
Machinery and Tools, Containers and Storages, Bags Supply, Material Handling Machinery, Industrial Trucks, Fabrication and Casting, Casting Work, Manufacturing Machinery, Industrial Process Machinery and Equipments, Tools and General Machinery, Dispensing, HAPP,TRICHY-Tamil Nadu

Ordance Factory Board has published Machinery and Tools, Containers and Storages, Bags Supply, Material Handling Machinery, Industrial Trucks, Fabrication and Casting, Casting Work, Manufacturing Machinery, Industrial Process Machinery and Equipments, Tools and General Machinery, Dispensing. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-01-2019. Bags Supply Tenders in HAPP,TRICHY Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Containers and Storages, Bags Supply, Material Handling Machinery, Industrial Trucks, Fabrication and Casting, Casting Work, Manufacturing Machinery, Industrial Process Machinery and Equipments, Tools and General Machinery, Dispensing
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Service Contract For Maintenance , House Keeping And Messing For Ib. / Supply Of 117. Fire Extinguishers (wall type) 119. French polish 121. Fuse Cut outs 123. Garments (excluding supply from Indian 125. Ordnance Factories) Gauze cloth 127. Ghamellas (Tasllas) 129. Glass and Pressed Wares 131. Grease Nipples and Grease guns 133. Gun Metal Bushes 135. Hand drawn carts of all types 137. Hand Lamps Railways 139. Hand pounded Rice (polished and unpolished) 141. Hand Pump 143. Handles wooden and bamboo (Procurement can also be made from State Forest Corpn and State Handicrafts Corpn) 145. Hasps and Staples 147. Helmet Non-Metallic 149. Hinges 151. Holdall 153. Horse and Mule Shoes 155. Insecticides Dust and Sprayers (Manuals only) 157. Inverter domestic type upto 5 KVA 159. Key board wooden 161. Kodali 163. Lamp holders 165. Lanterns Posts and bodies 167. Latex foam sponge 169. Letter Boxes 171. Link Clip 173. Lint Plain 175. Lubricators 177. Machine screws 179. Mallet Wooden 181. Measuring Tapes and Stick 183. Metal Polish 185. Metric weights 187. Miniature bulbs (for torches only) 189. Nail Cutters 191. Newar 193. Nylon Stocking 195. Oil Bound Distemper 197. Pad locks of all types 199. Palma Rosa Oil 201. Pans Lavatory Flush 203. Paper Tapes (Gunmed) 205. Pickles and Chutney 207. Pillows 209. Plastic Blow Moulded Containers upto 20 litre excluding Poly Ethylene Terphthalate (PET) containers 211. Playing Cards 213. Polythene bags 215. Post Picket (Wooden) 217. Potassium Nitrate 219. Pressure Die Casting upto 0.75 Kg 221. Pulley Wire 223. PVC pipes upto 100 mm 225. Quilts, Razais 227. Railway Carriage light fittings 229. Razors 231. RCC Poles Prestressed 233. Rolling Shutters 235. Rubber Balloons 237. Rubber Hoses (Unbranded) 239. Rubberised Garments Cap and Caps etc 241. Safe meat and milk 243. Safety Pins (and other similar products like paper pins, staples pins etc.)

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 133400.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 26.66 Lakhs /-
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