
Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Brackets and Braces, Retaining Hardware, Springs, Gaskets and Seals, Gaskets, Building Machinery, Earth Moving Machinery, Distribution and Conditioning, Compressors, Compr, Panipat-Haryana

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Brackets and Braces, Retaining Hardware, Springs, Gaskets and Seals, Gaskets, Building Machinery, Earth Moving Machinery, Distribution and Conditioning, Compressors, Compr. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-05-2019. Bearings Tenders in Panipat Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Brackets and Braces, Retaining Hardware, Springs, Gaskets and Seals, Gaskets, Building Machinery, Earth Moving Machinery, Distribution and Conditioning, Compressors, Compr
Open Tender

Tender Details

Corrigendum - Supply Of Recycle Gas Compressor Spares-10 Oil Shield For Piston Rod, P.No. C10700 20 Spring Plate, D154.8 / 79X0.7, P.No. M50545 30 Dstnc Pc Cvr O-Ring, P / N:C00265 40 Guide Brng O Rng, P / N:M50050 50 Intermediate Ring No.1, P / N:C50108 60 Connecting Rod Bearing Half P No. M40310 70 O-Ring For Lrg Frame Cover D240x5, M00420 80 Crosshead Pin , D100 / 55X180, P.No. M30600 90 O-Ring For Sml Frame Cover D57x5, M00450 100 Crnkshft Split Pin , P / N:M10035 110 Gastight Shaft Seal, P / N:M10800 120 Lipseal For Crankshaft Seal, P.No. M10831 130 Crankshaft Bearing P. No M10200 140 Oil Trap O Ring , P / N:M10620 150 Vlv Kit , 1St Stage, 181-Cm-N, P.No. C21210 160 Valve Kit, 2Nd Stage, 181-Cm-N, P.No.C22210 170 Valve Kit, 1St Stage , 181-Cm-N, Pno.C41210 180 Valve Kit, 2Nd Stage, 181-Cm-N, P.No.C42210 190 Runing Ring For Crnkshft Seal, Pno.M10805 200 O-Ring For Crankshaft Seal, P.No. M10810 210 Oil Scraper Ring Upr Cmplet , Pno. M50510 220 Oil Scraper Ring Midle Cmplte, Pno.M50515 230 Oil Scraper Ring Lwr Complete, Pno.M50520 240 1St Stg Pstn Superbolt Nut, P / N:C11550 250 2Nd Stg Pstn Superbolt Nut, P / N:C12550 260 Oil Strainer, D90x799, Pn:M20805 270 Set Of Gasket / O-Ring P / N A40000 280 Crosshead Pin Bearing, Complte Pno M40410 290 Center Crnkshaft Bearing P / N: M10300 300 Bearing Bracket O-Ring Nde P. No M00205 310 Oil Pump O-Ring No 1, P / N-M20030 320 Bearing Bracket O-Ring De, P / N-M00265 330 Gskt For Sctn / Dischrg Pip, 1St Stg, C01519 340 Gskt For Suctn / Dschrg Pip, 2Nd Stg, C02519 350 Bearing Bracket, Nde, P / N: M00200 360 Bearing Bracket, De, P / N: M00260 370 O-Ring For Mdm Frame Cover D170x5, M00435 380 Sunk Key For Crankshaft, P / N: M10020 390 Raschig Rings For M206004x4a, P / N: 20646 400 O-Ring For Oil Strner D80x5, M20815 410 Crosshead Complete, D250x365, P / N:M30005 420 Connecting Rod Bolt, P / N: M40020 => Single

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