
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Fuels, Natural Fuels, Gases, Alkali Metals, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Equipments, PCR and RT PCR Products, Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Vaccines, Mineral Textil, MGM Medical COllege Jamshedpur-Jharkhand

MGM Medical College has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Fuels, Natural Fuels, Gases, Alkali Metals, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Equipments, PCR and RT PCR Products, Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Vaccines, Mineral Textil. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-01-2019. Chemical Supply Tenders in MGM Medical COllege Jamshedpur Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Fuels, Natural Fuels, Gases, Alkali Metals, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Equipments, PCR and RT PCR Products, Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Vaccines, Mineral Textil
Open Tender
Mgm Medical College Jamshedpur

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemical Consumable And Kit-95 AMV Reverse Transcriptase 96 QIAamp DNA Blood/Serum Mini Kit 97 Isopropyl Alcohol 98 Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase 99 QIA quick PCR Purification Kit 100 RNasin Ribonuclease Inhibitor 101 Deoxynucleotide Triphosphates 102 TRIzol LS Reagent 103 Water, nuclease-free 104 DNAZap ™ PCR DNA Degradation Solutions 105 RNase I 106 Ehtidium Bromide Solution 107 Magnesium Chloride Solution 108 Tris HCl 109 Bleach 110 Glycerol 111 Ethanol 112 Ethanol 113 QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit 114 QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit 115 Mini Column 116 Hypophosphorous Acid ( 50% ) 117 Sodium Nitrite ( powdered form) 500gm 118 Sodium dodecyl sulphate 119 RNAase and DNAse (nuclease )free water 120 Distill Water 121 100 X TBE Buffer (Tris Base,Boric acid : EDTA pH 8.0) 122 10X PCRBuffer 123 PCR Master Mix 124 Random Hexmer 100pm 125 Chloroform ( Molecular grade) 126 Isopropanol ( Molecular grade) 127 DyeEx 2.0 Spin Kit 128 Hi-Di™ Formamide 129 EDTA solution/powder (molecular grade) 130 Sodium acetate solution.powder (molecular grade) 131 H1N1 detection real time PCR Kit as per Specification 132 Hepatitis A 133 Hepatitis E 134 Hepatitis B 135 West Nile 136 Dengue 137 Measles 138 Mumps 139 Rubella 140 Parvo B-19 141 Vericella Zoster 142 Cytomegalo 143 Rota 144 Adeno 145 Astro 146 Noro 147 Hepatitis C 148 Epstein-Barr 149 HSV (I ) 150 HSV ( II) 151 HSV I & II 152 Hepatitis Delta Mithyel Alcohol 153 154 Ethyel Alccohal 155 Fomaline 10% 156 Glycerin 157 Thyrmol Crystol 158 Syrup Simplex 159 Peppermint oil 160 White Vaseline 161 Yellow Vaseline 162 Tincture cardamom compound 163 Sulphur Sublimate 164 Glycerine 165 Castor oil ( Olium Recini ) 166 Sodium Salicylate 167 Spirit chlorophorm 168 Potassium citrate 169 Extract of glycyrrhiza liquorice 170 liquor stychinine hydrochloride 171 Potassium Iodide 172 Ammonium Carbonate 173 Sodium Bicarbonate 174 Ferrous Sulphate

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INR 50000.0 /-
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