
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Pure Elemental Gases, Alkali Metals, Electrical Industry, Battery and Cell, Dry Cell Batteries, Transfomers, Transformer Supply, Mineral Textile Rubber and Lather, Base Metals, Bismuth, Tita-Karnataka

Department Of Collegiate Education has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Pure Elemental Gases, Alkali Metals, Electrical Industry, Battery and Cell, Dry Cell Batteries, Transfomers, Transformer Supply, Mineral Textile Rubber and Lather, Base Metals, Bismuth, Tita. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-02-2019. Chemical Supply Tenders in Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Gases, Pure Elemental Gases, Alkali Metals, Electrical Industry, Battery and Cell, Dry Cell Batteries, Transfomers, Transformer Supply, Mineral Textile Rubber and Lather, Base Metals, Bismuth, Tita
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Consumables And Equipments To Gas College Karwar :- 75 4-Chloro benzaldehyde, 100g, AR 76 Filter paper sheets 77 Histological parafin slides - Liver 78 copper Sulphate AR 79 Vernier Callipers 80 Ferrous Ammonium sulphate, AR 81 Dissection Microscope 82 Ammonium Carbonate AR 83 Selwinoffs reagent 84 2-Mercapto benzothiozole,100g, AR 85 Sodium hypochlorite, 500ml,AR 86 Tris 87 Ammonium chloride 88 Histological parafin slides - Adrenal Gland 89 Chlorobenzene LR 90 Anhydrous Aluminium Chloride 91 Histological parafin slides - Testis 92 Fume Hood, Table Top 93 Acetocarmine 94 Bromobenzene LR 95 Histological parafin slides - Kidney 96 Potassium titanium oxalate, 500g, AR 97 Ninhydrin 98 Bismuth nitrate,500g, AR. 99 Fussion tubes 100 Ceric ammonium sulphate 101 Sodium potassium tartarate, 500g, AR 102 Magnecium Hdroxide AR 103 Separating funnel holder with Bosch Head 104 Centrifuge tubes, 105 Borax carmine 106 Ethyl Alcohol 107 Ammonium Chloride AR 108 Binocular Microscope 109 Lactose 110 Zinc acetate, 500g, AR 111 Burette, 50ml 112 Whatman filter paper, No 41 113 Volumetric Flask, A grade borosil 114 Bromophenol Blue115 Four probe set upfor measuring the resistivity of thin films 116 Sodium nitrate 117 Bis Acrylamide 118 High voltage transformer discharge tube for hydrogen 119 IC regulated Battery eliminator 120 Benzoyl chloride, 500ml, AR 121 Manganous acetate, 500g, AR 122 pointer Eye pices for light microscope 123 Molish reagent 124 Xylene 125 Lancets 126 Double Extra Dense Flint Prism 127 Xylene Cyanole 128 WBC diluting fluid 129 Histological parafin slides - Stomach 130 Magnetic stirrer with hot plate, 1 Ltr 131 Degital Potentiometer 132 Ammonium hydroxide 133 Ferrous sulphate AR 134 pointer Eye pices for light microscope 135 Ammonium sulphate 136 Acetyl Chloride LR 137 Agarose

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Document Fees
INR 550 /-
INR 17750.0 /-
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