
Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Conductor, Machinery and Tools, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Soldering and Welding Machinery, Building Machinery, Heavy Equipment Component, Hardware and Fasteners, Screws, Tools and General Machinery, -Haryana

Government Industrial Training Institute has published Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Conductor, Machinery and Tools, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Soldering and Welding Machinery, Building Machinery, Heavy Equipment Component, Hardware and Fasteners, Screws, Tools and General Machinery, . Submission Date for this Tender is 16-10-2018. Conductor Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Electrical Industry, Electrical Product, Conductor, Machinery and Tools, Manufacturing Machinery, Machine Tools, Soldering and Welding Machinery, Building Machinery, Heavy Equipment Component, Hardware and Fasteners, Screws, Tools and General Machinery,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Tool, Machinery And Equipment Items At Govt. Iti Panchkula , Faridabad ( W ) , Jind ( W ) , Gurugram ( W ) , Karnal ( W ) .-227 Faridabad (w) DTH with accessories 228 Faridabad (w) SAT meter 229 Faridabad (w) Co- Axial cable cutter 230 Faridabad (w) Jacket stripper/Coring tool for 500 series cable 231 Faridabad (w) Centre Conductor Cleaner 232 Faridabad (w) Universal drop trimmer for RG 6/11 cables 233 Faridabad (w) F - connector tool for RG 6/11 cables 234 Faridabad (w) F – connector compression tool for RG 6/11 cables 235 Faridabad (w) Connecting screwdriver 100 mm 236 Faridabad (w) Neon tester 500 V. 237 Faridabad (w) Screw driver set (set of 5) 238 Faridabad (w) Insulated combination pliers 150 mm 239 Faridabad (w) Insulated side cutting pliers 150 mm 240 Faridabad (w) Long nose pliers 150 mm 241 Faridabad (w) Soldering iron 25 W. 240 V. 242 Faridabad (w) Electrician knife 243 Faridabad (w) Tweezers 100mm 244 Faridabad (w) Soldering Iron Changeable bits 10 W 245 Faridabad (w) De- soldering pump 246 Panchkula Air-conditioning, direct and indirect system. Complete with all controls including humidity control capacity 15000Kcal/hr 247 Panchkula C.R.O Dual trace/ Double beam 60 MHZ 248 Panchkula Duct able split A.C 1.5 ton 1.5 Ton with R134a or R-22 reciprocating compressor 249 Faridabad (w) Scale Plastic 24” 250 Faridabad (w) Scissors 25 cm 251 Faridabad (w) Pinking shears 252 Faridabad (w) Garment hangers 253 Faridabad (w) Screw Driver set 254 Faridabad (w) Table Sharpener 255 Faridabad (w) Pattern punch 256 Faridabad (w) Scale Plastic 24” 257 Faridabad (w) Measuring Tape 150 cm 258 Faridabad Seam Ripper 259 Faridabad (w) Thimble 260 Faridabad (w) Tailor’s Card scale Triangular 261 Faridabad (w) Tailor’s Square Plastic

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 80 Lakhs /-
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