
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, STATION MEDICARE CENTRE, AIR FORCE STATION, PALAM-Delhi

Indian Air Force has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-03-2019. Medicine Tenders in STATION MEDICARE CENTRE, AIR FORCE STATION, PALAM Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine
Open Tender
Station Medicare Centre, Air Force Station, Palam

Tender Details

Procurement Of Expendable Medical Stores:-353 10624 Dapsone 50 Mg Tab 354 Niv Deca Peptide Lotion 355 Niv Decadurabolin Inj 356 Niv Deep Breathing Excerciser 357 Niv Defenacin 7.5 Mg Tab 358 Niv Deflazacort 6 Mg Tab 359 Niv Dehydroepiadrosterone 25 + Fa 1.5Mg Tab 360 Niv De-Ionised Water 361 Niv Domstal 10 Mg Tab 362 Niv Dengue Combo Kit ( Igg / Igm / Ns1 ) 363 Niv Dental Floss 364 Niv Deriphyllin Inj 365 Niv Deriphyllin Syp 366 Niv Deriphyllin ® Tab 367 Niv Deriphyllin Tab 368 Niv Des Venlafaxin 100 Mg Tab 369 Niv Des Venlafaxin 50 Mg Tab 370 Niv Desloratidine 5 Mg Tab 371 Niv Desonide Lotion 372 Niv Dettol 50 Ml 373 Niv Dettol Lot 374 Niv Developer X-Ray Films ( Bott Of 9 Ltrs ) 375 Niv Deviry 10 Mg Tab 376 010308 Dexamethasone 0.5 Mg Tab 377 10310 Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Inj 378 Niv Dexamethasone+Chloramphenicol E / D 379 Niv Dexorange 170Ml Syp 380 Niv Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Syp 381 12504 Dextrose Monohydrate Pulv 382 270302 Dextrose Solution 5% 500 Ml 383 Niv Diacerin + Glucosamine Tab 384 Niv Diacerin Tab 385 Niv Diclofen Colesteramine Cap 386 Niv Diclofenac Patch 387 Niv Diethylcarbamazine 100 Mg Tab 388 Niv Difluprednate E / D 389 Niv Degludec Insulin 390 Niv Digene Gel 391 12216 Digoxin .05Mg / Ml Syp 392 011155 Digoxin 0.25 Mg Tab 393 11104 Diltiazem 60Mgtab 394 Niv Dilzem 90 Mg Sr Tab 395 Niv Dilvas 10Mg Tab 396 Niv Dienogest 2Mg Tab 397 Niv Diptheria + Tt Inj 398 Niv Disodium Hydogen Citrate Syp 399 Niv Dispo Pillow Cover 400 280654 Disposable Nebulizer Mouth Piece 401 Niv Disposable Micropippette ( 200-100Ul ) 402 Niv Disposable Bedsheet 403 Niv Disposable Peel & Stick Pad For Dc Defeb 404 Niv Disposable Tongue Depressor 405 Niv Disprin Tab 406 Niv Dispovan 2 Ml Syringe 407 Niv Dispovan 5 Ml Syringe 408 Niv Disulfiram Tab 409 Niv Divalproex 500Mg Tab 410 Niv Divalproex Er 250Mgtab 411 Niv Divalproex Er 500 Mg Tab 412 Niv Dns Self Collapsible 500 Ml 413 11162 Dobutaminehcl Inj => Limited.

Key Value

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INR 250000.0 /-
Tender Value
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