Auction Sale of Scrapped Steel Wire Cut Pieces,Scrapped Steel Wire Cut Pieces(Earth Wire Stay Wire/Coumer Poise), Old/used/dismantled-3MT ,Scrapped IRON/Steel(MS ROD/ B & N etc.),Scrapped MS structure ( Angle/Channels etc.)-6 M,Scrapped 132 KV Del Breaker mechanism Box(Old/used/ dismantled),Scrapped 132 KV Lightening Arrestor,Scrapped Hardware Fittings,Scrapped Aluminium Pipe Cut Pieces, JEEP,Tools, nut & Bolt, Hardware,Miscellaneous Electrical items,Miscellaneous Electrical items,Tyres Assorted size,Empty Transformer Oil Drum,Empty gas cylinder,Earth wire,LARK Conductor,Trailor water Tank,Oil Testing Set 50 KV 110/120 V,Drying Oven for Oil Filtration,Cut Pcs. of M.S. & G.I. Pipes of different sizes,3 Phase welding machine,Old, used & unserviceable Muff box, Chimney, Pyramid,M.S. Fabricated muff Box for SAE make 132 KV A type Tower-1 Set ,Gas Cylinder,Panel without accessories,MOX Box etc,Derrick Pipe,M.S. ERW pipe,ACSR Panther Conductor,Cut Pcs. Al. tubes different sizes,Oil Filter Machine 120 Gallons,Megger insulation Tester,Dohad electric drilling machine, drilling machine, etc.,Screw type compressor without dies,Sagging / Mobile winch for 220 KV Line,Tirfor Pulling & Lifting Machine,Hydraulic compressor Jointing Machine, Electric Pump kirloskar 6.5 KE - 1