
Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Clamps, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Rolling Hardware, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Material Handling Machinery, Lifting Equipment, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Sup-Gujarat

Directorate Of Employment And Training has published Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Clamps, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Rolling Hardware, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Material Handling Machinery, Lifting Equipment, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Sup. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-11-2018. Bearings Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Machinery and Tools, Bearings Bushings And Gears, Bearings, Hardware and Fasteners, Clamps, Miscellaneous Fasteners, Rolling Hardware, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Material Handling Machinery, Lifting Equipment, Adhesives and Sealants, Tape Sup
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply of Tools And Equipments-3:-117 Three phase K.W.H meter analog25A,415 V A.C 118 600001935 Three phase K.W.H meter digital 25A,415 V A. C 119 TIMING LIGHTER 120 904004504 Tin smiths bench folder 600 x 1.6mm 121 903000536 Tip Cleaner 122 902002415 Tong roving 350mm 123 601005265 Tong Tester / Clamp Meter 0 - 100 A (Digital Type) 124 0303001522 Tongs flat 350mm. 125 0303002461 Tool bit holder as arm strong L.H 126 0902008046 Tool bit HSS 10 mm square | lathe tools 10*100 | Lathe tools bit 10 mm x 85mm. | Lathe tools bit 9x85mm | Tool bits H.S.S. 10 mm square 127 0903002868 Tool Maker’s button 128 Tools maker vice 50mm (clamp) 129 Tools makers vice 100mm (clamp) 130 900002437 Torque wrench (Standard/Ratchet type) 14 to 68 Nm 131 0103004945 Torque wrenches 5-35 Nm, 12- 68 Nm & 50-225 Nm 132 0906001978 Tower ladder on type wheels Min 10ft-Max 30ft 133 1105010054 Trailor s card scale trianguler 134 0600002017 Transformer single phase 1 K.V.A. 250/100 v 135 0103005491 Tread wear indicator 136 903000581 Trolley for cylinder (H.P. Unit) 137 TROWEL 150MM 138 0601002011 Try Square 200 mm 139 902004250 Try square 6” 140 906002666 Try Square, Engineers 100 mm blade | Try Square 10 cm Blade | Try square hardended balde 100 mm | Try square with hardened blade 10 cm. 141 0103005446 Tubed Tyre of car, Trucks & Motorcycle 142 0103005442 Tubeless tyre of cars & trucks 143 702000786 Tubular box spanner Set - 6 - 32 mm 144 0100004879 Turbocharger cut sectional view 145 600000408 Tweezers 150mm 146 0905003734 Twist Drill straight shank 1 to 12 mm by 1 mm 147 0903003735 Twist Drill taper shank 10-12 mm by 0.5 mm 148 88A Twisted pair CABLE 1 meter 149 Two point starter for DC series motor 150 TYRE PRESSURE GAUGE WITH HOLDING NIPPLE 151 88C Under ground feeder Cable 1 meter 152 600007005 Under Voltage Relay 360 to 440 Volt 153 UNIVERSAL PULLER FOR REMOVING PULLEYS, BEARINGS

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2500 /-
INR 35100.0 /-
Tender Value
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