
Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Vaccines, Antibiotics, Scientific Instrument, Weight Measuring Instruments, Weight Measuring Instrument-Odisha

Medical And Public Health Department has published Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Vaccines, Antibiotics, Scientific Instrument, Weight Measuring Instruments, Weight Measuring Instrument. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-12-2018. Chemical Supply Tenders in Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, Vaccines, Antibiotics, Scientific Instrument, Weight Measuring Instruments, Weight Measuring Instrument
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Drugs & Consumables On Rate Contract Basis For A Period Of One Year - Injection / Tablet / Syrup - 535 Tab. Amoxyclav 536 Tab. Ehambutal 537 Tab. Pyrazinamide 538 Cap. Rifamycin 539 Tab. Etambutal 540 Cap. Clofazimine 541 Tab. Isoniazide 542 Cap. Rifamycin 543 Tab. Isoniazide 544 Tab. Pyredoxine 545 Tab. Pyredoxine 546 Inj. Bupivacine Heavy 547 Inj. Diclofenac Sodium 548 Inj. Cefipime 549 Syp. Cotrimexazole 550 Inj. Morepenum 551 Tab. Acyclovir 552 Inj. Kenandione(Vit K0 553 Inj. Dopamine Hcl 554 Cream Clindamycin 555 Clobetasol Dipropinate Ointment 556 Gemma Benzene Hexa Chloride 557 Rectified Spirit 558 Tab. Teniligliptin 559 Anti Rabies Vaccine 560 Inj. Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin 561 Xylometazoline Nasal Drop 562 Inj. Carboprost Tromethamine 563 Multivitamin Drop 564 Black Disinfentant Fluid 565 Borax Glycerine 566 Tab. Halazone 567 Inj. Citicholine 568 Syp. Ambroxyl+Levosalbutamol+Guaphenesin 569 Inj. Ringers Lactate 570 Inj. Normal Saline 571 Inj. Normal Saline 572 Inj. 5% Dextrose 573 Inj. 10% Dextrose 574 Inj. Dns 5%+9% 575 Paediatric Maintainance Fluid 576 Inj. Nalbuphine 577 Inj. Esmolol 578 Inj. Sucinyl Chloride 579 Inj. Vecurinium 580 Inj. Atracurium 581 Inj. Dexmedetomide 582 Inj. Palanosteron 583 Inj. Hydroxymethyl Starsch 584 Halothene 585 Isoflurone 586 Inj. Intralipid 205 Infusion 587 Stadiometer 588 Digital Baby Weighing Scale 589 Snellens Chart 590 Mauc Tape 591 Head Circumference Tape 592 Height Weight Chart 593 Ot( Orthotoludine Kit) 594 H2s Kit 595 Wide Mouth Bottle 596 Wide Mouth Bottle 597 Pro Coagulation Tube 598 Tornicate 599 Stethoscope 600 Spectacles For School Children 601 Spectacles For Near Work To Old Person 602 Tab. Mefenamic Acid 603 Bleaching Powder 30% 604 Bleaching Powder 305 605 Suiture Needle Curve Cutting 606 Suiture Needle Styraight Cutting 607 Feeding Tub

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INR 50000.0 /-
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