Supply Of Lab. Reagents / Materials Under Rntcp- Basic Fuschin, Carbolic Acid (Penol), Methylated Sprit, Methylated Sprt Sulphuric Acid Concentrate, Methylene Blue, Immersion Oil, Immersion Oil, Glass Side, Filter Paper, Tissue Paper, Phenyl, Lenses Clearance Tissue, Glass Rod, Permanet Marker, Foot Operated Bin With Lid, Measuring Cylinder, Measuring Cylinder, Dropping Bottle, Slide Box, Slide Box, Slide Rack, Spirit Lamp, Cotton, Hand Gloves, Lint Cloths, Glass Funnel, Falcon Tube , Weeing Machine, Distil Water, Microscope Bulb, Hand Wash, Auramine 0 Powder, Potassium, Permanganate Powder (Kmno4), Ethanol (99%), Hcl , Oxalic Acid, Measuring Cylinder, Fiat Bottom Flask, Screw Capped Amber, Coloured Bottle , Screw Capped Reigent, Storage Bottle, Dropping Bottle, Brown Paper For Covering Of Auramine O , Potassium, Permanganate Powder (Kmno4), Ethanol (99%) Hcl (Concentratedi Oxalic Acid, Measurng Cylinder, Flat Bottom Flask, Screw Capped Mber Coloured Bottle , Screw Capped Reagent, Storage Bottle, Dropping Bottle, Brown Paper For Covering Of Auramine 0, Reagent - , G.I Tray , Thermo Cool Box, Cool Gel Pack, Digital, Weighing Machine, Zip Pouch, Blood Agar Base, Macconkey Broth Single Strength Nutrient Agar, Carry-Blair Meduim, Cled Agar, Mannitol Salt Agar,- Urea Agar Base, Urea Powder,