Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Shop fabrication, Assembly, Testing and Inspection at suppliers work, Packing, Dispatch, Shipping, Inland transportation to site, Insurance, Delivery at site, Receipt, Unloading, Handling, Storage and in-plant transportation at site, Installation, Pretesting and Handing over to the OWNER two generating unit having a rated output of 250 MW + 20% complete with CFBC Steam Generator, Steam Turbine with Generator and Auxiliary equipments such as HP-LP bypass system, Condensing plant, Condenser on-load tube cleaning system, Air evacuation system, Regenerative feed system including HP/LP heaters, Deaerator, Condensate extraction pumps, Boiler feed pumps, Chemical dosing system, Turbine hall EOT crane, Power Cycle piping, Low pressure piping, Fuel oil transfer system, Lignite Handling system, Limestone Handling, Limestone Milling and Conveying System, Electrostatic precipitators, Compressed air system, Air conditioning and Ventilation system, Fire protection and detection system, Condenser cooling water system, Auxiliary cooling water system for plant and equipment, Water Treatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant, Cooling Tower, Ash removal and disposal system (dry), Elevators, Electrical equipment, Diesel Generator set, 400 kV switchyard, Control & Instrumentation, Chimney, Civil, Structural & Architectural works