Purchase And Installation Of Equipment For Various Departments=> photo electric colorimeter, centrifuge, compound microscope, transit theodolite with stand (model no: 2988-, 1965), dumpy level with stand (model no: optica 12”), prismatic compass with stand (model no: optica, 4’’), gps (model no: montana 650), toposheet (model no: soi toposheet), satellite imagery (model no: irs-resourcesat, liss-3, 0-10 km scale with cd), clinometer (model no: su037), rocks and minerals set (ge155 ge156), weather map set (model no: 2018 latest model), abney level (model no: su041,), altimeter (model no: zd2028), barometer (model no: barigo 110 ), distometer (model no:pro-l40), soil testing kit (model no:optica ao), weather station (model no: barigo ei112), projector screen (model no: 6feet x, 4feet (suvira) ), hand lapel wireless microphone (model no:, xr40hh), potentiometer, carey foster bridge, thevenin norton kit, lcr kit, magnetometer, analog voltmeter, analog microammeter, analog microammeter, electronic balance,stefan’s law kit, optical lever, thermocouple, thermocouple, thermocouple, platinum resistance thermometer, lee’s method, jolly’s apparatus, digital ph meter with electrode (model no., systronics type : 335 ), ecg machine (12 channel) (model no. bpl:, lpm-1212i ), spirometer (portable) (model no., schiller), kymograph (model no. inco), compound microscope with led lamp (model, no. amscope m150c-i 40x-1000x), ph meter, variable volume pipette, variable volume pipette, variable volume pipette, variable volume pipette, cyclo mixer,