
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, KOLKATA-West Bengal

Animal Resources Development Department has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine. Submission Date for this Tender is 02-11-2018. Medicine Tenders in KOLKATA West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Supply Of Drugs And Medicines:-2.14 Inj. Containing Quinapyramine Sulphate 1.5gm&Quinapyramine Chloride 1gm with water 2.15 Flumethrin 6%W/V 2.16 Tab. Albendazole-150mg 2.17 Inj. DiaminazeneAceturate- 70 mg/ml&Phenazone 375mg/ml. 2.18 Inj. DiaminazeneAceturate- 70 mg/ml&Phenazone 375mg/ml. 2.19 Powder PiperazineAdipate44.4 % w/w 2.2 Liquid PiperaineHexahydrate 225gm/30ml 2.21 Bol. Levamisole-0.5 g + Oxyclozanide- 1gm. 2.22 Rafoxanide Powder 20% W/W 3.01 Injection Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). 3.02 Injection Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin-1000IU + 5ml Solvent. 3.03 Injection Synthetic Analogue to GnRH (0.0042 mg/ml, equivalent to 0.004 mg. Buserelin). 3.04 Injection Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG). I.P. 3.05 Injection Hydroxi Progesterone Caproate. 250 mg./ml. I.P. 4.01 Injection Calcium Gluconate1.86%w/v, proportionate of Boric acid to Calcium 2.26 to 1, Chlorocresol 0.1%w/v & Water QS. 4.02 Injection Calcium Gluconate (equivalent to 1.86%w/vCalcium), proportionate of Boric acid to Calcium 2.26 to 1, Magnesium Hypophosphite I.P5%w/v with Dextrose Anhydrous I.P 20% w/v, Chlorocresol 0.1%w/v,WaterQ.S. 4.03 Injection Ringer Lactate with Dextrose 20%. 4.04 Injection Normal Saline.0.9% w/v. 4.05 Injection Sodium Chloride with Dextrose (Sodium Chloride 0.9% w/v and Dextrose 5% w/v). 4.06 Injection Dextrose 20% 4.07 Injection Dextrose 5% 4.08 Injection 2% Sodium Bi-Carbonate. 4.09 Inj. Ringer’s Lactate 4.1 Each 100 Gms contains Sodium Chloride-1 gm, Calcium Lactate-1.1 gm, Calcium Gluconate-1.1 gm, Magnesium Sulphate-0.9 gm, Potassium Chloride-3 gm, Sodium Bicarbonate-1 gm, Sodium Citrate-2.5 gm, Ascorbic acid-1 gm, Dextrose-78.2 gm. 5.01 Injection Triamcinolone 6 mg. per ml. 5.02 Injection Lignocaine Hydrochloride. 2% 5.03 Injection Chlorpheniramine Maleate 10 mg. per ml. I.P. 5.04 Injection Atropine sulphate 0.5 mg per ml. 5.05 Injection Prednisolone Acetate 10 mg per ml.

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INR 200000.0 /-
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