
Mineral Textile Rubber and Lather, Base Metals, Alloy Supply, Lead Supply, Rubber and Elastomers, Rubber Product, Forestry Products, Wood Supply, Fibers Threads and Yarns, Yarns, IT and Telecommunications, Software, GPS Software, Machinery and Tools, Bear, GE 868 EWS-Meghalaya

Military Engineer Services has published Mineral Textile Rubber and Lather, Base Metals, Alloy Supply, Lead Supply, Rubber and Elastomers, Rubber Product, Forestry Products, Wood Supply, Fibers Threads and Yarns, Yarns, IT and Telecommunications, Software, GPS Software, Machinery and Tools, Bear. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-12-2018. Alloy Supply Tenders in GE 868 EWS Meghalaya. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Mineral Textile Rubber and Lather, Base Metals, Alloy Supply, Lead Supply, Rubber and Elastomers, Rubber Product, Forestry Products, Wood Supply, Fibers Threads and Yarns, Yarns, IT and Telecommunications, Software, GPS Software, Machinery and Tools, Bear
Open Tender
Ge 868 Ews

Tender Details

Quotation For Local Purchase Of Store- 1 Ht Barrel Fuse 5Amp ( 10 Nos Pkt ) ______- Make Rmco Or In Equivelent 2 Fuse Wire Copper Fined 200 Amp As Per Sample 3 Lugs Copper Ally 150 Sqmm _______ Make:-Dowells_Or_In-Equivelent 4 Cable Flexible Copper Conductor 141.0076 ..__.. Make:Havellsjr R Cablelpolycab 5 Globe Led For Post Lamp As Per Sample, Best Qualit 6 Mcbdb12waydid _______ Make: Havells! Indoasi An! Anchor 7 Under Water Luminaire Led Fitting _______ As Per Sample 8 Capacitor 42 Mfd ____-___ Make: Havellsl Bajai I Universal 9 Heating Element 1500 Watt Round Type ______- Isi Marked 10 Ampire Tape 15 Mtr Length, Isi Marked As Per Sample, _______ Best Quality11 Pvc Cassing Capping 20 Mm Make: Prestrotek / Ri Cha / Anchor 12 Pvc Switch Bord 4”X 4’ Make: Presto Teaklanchor / Richalhavells 4 13 Thread Bulb 15 Watt ( Small ) Make Bajaj / Havells / Surya Roshni / Philips 14 Thread Bulb 15 Watt ( Big ) Make:Bajaihavells / Surya Roshni / Phi Lips 15 Vc Casing Capping 25 Mmx12mm Make:Bajajlhavells / Surya Roshni / Philips 16 — 17 Lugs Coper Alloy 35 Sqmm Make: Dowells Or In Equivelent Timer Switch For Refrigerator, Isi Marked As Per Sarm 18 Greenlampl5watt Make: Havells / Bajaj / Wiprofcrompton 19 Recdlamp15watt Make: Havellsjbaajiwi Pro / Crompton 20 Bleaching Powder, Isi Marked 21 Crystal Alum Isi Marked 22 Fully Automatic Star-Deta Starter For 50 Hp Motor Overload Realy Range 37-50 Amps Make: Havells / Gel C&S23 Jute Yarn ( Patten Greige ) Best Quality 24 Cotton Waste Best Quality 25 Bearing Nu 6309 ( Roller ) _____ Make: Nbc Iskf 26 Rubber Gasket 3Mm Thick ______ As Per Sample 27 Grease ______ Make: Pintex Or In Equivelent 28 Gi Socket 25 Mm, Si Marked 29 Tank Nipple 25 Mm Si Marked 30 Gland Packing 14 Mm As Per Sample 31 Tank Nipple 20 Mm Isi Marked 32 Gi Reducer Tee 20X20x25mm ___-__ Isi Marked 33 Spunyan Best Quality 34 Lead Wool As Per Sample 35 Tnak Nipple 15 Mm Isi Marked 36 Hexa Blade Double Edge, As Per Sample

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 1.70 Lakhs /-
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