega Pico 10. Lense Holder Omega Pico 11. Spherometer Omega Pico 12. Vernier Calliperse Omega Pico 13. Bob Brass Omega Pico 14. Ohm” Law Apparatus Omega Pico 15. Meter Scale Omega Pico 16. Accumulaters Omega Pico 17. Connecting Wire Omega Pico 18. Drawing Board Omega Pico 19. Resonance Tube Apparatus Omega Pico 20. Iron Dust Omega Pico 21. Bar Magnet Omega Pico 22. Planne Glass Sheet Omega Pico 23. Battery Charger Omega Pico 24. Potentiometer Omega Pico 25. Optical Bencg Omega 26. Searls Apparatus Omega 27. Vernier Caliperse 28. Screw Gauge 29. Spherometer 30. Simple Pendulum 31. Stop Watch 1. Acetic Acid (Merck) 2. Ammonium Chloride (Merk) 3. Ammonium Carbonate 4. Mohr Salt (Merck) 5. Copper Sulphate (Merck) 6. Calcium Carbonate (Merck) 7. 2.4 D.P.H (Merck) 8. Ferrus Sulphate (Merck) 9. Ferrous Sulphide 10. Hcl (Merck) 11. Nitric Acid (Merck) 12. H2so4 (Merck) 13 Nickle Chloride (Merck) 14. Sodium Chloride Merck) 15. Sodium Hydrooxide (Merck) 16. Sodium Bi Carbonate (Merck) 17. Silver Nitrate 10Gm (Merck) 18. Zinc Metal (Merck) 19. Starch Soluble (Merck) 20. Bismith Mitrate (Merck) 21. Bendict Sodium (Merck) 22. Sprit 23. Formal Dehyde( Merck) 24. Burrate (Borosil) 25. Burrate Stand (Iron) 26. Beaker 500 Ml (Borosil) 27. Beaker 1000 Ml (Borosil) 28. Chemical Balance (Electronic Wenser 29. Conical Flask 250 Ml (Borosil 30. Fusion Tube ( Borosil)

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