
Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine, ASR-Punjab

Indian Army has published Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-10-2018. Medicine Tenders in ASR Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Drugs and Pharmaceutical, Drugs and Medicine, Medicine
Open Tender

Tender Details

Purchase Of Medicines :- 1.01 Metoprolol 25 Mg Tab 1.02 Metronidazole 400 Mg Tab 1.03 Mifepristone 10Mg Tab 1.04 Minocycline 100Mg Tab 1.05 Minoxidine 0.3 Tab 1.06 Mirtazepine 7.5Mg Tab 1.07 Modafenil 100Mg Tab 1.08 Montelucast + Fexofenadine Tab 1.09 Montelukast 10Mg Tab 1.1 Montelukast 10 Mg+ Levocetrizine 5 Mg Tab 1.11 Mouth Ucler Gel 1.12 Multivitamin Cap 1.13 Multivitamin Syp 1.14 Mycophenolate 360Mg Tab 1.15 Mycophenolate Mofetil 500 Mg Tab 1.16 N-Acetylcysteine + Taurine Tab 1.17 Nandrolone Deconate 50 Mg Inj 1.18 Nandrolone Deconate 25Mg Per Ml Inj 1.19 Naproxen 250 Mg Tab 1.2 Naproxen + Domperidone Tab 1.21 Nasal Drops Azelastine 1.22 Nasal Drop Xylometazoline 1.23 Nebivolol 5 Mg Tab 1.24 Neostigamine Tab 1.25 Nepafenac 0.1% Bott Of 5 Ml Eye Drop 1.26 Vit B1, B6, & B12 Inj 1.27 Nevirapine 200Mg Tab 1.28 Nicorondil 5 Mg Tab 1.29 Nitrocontin 2.6 Mg Tab 1.3 Nitrocontin 6.4 Mg Tab 1.31 Nitrofuradentin 100 Mg Tab 1.32 Norethistenone 5Mg Tab 1.33 Norflox 400 Mg + Tinidazole 500 Mg Tab 1.34 Norfloxacin 400 Mg Tab 1.35 Nortriptyline 25Mg Tab 1.36 Ofloxacin +Ornidazole Tab 1.37 Ofloxacin 200 Mg Tab 1.38 Ofloxacin 400 Mg Tab 1.39 Olanzapine 5 Mg Tab 1.4 Olanzepine 10Mg Tab 1.41 Olmesartan+Amlodipine Tab 1.42 Olmesartsan Tab 1.43 Omega 3 Fatty Acid Cap 1.44 Omeprazole 20 Mg Cap 1.45 Ondansetron Inj 1.46 Ondenstron 8 Mg Tab 1.47 Ors Powder 1.48 Orosore Gel 1.49 Oxcarbazepine 150 Mg Tab 1.5 Oxethazoine 10Mg+ Aluminium Hydroxide 291Mg+Magnesium Hydroxide 98Mg ( Mucaine Gel ) Bott 200Ml Syp 1.51 Oxybutanin 2.5 Mg Tab 1.52 Oxycarbamazepine Syp 1.53 Oxycarbamezapine 300Mg Tab 1.54 Pantaprazole 40 Mg Cap 1.55 Pantoprazole Inj 1.56 Pantoprazole+-Domperidome Tab 1.57 Pantoprazole+Itopride Cap 1.58 Paracetamol 325 Mg And Ibuprofen 400 Mg Tab 1.59 Paracetamol 500 Mg Tab 1.6 Paracetamol Syp 1.61 Paroxetine 0.5Mg Tab

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Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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