
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Vaccines, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Test Tubes, Laboratory Stand and Rack, KHUNTI-Jharkhand

Department Of Health has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Vaccines, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Test Tubes, Laboratory Stand and Rack. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-01-2019. Medicine Tenders in KHUNTI Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Antibiotics, Vaccines, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies, Laboratory Supplies, Test Tubes, Laboratory Stand and Rack
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender for rate contract for medicine, emergency life saving drugs, laboratory reagents, other consumables and disposable items, rate contract for medicine, emergency life saving drugs, lab. reagents, other consumables and disposable items :- 464 Skeltal Traction Kit 465 Slide (100 Pc) 466 Small Microtips (1000 Pc) 467 Sodium Bicarbonate 468 Sodium Chloride IV Inj-Sodium Chloride I.P 0.9% W 1 v 500 ml Folic Bottle 469 Sodium Citrate 3.8% (500 ml) 470 Sodium Hypochloride 471 Sodium Metabisulfate 500 gm 472 Spinal Needle 473 Spinal Needle 474 Spinal Needle 475 Spinal Needle 476 Spirit 400ml 477 Stanhn steel wire no 22,24,20,18 478 Sterile Water for Inj. I.P 5 ml 479 Succsion Tube 480 Surgical Paper Tape 481 Surgical Paper Tape 482 Surgical Paper Tape 483 Surgical Paper Tape 484 Surgical Paper Tape 485 Surgical Spirit 500 ml 486 Syringe Disposable- 1cc 487 Syringe Disposable- 2cc 488 Syringe Disposable- 3cc 489 Syringe Disposable- 5cc 490 Syringe Disposable-10cc 491 Syrp. Azithromycin 15 ml/200mg 492 Syrp. Azithromycin 200 mg/15ml 493 T3 T4 TSH (1x3x96 Test) 494 Tab. Azithromycin 100mg 495 Tab. Glimepride 5 mg 496 Tab. Pentoprazole 497 Tab. Telmisartan 10 mg 498 Teicoplanin 499 Teicoplanin 500 Test Tube 12x75 mm 501 Test Tube 3/4 Inch (100 pcs) 502 Test Tube Rack 503 Testube Brush 504 Testube Brush 505 Tetanus Toxoid 506 Thiopentene 500 mg 507 Tips (100-1000ul) 508 Tissue Paper 509 Total Protien 510 Traction Kit- both for Adult and Child 511 Tri Sodium Citrate 3.8% (500 ml) 512 Triglyecide DESGPOPAP 25 ml 513 Triglyeerides Kit 2x150 ml 514 Triple Dye Lotion 515 Umbilical Cathether (100 Pc) 516 Urea Bun-Urease GLDH (20x5) 517 Urea DAM- Mannual Kit (125 ml) 518 Urea Kit 300 ml 519 Uric Acid Kit (20x2 ml) 520 Uric Acid Kit (5x20 ml) 521 Urine pot

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INR 100000.0 /-
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