
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Pure Elemental Gases, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Equipment, Shirdi-Maharashtra

Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Pure Elemental Gases, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-02-2019. Chemical Supply Tenders in Shirdi Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Pure Elemental Gases, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Equipments, Laboratory Equipment
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Laboratory Material For Special Repair Saibaba Senior College, Special Repair Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi, -11.31 Ferric chloride anhydrous extrapure - 500 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.32 Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate extrapure - 500 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.33 Folin & Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent -125 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.34 Formaldehyde solution 37-41% extrapure - 500 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.35 Giemsa’s stain - 25 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.36 Glycerine extrapure - 500 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.37 Hydrochloric acid extrapure - 500 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.38 Hydrogen peroxide 6% w/v extrapure - 1 lit., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.39 Indole-3-acetic acid 99% for biochemistry (Plant Growth Hormone) - 5 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.4 Iodine (resublimed) extrapure - 100 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.41 Light green for microscopy (C.I. 42040) - 25 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.42 Litmus paper blue - 10 bkt., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.43 Litmus paper red - 10 bkt., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.44 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate extrapure -500 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.45 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate extrapure - 500 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.46 Manganous chloride extrapure - 500 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.47 Manganese sulphate monohydrate extrapure - 500 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.48 Mercuric chloride extrapure - 100 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.49 Methanol anhydrous AR Dry Solvent - 500 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.5 Methyl cellusolve (2-Methoxyethanol) extrapure - 500 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.51 Methyl orange (pH indicator) solution - 125 ml., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.52 1-Napthalacetic acid (NAA) -25 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.53 Neutral red (pH indicator) C.I. 50040 AR - 10 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent 11.54 Ninhydrine AR/ACS - 10 gm., Make - Finar / Equivalent

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INR 60000.0 /-
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